Starting today 17th February, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) will implement new timetables that will allow a tram service to be offered every 15 minutes between Luceros and El Campello.
This new schedule, which directly affects Lines 1 and 3, is more in line with the current needs and demands of users, compared to the 30-minute frequency established to date.
This improvement is possible thanks to the incorporation of nine drivers and also thanks to the installation of the new Luceros railway escapement, which allows for an increase in the number of trains in circulation and in which FGV has invested nearly one million euros.
Other service improvements
Furthermore, with this modification, the service on Lines 4 and 1 is improved every day, so that the last train from Plaça La Corunya will arrive at Luceros and not at Talleres. Likewise, the last train leaving Benidorm for El Campello, which until now was empty, will be for passengers.
On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, Line 3 at the end of the service from El Campello to Luceros will have the same service as a weekday (two more trains than currently).
On Line 2 (Luceros-Sant Vicent), on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, the first departure from Luceros is 15 minutes earlier (6.24 instead of 6.38 with a frequency of 30 minutes until 7.24).
At the start of service on Line 5 (Puerta del Mar-Plaça de la Corunya), the first two trains run as passenger trams and the last two also run as passenger trains between Porta del Mar and El Campello.
For more information about the services, users can check the timetables, as well as at stations and stops, by calling the Customer Service information telephone number (900 72 04 72), as well as on the website , the official app and Navilens Go.
These are the consolidated booking data for this weekend:
Average weekend in the city:93%.
– 4* hotels at 93.6%
– 4*S hotels at 92.6%
– 3* hotels at 92.6%
Distribution by nationality.
Domestic market: 58%
British: 22.5%
Belgians 4.5%
Dutch 4.4%
Norwegians 1.3%
Others: 9.3%
Alicante Province
Average weekend in the province:89%
Market Spain: 57.3%
International: 42.7%
Valencia city
Average weekend in the city:77.4%
Market Spain: 46.4%
International: 53.6%
Valencia Province
Average weekend in the province:84.7%
Spain 50.6%
International: 49.4%
Castellon Province
Average weekend in the province: 89.8%
Spain 92.2%
International: 7.8%
The contract is for a three-year period, with the possibility of two annual extensions, which would increase the investment to 12,830,014.39 euros, including VAT, if executed.
The maintenance of overhead contact lines, electrical substations and low voltage installations is a basic necessity, both for the safety of railway traffic and for maintaining an adequate level of service during their useful life.
Thus, the good condition of the catenary installations is essential for the capture of electrical energy by the trains for their operation and is characterized by the critical impact that their operation has on the safety of people and the commercial service of trains, requiring a very high availability of most of its elements to guarantee their continuity, availability and reliability.
In addition, the maintenance of traction electrical substations, transformation centres, high voltage lines, low voltage electrical installations and lighting, and the associated remote control systems for energy and fixed installations is included.
The services to be provided and contemplated in the future contract are specified in preventive maintenance; corrective maintenance and extraordinary actions; modification or improvement actions; and complementary actions.
The President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has underlined "the Generalitat's determined commitment to the development of innovative technologies that generate opportunities", while also highlighting "the investment of 18 million euros in projects with artificial intelligence in 2024" to promote economic and social development.
He pointed this out at the inauguration of the 7th International Congress on Artificial Intelligence organized by El Independiente in Alicante, where he defended that public authorities "must be drivers" in the development of this technology.
In this sense, he referred to the Business Channel, the digital single window launched this week by the Valencian executive to simplify and streamline the procedures for starting or managing a business, and of which the president highlighted "the incorporation of a virtual assistant with artificial intelligence capable of resolving doubts in real time for any businessman or entrepreneur."
Likewise, he stated "the advances to make data governance a reality which, thanks to artificial intelligence, will offer citizens more facilities" when it comes to finding out about aid and benefits, avoiding duplication and enabling simpler and faster access to the information they need.
Mazón highlighted the incorporation of artificial intelligence to speed up the payment of aid from the Generalitat to those affected by the floods of October 29, facilitating "the payment of around 50,000 direct aid for the loss of a vehicle in just 18 days, the payment in 8 days of 100% of the aid to 13,300 self-employed people before Christmas, as well as 60% of basic needs aid."
The president also stated that 100 days after the floods, "the Valencian Community is at the forefront of capitalizing aid and the necessary reconstruction", in addition to referring to "the fight for the truth and the fight for the future".
In this sense, he noted that artificial intelligence "offers as many opportunities as uncertainties and dangers as lies", so he advocated "taking advantage of the former and dispelling and fighting against the latter".
Mazón has regretted the campaigns on social networks for partisan purposes, and has pointed out the need to rely on artificial intelligence to develop early warning tools in watersheds as a security element.
In his opinion, "governance, and even the mere existence of public authorities, will depend on the use of artificial intelligence and the decision-making support systems that derive from it."
The head of the Council has detailed other initiatives with artificial intelligence that the Generalitat has launched or collaborates with, such as the 'All for Health' project for the creation of a pan-European digital infrastructure that facilitates access to images on cancer and data linked to its processing to make them available to the research community.
In this sense, he highlighted the Generalitat's commitment to quality public healthcare with the incorporation of artificial intelligence. Thus, he emphasized the use of this technology to speed up the diagnosis of breast cancer and as a "key" tool in the new proton therapy center thanks to the equipment donated by the Amancio Ortega Foundation "which the previous executive rejected due to prejudice" and which is being built in the La Fe Hospital in Valencia to fight cancer and serve all patients in the Valencian Community.
Similarly, he referred to the 'Digital Innovation Hub Valencian Community' project to support the digitalization of SMEs and public administrations and the CITCOM.AI initiative for the creation of an urban artificial intelligence laboratory that contributes to solving mobility challenges, among other projects in fields such as aerospace, agriculture and other economic sectors.
Carlos Mazón has pointed out the support of the Generalitat for the creation and consolidation of digital technology hubs in the ports of Alicante, Castellón and Valencia.
In this sense, he has defended the promotion of public-private collaboration for the development of projects such as the initiative that contributes to the detection of unregulated tourist housing through the use of artificial intelligence, the improvement of science parks and technological institutes, the promotion of projects such as Digital Valley Comunitat Valenciana to install data centers in Picassent or the transfer of knowledge from universities to the private sector.
In this regard, he emphasized the importance of education to train future experts in artificial intelligence and stressed the commitment of our territory in this area in which "14 Secondary Education centers offer the specialty in artificial intelligence and big data , in addition to the wide range of universities, both public and private, with more than 2,500 places."
The Valencian Community, third innovative ecosystem in Spain
The president also highlighted the potential of our territory to play an important role in the development of artificial intelligence and assured that the Valencian Community is "the third most innovative and technological ecosystem in Spain by investment volume with more than 1,200 startups and more than 700 million euros invested in them in recent years."
In the face of cybercrime, he supported the need for democratic states to "have the necessary tools to defend themselves in the digital universe in the same way that they do in physical reality", in addition to highlighting "the need to delve deeper into the legal, ethical and moral limits that must be established so that advances serve to advance instead of regressing or tarnishing the truth".
Finally, he highlighted the province of Alicante as a lever for recovery and highlighted its capacity to lead artificial intelligence, which he considered "an engine" for the economic and social reconstruction of the Valencian Community.
The mayor of the city, Luis Barcala, and the president of the Alicante Provincial Council, Toni Pérez, among other authorities, also participated in the inauguration of the 7th International Congress of Artificial Intelligence.
This is a significant increase compared to the average increase in employment in the Community, which stood at an increase of 1.8% year-on-year.
According to the aforementioned publication, the number of people employed in tourism activities, which includes transport, accommodation, catering, operators and travel agencies, vehicle rental, culture and leisure, increased in absolute terms by 31,550 people in the Valencian Community during the last year.
By province, Valencia is the one with the highest number of employees in the tourism industry in 2024, with an average of 163,400 employees, 30.3% more than in 2023; it is followed by Alicante, with 107,100; and Castellón, with 31,400 workers.
The number of employees has also been positive in all sectors of tourism. In the hotel and catering industry, the increase was 13.6% with 174,000 employees in food and beverage services, which is 20,900 more employees than the average for 2023. In the accommodation service, the number of employees amounts to 32,200, 7.1% higher than in 2023, which in absolute terms represents 2,200 more employees and 4,200 more than in 2019.
For the regional minister for Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Marián Cano, “these are very good results, which confirm that the tourism sector is, in addition to being an important driver for the economy, also for employment” and she has ratified the “absolute commitment of the Consell” to the development and promotion of tourism.
Cano also wanted to emphasise that “this growth in tourist employment confirms that the Valencian Community is, once again, facing a record year”, and these are figures that support, in his opinion, that “the destination is moving towards a higher quality and more diversified tourism model, in line with the tourism policies promoted by the current Consell”.
The Valencian Community leads growth in the last quarter of 2024
Furthermore, according to a report published by Turespaña, in the fourth quarter of 2024 the Valencian Community led the increase in tourism employment with 21.5% more employees year-on-year, followed by Madrid with an increase of 17.9%.
Specifically, the data show that, in the fourth quarter of 2024, the Valencian Community registered a total of 309,540 workers employed in tourism, a figure that represents 21.5% more than in the same quarter of 2023.
The President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, highlighted "the record year for exports of agri-food products from the Valencian Community despite the difficulties and barriers that the sector continues to face in competing on equal terms with other markets."
The head of the Council visited, together with the Minister of Agriculture, Water, Livestock and Fisheries, Miguel Barrachina, the Valencian companies participating in the Valencian Community stand at Fruit Logistica 2025, the most important event in the fresh fruit and vegetable sector held in Berlin (Germany).
The president highlighted the 55 entities from the Valencian Community present in this event because they are "an example of the best we can do with our land and our products", while also reiterating "the quality, sustainability and balance of the European vegetable garden".
In fact, the export data of the agri-food industry of the Valencian Community reached 8,205.4 million euros in the cumulative period from 2024 to November and represents 24.3% of total sales outside our territory.
The highest representative of the Valencian executive pointed out "the pride and strength of the agri-food sector of our territory to continue improving" and stated that "if we competed under the same conditions as others we would be unbeatable".
Mazón has lamented the lack of "fairness and justice" of European institutions towards the agri-food industry of the Valencian Community, for which he has demanded "the same treatment as others".
He referred to the equal cold treatment for all citrus fruits, the introduction of mirror clauses and the principle of reciprocity in the use of phytosanitary products “so that Valencian agriculture can compete under the same conditions as other countries”. Mazón indicated that this lack of requirements that are not present with imported products “is creating a competition problem, in addition to costs”.
Along these lines, the head of the Council has also demanded that the Government of Spain "show more firmness and commitment to defend the interests of the primary sector because it has been silent for too long."
In addition, the president reminded the central executive of "the water that our land deserves, cries out for and needs, and that continues to be denied to us with its anti-transfer policy", calling it "an absolutely historical injustice that extraordinarily harms our farmers".
Fruit Logistics Berlin 2025
A total of 55 companies from the Valencian Community are participating in Fruit Logística, of which 27 co-exhibitors are present at the Valencian Community stand, including two regulatory councils for quality figures such as the DOP Kaki de la Ribera and IGP Cítrics Valencians, in addition to companies producing fruit, fresh vegetables, distribution companies, associations and cooperatives. Companies producing seeds, sprouts and sprouts or organic fertilizers, among others, are also participating.
HOSBEC 's BigData department launches the HOTEL MONITOR 2024 report , based on the hotel survey data published monthly by the National Institute of Statistics. With the publication of the December data, the Valencian Community closes 2024 with more than 31 million overnight stays and more than 9.7 million travelers staying in hotel establishments . Figures that increase the data from last year 2023 by 7% and 3.2% respectively.
Domestic tourism remains key, accounting for 55.4% of travellers . However, the international market has grown significantly this year, recording an increase of 9.1% . In addition, foreign visitors are staying longer, with an average stay of 3.6 days , which has boosted their overnight stays to 15.8 million , thus surpassing those of domestic tourists (+15.2 million).
Looking further into the range of international origins, the top 3 of travellers is occupied by the British market, followed by the French and Italian markets , with the former accounting for 29.3% of the total international market. As regards overnight stays, Dutch tourists are in second place, with almost one million overnight stays per year, with an average stay of 3.7 days.
The province of Alicante has welcomed more than 4.8 million tourists , consolidating its position as the preferred destination within the Valencian Community. Benidorm, with a hotel offer that reaches 43,000 places on average annually , has been the final destination for 48.7% of tourists in Alicante . This enclave has registered more than 2.3 million travelers , improving by 5.4% compared to 2023 , thanks especially to the 11% increase in international tourists , who generate 7 of the 11.5 million overnight stays at the destination.
Although the meteorological catastrophe of the DANA put a brake on tourist activity in the affected areas in the province of Valencia, it is true that the good pace acquired in the previous months has managed to maintain the data with respect to the previous year. Thus, the province accounts for 37.8% of the total number of guests in the Valencian Community who stay overnight in hotels (more than 3.6 million), with 54.8% of travellers of national origin and 45.2% international, with an increase of 6.6% being detected in the latter.
On the other hand, the city of Valencia, with more than 2 million travellers, continues to demonstrate once again its heterogeneity of nationalities , with a greater volume of international guests (56.9%), who account for more than 3.3 million overnight stays compared to the 1.6 million domestic tourists.
As for the province of Castellón, it welcomes more than 1.2 million people in its hotels, also increasing its 2023 record by 4.7%, mostly due to national guests who represent 80% with more than 3 million overnight stays. However, it should be noted that although the volume of international guests is lower than in the rest of the provinces, this 2023 has increased its score by almost 20,000 more travelers (+8.7%).
In this context of recovery and growth, the hotel industry in the Valencian Community has shown greater activity in 2024, with an annual average of 1,070 available accommodations , totaling 133,500 places and employing an average workforce of 17,500 workers , improving previous figures by 5.2%.
Hotel profitability and economic data
In terms of billing, the average rate per occupied room (ADR) in the Valencian Community reached 102 euros in 2024, an improvement compared to 95.32 euros in 2023 , although still below the national average of 121.53 euros .
By province, Alicante led with an ADR of 104.3 euros , also being the one that grew the most compared to the previous year (+7.1 euros). Valencia and Castellón registered rates of 102.9 euros and 87.2 euros , respectively.
In the tourist areas analysed, Valencia stands out with a rate in line with the national rate of 120.35 euros , followed by Alicante with 109.7 euros and Benidorm with 105.2 euros. However, compared to the prices of 2023, it is Alicante that shows the greatest increase, with Benidorm and Elche in the following positions.
The average daily revenue per room (RevPar) reflects a wider gap with respect to the national average. While in Spain it stands at 84.57 euros , in the Valencian Community it reaches 71.41 euros , with a difference of 13.2 euros . At the provincial level, Alicante ( 75.4 euros ) and Valencia ( 73.9 euros ) show similar figures, with a growth of 8 euros compared to 2023 .
Finally, as a noteworthy fact, the tourist spots of both Valencia and Alicante exceed the national average with a RevPar of 93.9 euros and 85.3 euros respectively. In addition, Alicante is also the one that experiences the greatest growth, adding 12.55 euros to the revenue per room in 2023.
Click here to see the full report
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has appealed to the "strength of tourism as one of the main industries of the Valencian Community to generate more employment, resources and wealth that contributes to accelerating reconstruction and a fairer, faster and more sustainable recovery".
The head of the Council highlighted the strength of the tourism sector in “providing benefits for society as a whole thanks to its capacity to attract income and obtain more revenue that translates into better social services and infrastructures”. Thus, he thanked the “extraordinarily supportive commitment of the tourism sector” to those affected by the floods.
In fact, the tourism industry in the Valencian Community represents more than 16% of GDP, employs more than 300,000 people, generates income of more than 20 billion euros and contributes more than 4 billion euros in taxes.
This was stated by the president during the presentation of the new developments in the Valencian Community for the next edition of Fitur 2025, which will take place in Madrid from January 22 to 26, in an event in which the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Marián Cano, also participated.
During his speech, Mazón stated that the tourism sector "has been one of the pillars on which the Valencian Community as we know it has been built", while also stating that "tourism is not just about tourists".
In this sense, he referred to the contribution of the tourism industry in the demand and excellence in catering, innovation in the hotel sector, the creation of leisure and adventure companies or the strengthening of the music industry. He also claimed its contribution to the protection of historical, artistic or environmental heritage.
In addition, the president has stressed the importance of tourism in “improving our connections by land, sea and air”. In this sense, he has once again called on the central government to “improve basic and necessary infrastructures so that the Valencian Community continues to grow, such as the second runway at the Alicante-Elche airport, the expansion of Valencia or quality rail connections”. For this reason, he has demanded “urgent and unpostponable investment for two airports through which almost 30 million visitors arrived in 2024”.
More presence of companies at Fitur
The head of the Council highlighted that the Valencian Community will present "the strength of the Mediterranean Attitude" at Fitur with the aim of exceeding the historical maximum of international tourists achieved until November 2024 with more than 11 million.
The Community is committed to more professionalism, technology and innovation in this edition, with a focus on deseasonalization. In fact, this will be a record edition due to the large presence of companies and entities participating, with a total of 317, which is 27% more than last year's edition.
The tourist offer of the Valencian Community is presented at Fitur grouped by tourist brands, companies and products that will have a large, open and transparent central square, which serves as a meeting point where people can connect and learn about the products and brands of our territory.
Likewise, the seven tourist brands Castellón, Valencia Tourism, Costa Blanca, Valencia, Alicante, Elche and Benidorm have their own space, in addition to allocating work areas for destinations, companies and tourist products.
There will also be a strong commitment to municipalities, not only within the spaces of the tourism brands, but also with specific presentation rooms and an expanded workspace. Thus, Mazón has claimed the role of “all the municipalities of the Community to continue opening our door and expanding our tourism as an international quality brand”.
A homogeneous stand with more resources
The first three days of the event are aimed at the professional tourism sector and on the weekend the fair opens to the general public. For this reason, the Valencian Community stand maintains a double focus in the 2025 edition: during the first three days the objective is to facilitate the full professional deployment of companies, associations and destinations so that they can develop their agenda and present their offer; and on the weekend the stand is converted to show the offer to potential tourists.
Regarding the space, this year it will have 2,645.75 square meters, which represents an increase of 595 square meters of surface area to promote business and show the Valencian Community as a strong and safe destination. The larger dimensions of the stand in this edition allow more space for meetings, while the number of rooms is increased so that tourist brands, destinations and attending companies can make presentations.
In addition, the Valencian Community will be present in different sections of Fitur: Fitur Screen, to promote film tourism; Fitur LGTB+, with specific offers for this segment; and Fitur Sports, with an agenda dedicated to operators and organizers of sports events.
The Fitur 2025 stand will inspire the presentation of the Valencian Community's offer in other trade fairs such as Madrid Fusión, World Travel Market in London, IBTM in Barcelona, and in ITB Berlin where the Valencian Community will participate for the first time in 20 years with its own stand.
A stand that responds to a 'Mediterranean Attitude'
The Valencian Community stand, which will bring together the tourist attractions of Castellón, Valencia and Alicante, draws its creativity from the 'Mediterranean Attitude'. A broad concept that encompasses the way of life, passion and effort, the light and soul of the Mediterranean and that permeates tourists and visitors.
The objective is to show a unified territory, reinforcing the concept of 'Community' based on the way of life, the character of unity of the entire territory that responds to a Mediterranean attitude.
The stand focuses on the concept of the square as an open space where important moments of a typically Mediterranean community are traditionally celebrated, crowned by a circular aerial screen. For this reason, the colors that define the Mediterranean character are used: the blue of the sea, the warm tones of the sand of the beaches and farmland, the greens of the vegetable garden and fields, and the dark blue of the nights of relaxation and partying.
It will also feature the most advanced technologies so that visitors can immerse themselves in the Valencian Community through immersive virtual reality experiences and with orange blossom aroma nebulizers from blooming orange trees.
The minister says that "they are not worth a penny" and recalls that the Chambers of Commerce estimated the losses for not undertaking these works at 2,000 million
He also claims the rail connection in Alicante "after years of investment and infrastructure deficit"
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Marián Cano, has reiterated the "indispensable need" to start the project of the second runway of the Alicante-Elche airport, a work already planned within the expansion plan of the infrastructure, as well as "activating the expansion of the Manises terminal as soon as possible" after the record figures collected in the Valencian Community in 2024.
Cano has highlighted that this Monday "passenger data from Valencia and Alicante-Elche airports will be known precisely" and "the need to address more ambitious expansion projects for these two infrastructures, which are key in the development of the Valencian economy". "We are breaking records for passengers, tourists and spending, and we need a project that reflects and accommodates the expected growth for the next few years," he added.
Thus, he considered "insufficient" the public tender for the technical assistance of drafting the project for the expansion works of the airport of Ali-cante-Elche launched by Aena this Friday, with a budget of 20 million euros, and he claimed " a firm commitment to meet the needs of businessmen" after the studies of the Alicante and Valencian Chambers of Commerce which estimate the annual losses of delaying the works on the second runway at almost 2,000 million euros Alicante-Elche and the Manises terminal.
The councilor recalled that "we cannot ignore the deficit in infrastructure that has been dragging the Community, nor that the province of Alicante has been the last in Spain in terms of investment per capita for several years now. And we're not going to settle for a patch when other projects are materializing, such as the expansion of the El Prat airport, with an investment of 1,700 million euros and the prospect of building a third runway".
Likewise, he has urged the Government of Spain to put in place as early as possible "the railway connection of the airport of Alicante-Elche", a "historical grievance for the province and the Community, unique in all of Europe if we consider that it is the only infrastructure of its size that does not have this type of service for the more than 17 million passengers it receives each year".
In this regard, despite being below the rate of the previous year, which stood at 1,318 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the same week, given the incidence of respiratory infections in the Valencian Community, it is considered pertinent to establish the recommendation of the use of masks in health and social care centres in the following situations: symptomatic people when they are in shared spaces; professionals who care for symptomatic cases; all people, both health personnel and patients and companions, in vulnerable areas such as chemotherapy treatment rooms, transplant units, intensive care units and the like; and in hospital and primary care emergencies.
The instruction also adds that, depending on the characteristics and capacity of the centre, internal circuits for controlling the
transmission of respiratory viruses, the use of masks and measures for the continuity of care will be applied, based on the criteria of the Preventive Medicine Service.
In addition, the Ministry of Health has sent all health departments the Contingency Plan for increases in the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARIs), in which they define a series of strategies to ensure the continuity of health care during seasonal epidemics of respiratory viruses, including Public Health recommendations, as well as organizational and operational measures at the level of Primary and Hospital Care.
The main objective of this plan is to define recommendations and actions associated with risk scenarios established based on
transmissibility data and the characteristics and operational capacities of the health centres of the Valencian Health System.
Recommendations for the general population
The Contingency Plan also establishes that vaccination against influenza and/or ARIs continues to be “a cornerstone” for the prevention of ARIs. In this regard, the Ministry of Health reminds that health centres have been vaccinating against influenza and COVID-19 since 4 November without the need for an appointment, in order to promote the immunisation of the population.
In fact, since the start of the vaccination campaign launched by the Ministry of Health, a total of 1,730,548 doses of the flu and COVID vaccines have been administered.
In this regard, Public Health has made a series of recommendations aimed at the general population for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, which can be consulted through the website of the Ministry of Health and on social networks, among which are maintaining good hand hygiene, with soap and water or using hydroalcoholic gel, using a mask for the most vulnerable people and for all those people with any respiratory symptoms, even if there is no positive confirmatory test.
Likewise, if you have any symptoms, you should avoid crowded places and social contacts where you cannot wear a mask, as well as clean frequently touched surfaces (e.g. door and window handles) with soap and water or disinfectant products.
Likewise, if you have any difficulty breathing or a persistent high fever, or if you belong to a risk group, it is recommended to follow the instructions of professionals and avoid self-medication with antibiotics.
After collecting data from the last fortnight of December, the BigdataHOSBEC department presents the balance of hotel tourism activity in the different points and areas of the Valencian Community during 2024.
Tourism in the Valencian Community has experienced a year marked by great contrasts. While destinations such as Benidorm consolidated their international leadership, the DANA in October was a specific challenge, impacting the perception and tourist activity in certain areas.
Despite these challenges, the sector has demonstrated a remarkable capacity for adaptation and resilience. The rapid response to adversity, coupled with the continued support of international markets, has allowed the Valencian Community to maintain its attractiveness as a competitive and resilient destination.
Thus, the province of Valencia closes 2024 with 81.5% hotel occupancy, matching the figures of the previous year despite the impact of the DANA in recent months. Until November, the monthly data showed sustained growth compared to 2023; however, the weather phenomenon interrupted this positive trend. Even so, the province of Valencia has managed to maintain itself as a solid destination, operating nearly 400 establishments and with an average offer of 38,000 available places.
In Valencia city, the Fallas marked an exceptional start to the year, with occupancy levels above 80% that remained stable until late autumn. However, the DANA was a hard setback, with a drop of 16 percentage points in November compared to the same month of the previous year, dragging the negative trend into December. Thus, the city closed the year with 79.7% occupancy, a decrease of 1.6 points compared to 2023. However, the international market partially offset this impact with 64.7% representation of the total, with the United States (8%), the United Kingdom (7.8%) and Italy (7%) standing out as the main issuers.
As for the Costa Blanca, 2024 has shone brightly , recording an annual occupancy of 77.6% and leading the increase in hotel occupancy with 4.7 percentage points more than in 2023. From May to October, occupancy exceeded 80%, reaching an impressive peak of 90.1% in August. Destinations such as Calpe have demonstrated their potential, achieving an annual occupancy of 81.2% thanks to its unique combination of beach, nature and cultural offering.
Furthermore, the Costa Blanca has maintained a balance in the influx of national and international visitors, with the British market representing 13.4% of international arrivals.
For its part, Benidorm has reaffirmed its position as a leading tourist icon, closing the year with an occupancy rate of 81.1%, exceeding the 80.4% of the previous year. This destination has demonstrated its ability to diversify its offer beyond the traditional “sun and beach”, with outstanding figures outside the summer months.
In September, it reached 90% occupancy , while October and the first quarter of the year also recorded notable dynamism. A clear example was the month of February, in which the destination exceeded the 2023 records by 5 points, achieving 76% occupancy and consolidating itself as an attractive destination even in winter.
In the province of Castellón, the deseasonalisation strategy has continued to be key. With a vibrant calendar that includes festivals, food fairs and sporting events, Castellón closed the year with an occupancy rate of 71%. The months of February and March were particularly notable, with increases of between 4 and 6 percentage points compared to last year.
In addition, it should be noted that despite the closures that are concentrated between November and February due to seasonality, the province maintains more than 19,000 active places, a figure that is increasing compared to 2023. The national market remains the main driver of tourism in Castellón, representing 80.2% of visitors, while the international market, led by France (4.5%), the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy, continues to grow.
Outlook for 2025
Looking ahead to 2025, the outlook for tourism in the Valencian Community is encouraging. Early bookings haveseen a notable growth in the last few months of 2024, reflecting a change in mentality among travellers, who are looking to plan further in advance to ensure the best conditions. This phenomenon highlights the growing interest in destinations such as the Valencian Community, which are positioned as favourites both nationally and internationally.
Furthermore, the tourism promotion campaigns launched throughout the region, especially after the impact of the DANA, seek to consolidate the Valencian Community as a preferred destination. These actions not only reinforce the image of the region, but also seek to boost its economic recovery through tourism, highlighting its diverse offering adapted to all times of the year.
With these strategies in place, together with the renewed interest of travellers in planning ahead, 2025 is shaping up to be a promising year for tourism in the Valencian Community, consolidating its position as one of the most attractive destinations due to the variety of its offerings.
The Generalitat, through the Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, grants the declaration of festival of tourist interest of the Valencian Community to competitions, festivals or events held in the territory of Castellón, Valencia and Alicante, with the aim of enhancing the promotion of the festivals as a tourist attraction.
Therefore, during the year 2024 a total of 30 festivals of tourist interest have been declared in the three provinces. Of these distinctions, 7 have been of regional tourist interest, 6 distinctions of provincial tourist interest and 17 of local tourist interest.
This is a distinction that is granted to festivals, provided that they offer special relevance from a tourist point of view and represent an appreciation of Valencian culture and popular traditions. In these cases, the municipalities where they are celebrated can access the declaration of festival of tourist interest of the Valencian Community.
Obtaining this honorary distinction contributes to the promotion of the festivals celebrated in the Valencian Community and is essential for obtaining the declaration of a festival of national interest.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Marián Cano, highlighted that "the festivals of the Valencian Community allow us to connect with traditions and, in addition, they have great potential to attract visitors during all months of the year."
In addition, he stressed that "they are an economic, social and cultural engine, as they bring uniqueness to our destination" and from the Generalitat "we will continue to support, promote and preserve these cultural manifestations".
By province, of these 30 declarations, 11 correspond to the province of Valencia, with a total of 4 declarations of provincial tourist interest and 7 local ones.
In the province of Castellón, a total of 11 festivals of tourist interest have also been declared, of which 4 have been of regional tourist interest, 1 has been provincial and 6 local.
And, in addition, a total of 8 festivals of tourist interest have been declared in the province of Alicante, of which 3 are of regional tourist interest, 1 of provincial interest and 4 local.
More information: Register of festivals declared of tourist interest in the CV .
The Department of Emergencies and the Interior, through the Valencian Institute of Public Security and Emergencies (Ivaspe), has trained 3,435 Local Police officers in the Valencian Community during 2024, within the framework of 13 editions of training and professional development programs.
The Minister of Emergencies and the Interior, Juan Carlos Valderrama, has indicated that “as an Administration, we aspire to have security forces and bodies with the highest level of preparation, and this level of excellence is maintained thanks to the training provided by Ivaspe”. In addition, he has reaffirmed that “our priority in this matter is to consolidate Ivaspe as the reference training centre in security and emergencies”.
"Each new edition of these courses demonstrates the value that the Generalitat places on the training of its security forces and bodies. Each Ivaspe student represents a great success for our society, since their incorporation into the service raises the standards of well-being in each municipality and city where they carry out their activity," he stressed.
Also in 2024, the course with the highest participation has been the basic training monograph for members of the technical selection bodies, with 1,988 professionals who have completed their training. In addition, specialised courses have been carried out, such as those for access to the Agent category, training for Presidents and Government Delegates of bullrings and Bous al Carrer Festivities, as well as selective courses for the Executive Scale. Courses have also been given in areas such as Cybersecurity, Crimes against sexual freedom and the management of canine guides specializing in odoriferous substances.
These training programs are aimed at training professionals as community agents, who are the first contact between citizens and the security forces. This training focuses on meeting the new demands of a constantly evolving society, which allows them to face the challenges that arise on a daily basis.
Specialising security forces is essential to guarantee the well-being of citizens and strengthen public safety. Continuous training reflects the Generalitat's commitment to offering a closer, more efficient service that is adapted to the needs of the Valencian Community.
The President of the Generalitat has visited the Hermanitas de los Ancianos Desamparados centre accompanied by the Mayor of Elche, Pablo Ruz
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has visited the Hermanita de los Ancianos Desamparados nursing home in Elche to wish its users and workers a Merry Christmas
Accompanied by the mayor of the town, Pablo Ruz, the head of the Consell has given them typical sweets of this time of year to sweeten the festivities and has thanked the work carried out by the centre for the care of the elderly.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has valued the "fraternity and solidarity" of the provinces of Alicante and Castellón to face the "immense task" of rebuilding the areas affected by the floods in the "sister province of Valencia".
The head of the Council thanked, during the celebration of the Alicante Night of Solidarity, the "sensitivity and the height of vision" of the business sector of Alicante to "be by the side" of the victims of the province of Valencia
In this sense, he has indicated that the consequences of the floods of the past 29 October may have an impact on the growth of the Community so that "the impulse and the push" of the economy of the province of Alicante are necessary so that " he begins to pull the cart as he knows how to do it".
Thus, the head of the Council has transferred the commitment of the Generalitat to the productive fabric to contribute "to stimulate our economy during the last year" with measures such as the "elimination of the Inheritance and Donations tax and the tax reduction, with nine deductions in the autonomous section of the IRPF for medium and low incomes”.
Likewise, it has rekindled the Council's commitment to tourism "as one of the main drivers of the Valencian Community" with actions such as the repeal of the tourist tax that has contributed to the sector "having one of the best seasons in its history ".
Likewise, Mazón has pointed out other initiatives such as the Bono Viaja+65 program, the reorganization of the housing for tourist use or the AENOR sustainability certification for the Tourism Strategy that reaffirm "our commitment to the future and the competitiveness of the sector and, the protection of the natural environment, cultural heritage and coexistence".
Therefore, he lamented that the tourism sector "is once again the object of suspicion on the part of the central government by putting new obstacles" with the registration of travelers. A measure that "should never have been implemented without the consent of all the actors involved" and whose consequences "can be especially negative for SMEs".
Alicante, the great forgotten of the central government
During his intervention, the head of the Council highlighted "the rate of growth of Alicante" in the last year despite the "tremendous injustice of being for the second consecutive year the province that received the least investment from the central government", at the time who has warned that this situation of occupying the 52nd place out of 52 in state investment "may repeat itself".
In this way, Mazón has returned to demand "key" actions from the State so that the province "continues to maintain its leadership and its contribution to the national economy" and has assured that "Alicante does not fail and always returns, multiplied by ten, every penny of investment he receives".
In this line, he has claimed the second runway for the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport and its rail connection. Likewise, he has demanded the central executive to sit down and talk "seriously, rigorously and with the technical and scientific guarantees about water beyond applying cut after cut to the Tajo-Segura transfer".
The Council's commitment to the province
Faced with this, the head of the Council highlighted the commitment of the Generalitat to projects such as the expansion of the Torrevieja marina, the improvement of the CV-95 road, the Central Station of Alicante, the construction of the Ronda Sur de Elche , as well as the bet for the delivery of the tram to the capital of Ilicita or the tender for the planning study of the Gandia-Oliva-Dénia section of the TRAM.
Likewise, he has called for "consensus and dialogue" so that the province of Alicante has a large inter-university campus of Health Sciences as a result of the agreement between the universities of Alicante and Elche. "An initiative that allows the province to occupy a vanguard position both in biosanitary research and in the training of the doctors of the future who will be absolutely necessary", he added.
The president highlighted the figure of Toni Mayor as "a great reference for the entire tourism sector" and pointed out that the awarded companies are an example of "how the genius and ingenuity of the Valencian Community is able to overcome any obstacle and are beacons of the good business practice".
In this edition, the Chamber of Commerce has awarded in the area of Business Innovation ex aequo es para Baleària, from Dénia, and Nax Solutions, from Alicante. In the Tourism category the award goes to Magic Costa Blanca Hotels & Resorts in Benidorm. The Intellectual Property award went to the company Vigar, from Gata de Gorgos.
In the Trade category, the award went to Carnicerías Gombao de Elda. The equal award for Internationalization went to Actiu, from Castalla, and TM Grupo Inmobiliario, from Torrevieja, while the award for Industry went to Panter, a company from Callosa de Segura.
In addition, the Benidorm hotelier and former president of HOSBEC, Toni Mayor, has received the Gold and Brilliant Medal from the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Alicante in recognition of a dedicated business and personal career in the tourism industry.
Among those awarded by the Chamber of Commerce, a Special Award has been included in this edition that has recognized the work, commitment and effort of the Military Emergency Unit (UME) and the forces and security bodies of the State that are acting in the areas affected by the floods in the province of Valencia.
TRAM d'Alacant facilitated travel for 1,631,480 users last November, which represents an increase of 5.76% compared to the same period last year and 88,913 more trips.
These data certify that the historical record of passengers established by the Alicante metropolitan in 2023 of 18,267,803 users has already been surpassed by the 18,743,584 passengers in the first eleven months of 2024, so the balance of the current year will increase even more at the end of the year, as the passengers of December have yet to be counted.
In November, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) recorded a total of 2,321,891 movements between TRAM d'Alacant (1,631,480 users) and Metrovalencia (690,411 passengers), far from its usual figures due to the fact that Metrovalencia did not have metro service throughout November and the tram resumed its circulation on the 9th of that month.
According to the distribution by lines, Line 2, which connects Luceros with Sant Vicent del Raspeig, was the most used with 692,981 movements; followed by Line 1, which connects Luceros and Benidorm, with 328,599; Line 3, which connects Luceros with El Campello, with 256,367; Line 4, which connects Luceros with Plaza La Coruña, with 183,023; Line 5, linking Porta del Mar and Plaza La Coruña, with 90,677; and Line 9, which runs between Benidorm and Dénia, with 79,833 trips.
Luceros, the busiest station
In terms of station traffic, Luceros leads mobility with 309,692 users. It was followed by Mercado, with 186,264, and Benidorm, with 114,228 trips.
They were followed by Marq-Castillo, with 98,371; Sant Vicent del Raspeig, with 95,895; Bulevar del Pla, with 50,663; Pintor Gastón Castelló, with 50,660; Garbinet, with 50,132; El Campello, with 48,811; and Universitat, with 48,449 movements.
The Generalitat has started this Monday the removal of damaged vehicles from some of the municipal camps that are close to essential infrastructure, such as schools. This initiative aims to guarantee the safety and health of the inhabitants of the affected towns.
The system implemented by the Ministry of Environment, Infrastructure and Territory wants to ensure the urgent transfer of these vehicles to places far from urban centers, as well as adequate custody and traceability, which will facilitate the necessary procedures for the corresponding expertise. The first vehicles have been removed from the Paiporta municipal camp and moved to authorized points such as Picassent.
This measure represents a transitory solution of the Generalitat in order to start the withdrawal of the vehicles until the Royal Decree Law is approved that the central Government has committed to approve in order to speed up the expertise procedures and the discharges for their final treatment in authorized plants (CAT).
During the transfer process, a registration check will be carried out, whose information will be sent periodically to the DGTIC to include the location data in the application developed by the Generalitat, thus making it easier for those interested to consult the location of the cars. It is estimated that there are around 120,000 damaged vehicles.
The "Localize Vehicle" application, available on the Som Solidaritat portal , has been specifically designed to facilitate the search and registration of vehicles affected by floods, providing information on their location and status. For its development, the Generalitat has counted on the collaboration of the Diputación de Valencia, the Civil Guard, the Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros and the Dirección General de Trafico.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has assured in the Courts that in the response to the floods that devastated the province of Valencia last October 29 "there were things that were not done well" so "we self-criticize" but not "to offload the responsibility on others", but to "understand what has not worked, detect the mistakes and arrange the measures and means so that it does not happen again".
"I accept the criticisms that have arisen and I do not interpret them as attacks, but as the voices of a citizenry that demanded the best response from all administrations before, during and after the emergency. An answer that was not as effective as it was needed and for which, it is necessary to apologize and that I, on behalf of the Generalitat, am doing so", he pointed out.
The president has not denied mistakes because, in his opinion, "it is neither possible to do so nor would it be useful because it would imply that we have neither learned anything nor are we willing to learn for fear of political attrition or, even worse, to take advantage of it." n".
In this sense, the head of the Council has indicated that the flood of October 29 "exceeded all forecasts and exceeded the prevention, alert and response systems that, since the Tous swamp of 1982, had been established and applied". Thus, he stated "that it is legitimate to ask whether, in general, the system responded as we thought it should" to which he assured "that it did not".
For this reason, he proclaimed that "we need to know why our previous experience in this type of situation and the protocols refined and improved over a quarter of a century" that had worked until last October 29, "were not enough to to avoid or mitigate the terrible damage we have suffered".
For this, Mazón has proposed the creation of an investigation commission both in the Valencian Courts and in the General Courts, with the aim of analyzing "the response to the worst tragedy in our recent history".
However, the top representative of the Valencian executive has assured that "all our action protocols will be reviewed, with better prevention, alert and emergency response measures". In addition, he added that "we will evaluate infrastructure and communication resources at the same time as we will create a system that allows us to act immediately in the face of any crisis".
During his speech, the president detailed the sequence of warnings and alerts that were initiated by the Emergency Coordination Center (CEE) of the Generalitat from Sunday, October 27, to Tuesday, 29 October, as well as the chronology of the information that was available to respond to the natural disaster.
Mazón explained that from the same Sunday, October 27, until the Tuesday of the tragedy, the CEE launched, in 59 hours, a total of 24 notices to the population with information about the situation and recommendations through notes sent to the media of communication, social networks and its website, as well as the entire network of councils and agencies, "as it had always been done", he said.
On this subject, the president explained that in the last ten years, the red alert has been declared on 36 occasions due to the forecast of torrential rains "without any of these leading to brutal floods like the one that took place in high course of the Poio ravine".
Already on October 29, in the face of AEMET's alert of adverse phenomena of orange or red level in the province of Valencia, the CEE made a progressive incorporation of reinforcements in the 112 until reaching a maximum of 42 operational positions, which represents an 80% increase in emergency personnel compared to a normal day.
In fact, at 7:45 a.m., the CEE established situation 1 due to rain in Ribera Alta, red level on the southern coast of Valencia and extended the orange level on the northern coast and the interior of the province. All this was communicated to the town councils and other agencies and organizations such as the fire brigades as set out in the emergency plan through e-mails and SMS messages to the managers designated in that plan.
At this point, the president recalled that the AEMET forecast established a probability of rain of a maximum of 70% with a maximum precipitation of 180 liters per square meter in 12 hours.
Mazón explained that at 9:30 a.m. a meeting was held at the Government Delegation with the presence of officials from Civil Protection, the State Road Network, Adif, Renfe, the UME, AEMET and the Hydrographic Confederation del Xúquer to which "no official from the Generalitat was invited" and in which no decision was made regarding the cutting of roads or railways "despite the fact that incidents had already occurred in the A-7 and on the Buñol-Cheste train".
Likewise, he recalled that, at the end of the meeting, the Government representative, Pilar Bernabé, assured that the red alert for rain "and I quote verbatim, is until six o'clock in the evening" and that the same time forecast broadcast the head of Climatology of the AEMET in the Valencian Community, José Ángel Núñez, on Valencian public television at 11:50 a.m. As the president has said "identical information" that he warned in a public event that morning.
The head of the Council assured that he kept his agenda "fully aware of how the situation was and knowing that the Minister of Justice and Interior had already traveled to some of the areas affected by the Magre flood" and that "all the resources were on pre-alert and the notices had been sent" that the CECOPI was called and that the management of the possible emergency "was unfolding as on other previous occasions", for which thing moved to the Eliana Emergency Center when it was warned that the situation of the Forata reservoir on the Magre river was "getting worse".
The president has defended that on October 29 "we are facing two independent hydrological events from a geographical point of view". The first, the "rise in the Magre river and the filling of the Forata reservoir" and the second "the enormous increase in the flow of the Poio ravine, which was the cause of the worst damage in the ground zero".
In this regard, Carlos Mazón explained that the first of them had "complete, accurate and timely information" that allowed decisions to be made, while the second was "fragmented, inaccurate and late".
Regarding the rise of the Magre and the filling of the Forata reservoir, in Yátova, the president assured that all the administrations acted in accordance with the protocols and in a coordinated manner. In this scenario, according to the president, the CHX did warn CECOPI, around 19:15 hours, that the Forata reservoir could collapse.
As the president has said "this is the reason, and no other reason why CECOPI considered the possibility of using the ES-ALERT mass warning system to the population, a tool that had never been used before ".
Given the seriousness of the situation "and before the phone call, at 8:00 p.m." from the Secretary of State for the Environment, Hugo Morán, who says from Colombia that he cannot guarantee that the Forata reservoir will survive, the CECOPI "decides to send the mass message through the ES-ALERT that arrives at 20:11 hours", which "was a right decision by the whole CECOPI, but above all it is the example that the coordination of administrations did work".
Regarding the second scenario, the Poio ravine, the head of the Council explained that the Xúquer Hydrographic Confederation (CHX) notified the Emergency Coordination Center (CCE) of the Generalitat at 11:06 a.m. that the flow of this embankment carried a flow of 264 cubic meters per second and indicated, verbatim, "that the flood is occurring very quickly". For this reason, the CCE activated the hydrological alert at 12:20 p.m. and warned through the usual means the riverside councils of this rambla to set up their respective CECOPAL (Local Emergency Coordination Centers) so that they take the measures timely prevention.
The president detailed that, subsequently, the CHX sent three consecutive emails (at 1:42 p.m., 3:04 p.m. and 4:13 p.m.) in which they indicated that the flow of the ravine was dropping to 120 m³/s, 55 m³/si 28.7 m³/s. The 16:13 mail is the last to inform the CECOPI - in which the president of the CHX, Miguel Ángel Polo, participates telematically - about the situation in the Poio ravine.
Mazón assured that regarding the situation of this embankment "the CECOPI will no longer receive further information from the CHX that evening until 6:43 p.m." when another email is sent informing that the flow rate is 1,686 m³/s "four times the flow of the Ebro" and "two hours after the last post regarding the Poio ravine" when in Paiporta, around 6:30 p.m., the ravine had already overflowed and the Local Police " he walked the streets warning the population by megaphone" so that they would take refuge in their homes. "An email among the 130 sent by the CHX that day and which are added to another 84 emails that are received" and he added that, "the most striking thing of all is that the CHX, which is present in the CECOPI, does not say nothing".
In fact, the president has assured that "there is no record in the CEE that the CHX will send any further communication by e-mail, or by any other means, about the Poio ravine". As Mazón has said "at no time during the night was the Emergency Center informed that the flow had risen to 2,282 cubic meters per second, a fact that is also not included on the CHX website, the last measurement of which it is from 20.00 hours".
The response of the Generalitat
During his speech, the president referred to the implementation by the Generalitat of its administrative and management capacities "in the largest deployment of initiatives and measures that the self-government of the Valencians has made throughout its history". Thus he emphasized that all the resources of all the ministries have been turned over in a triple direction "to help, heal and rebuild".
Along these lines, he emphasized that in the specific work of the emergency, the Generalitat has coordinated a device of 3,100 firefighters, 8,474 military personnel and 800 civil protection volunteers. In addition, he highlighted the participation of 120 members of the Generalitat Police, 500 local police officers, 9,728 members of the Civil Guard and National Police Force or the 18,800 volunteers registered on the Generalitat website.
In terms of logistics, the Solidarity Warehouse was created which has distributed more than 250 tons of food, drink and hygiene products. In addition, there are 2,500 tons of aid stored in 12 logistics centers.
In the health area, the head of the Council pointed out that two days after the flood there was a provisional health care point in all the towns in the zero zone. And he referred, among other measures, to the fact that currently 53 of the 57 health centers in the municipalities are fully operational. Likewise, he pointed out the comprehensive psychosocial care or the opening of 399 open pharmacies out of the 421 affected in the affected area to guarantee supply, so that all municipalities have "at least one operational pharmacy office", as well as the different measures put in place for epidemiological surveillance and public health.
In the area of education, of the 92 educational centers affected, 55 have already opened for 22,000 students of all training cycles, and the educational reception modality has been extended until November 22. Likewise, he explained that a comprehensive plan of actions has been carried out to respond to the needs of students, families and teaching staff.
In terms of cleaning, he highlighted the removal of more than 50,000 tons of utensils and bulky items, the urgent plan for the management of sludge and waste, as well as actions to minimize the environmental impact on the Albufera, among others.
Regarding the mobility infrastructures, the president has indicated that emergency contracts have already been awarded for the repair of 12 bridges, 2 footbridges and the conditioning of the various roads for 79 million euros, which have because "11 roads have already been reopened to traffic".
He also pointed out that work is underway to recover the Metrovalencia network worth more than 50 million euros and recalled that the Generalitat has launched an alternative service with 19 new bus corridors for "facilitate connectivity in the localities close to Valencia and guarantee the mobility of citizens".
On the other hand, the Generalitat estimates an investment of 100 million euros to repair the water sanitation infrastructure of 122 treatment plants and collectors in the affected municipalities that were damaged. Currently, 80% of these facilities are operational.
In the same way, it was possible to solve 98% of the incidents in the electricity supply and recover 99.9% of the affected customers, at the same time that actions to replace the supply continue to be carried out.
Likewise, a first emergency contract worth 1.7 million euros has been authorized for the cleaning of industrial estates and free shuttles have been launched for industrial estate workers.
With regard to social care, the president has highlighted the automatic renewal of the Valencian income of inclusion for people who had this and who are residents of affected areas, and all new requests are prioritized as a matter of urgency in affected areas. In addition, assessments of people with disabilities or dependents of people in affected areas who have requested it have been expedited.
Likewise, he recalled the approval of the decree on administrative and economic-budgetary measures to facilitate the Generalitat's response to the floods, and the decree on extraordinary fiscal measures to help affected families and companies which introduces deductions in the Income tax and tax credits.
Mazón indicated that these actions also "start the economic and social recovery", at the same time that he pointed out that "we cannot do it alone". For this reason, he has demanded from the Government "not to leave Valencians alone in these bitter hours", for which he has reiterated his demand from the central executive "for the initial 31,000 million euros that we need for the recovery of our infrastructures and productive fabric".
In this line, he has demanded the central executive to activate the 2,091 million euros that the European Union granted him in the scope of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and that was approved in June 2021 that includes the fight against floods that "can be decisive when it comes to channeling ravines and building water defenses that should already be done".
Likewise, he has also advanced that the activation of the Water Digitization PERTE will be requested, which is endowed with 3,060 million euros and which was approved in March 2022 to "have technologies, already existing and that they are applied in other basins, such as the Ebro".
Recovery Plan
The head of the Council has referred to the approval of an "extraordinary and ambitious plan" with 136 measures sent to the Government of Spain to work together in the economic, social, structural and environmental recovery of Valencia and all the Valencian Community.
The plan consists of 5 major axes: support for municipalities, economic recovery, employment, European funds and infrastructure and prevention.
Thus, in initial support to municipalities, the plan foresees direct aid from the Generalitat. Likewise, a subsidy of one million euros will be requested from the Government for each affected locality. In total, these measures represent an investment of 75 million euros.
Likewise, he mentioned the approval of a sports infrastructure plan endowed with 100 million euros "to rebuild and rehabilitate all the damaged facilities". In addition, the president has pointed out that a request has been made to the State for a direct aid fund for sportsmen of 15 million euros.
In the area of economic recovery, the focus will be on support for families, farmers, the self-employed and companies. Thus, a fund of 250 million euros will be made available to help municipalities and families with essential expenses. Specifically, 6,000 euros will be allocated for "urgent and essential expenses and the purchase of furniture, household appliances and clothes".
Likewise, he has informed the Government of the request for the reduction of personal income tax modules, tax exemptions in the special tax on certain means of transport, as well as the exemption in transit fees. He has also urged the central executive to "expand and improve" the 838 million euro aid line for businesses.
In terms of mobility, the Central Government has also been requested to launch a new plan for affected commercial and private vehicles, with an investment of 864 million euros for passenger cars, vans and other vehicles light vehicles, and 400 million euros for heavy vehicles.
In addition, the creation of a specific fund to cover damage in dealerships and vehicle parks, and the repair of infrastructure and damage coverage in the industrial sector. In this section, the investment of 25 million is demanded for the repair of energy supplies in the industry and 132 million euros for the bonus on the electricity bill in the affected companies.
In the axis of employment and labor activation to "protect jobs and ensure that those affected can maintain their income" the activation of ERTEs has been launched by force majeure "because the affected workers access to benefits quickly and without obstacles".
Along these lines, the president has also indicated that the Government has been requested "an extraordinary benefit for cessation of activity for self-employed people and farmers" who will be able to benefit from direct aid of up to 6,000 euros, as well such as the suspension of tax obligations and administrative notifications during the emergency period. Similarly, for the self-employed, the tax module will be reduced and a new fiscal calendar will be established that allows those affected to comply with their obligations.
On the other hand, Mazón has pointed out that the workers who are in ERTE will be offered training to "improve their skills and abilities and prepare them for the new labor challenges". A measure that will benefit 40,000 workers in the next six months. Likewise, local employment in recovery or rehabilitation tasks will be encouraged.
Regarding the axis of European funds and international cooperation, the president pointed out that the Generalitat has requested that the Government of Spain activate the European Solidarity Fund "to immediately finance the restoration of infrastructure, public services, and urgent assistance to the affected population".
Likewise, the State has been urged to ask the European Union to create an "extraordinary fund to alleviate the economic and social damages of the DANA", similar to the REACT fund, which was created to face the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
With regard to the area of infrastructure and prevention, it will provide for the improvement of drainage and early warning systems, as well as the construction of canalization works in rivers and areas with the risk of flooding, for which which has required "a real commitment to working together and a will to always put people first".
In this sense, Mazón has underlined the commitment to the immediate implementation of extraordinary measures and the mobilization of significant resources to "meet the urgent needs of our citizens".
This is how he referred to the Generalitat's mobilization of direct aid worth an initial 200 million euros to deal with the loss of basic goods, 50 million for direct aid to councils of the affected towns or the program of 50 million euros for rentals.
The head of the Council has also highlighted the expansion of the Valencian income of inclusion and simplification of procedures, the emergency contracts for infrastructures and public centers with 2.5 million euros, the tax benefits for those affected, the 'exemption from the sanitation fee, support to the agricultural sector with the rehabilitation of rural roads with an investment of 20 million euros, the repair of critical infrastructure such as roads, bridges and the Metrovalencia network with 100 million euros or the restoration of electrical services, among others.
Thus, he indicated that "the Generalitat will continue to work in a spirit of unity and solidarity so that the Valencian Community emerges from this crisis stronger, more resilient and with a future full of opportunities".
During his speech, the president demanded "an agile and sincere collaboration that translates into concrete actions and tangible results" and expressed the willingness of the Generalitat to collaborate with the central government and any other institution "to add efforts in the reconstruction of our community".
The Recovery Council
During his speech, the president advanced a new Council for Recovery that "was born with a clear and firm purpose: to ensure the economic and social recovery of every corner of our land that will allow us to deal with the needs of today and the tomorrow's challenges".
In this way, he has announced the creation of a new Vice-Presidency and Ministry for Economic and Social Recovery that will be in charge of "coordinating the economic and social reconstruction of Valencia and the Valencian Community, and all the actions to overcome adversities and establish the foundations for a future that we will build from now on".
Thus, he explained that the mission of this vice-presidency is to "integrate and strengthen all the strategic areas of our economy and its social connection". Thus, she will be responsible for the management of European funds until the employment boost; support for small and medium-sized businesses or the promotion of co-operatives and innovation, among others.
The head of the Council assured that this vice-presidency will be "the gateway to new projects, investments that generate employment, policies that respond to families and workers", while adding that "we want each person finds their place in the recovery and feels that they are part of this rebirth".
Likewise, the Vice-Presidency will direct the Interdepartmental Commission for Economic and Social Recovery in which all the councilors of the Generalitat Valenciana will be in order to carry out a "coordinated, comprehensive and coherent" action for the recovery of what the flood has destroyed and thus benefiting the entire Valencian Community.
The top representative of the Valencian executive has also emphasized strengthening and improving Emergency services to "respond to crisis situations in a more agile, quick and coordinated way, as well as to anticipate these as far as possible".
On this subject, he pointed to the creation of a new Ministry of Emergencies and Interior "designed exclusively to protect and ensure the safety of all Valencians". For this reason, he has indicated that in addition to acting in crisis situations, he will also "have among his powers prevention action, anticipation of any threat to our well-being and security".
In this way, this Ministry will have among its powers "risk analysis, the coordination of drills and the design of action protocols that protect lives and minimize damage".
The president explained that this new department will work with all administrations "to enhance prevention policies and design and adjust response and aid protocols", in addition to promoting "a culture of emergency" among citizens "that it reaches every home, every school and every workplace".
On the other hand, this new ministry will have the powers "to review, update and demand from the Government of Spain the modification of the warning and response protocols in the face of catastrophes".
The president has thanked the professionals of the emergency services, firefighters, civil protection, forces and security forces of the state, Military Emergency Unit and troops of the three armies, as well as a special thanks to the thousands of volunteers who these days they have come to help "in an admirable collective act of commitment and fraternity that Valencian society will never forget".
Likewise, he has enhanced the collaboration of the rest of the regional governments, councils, town councils, companies, NGOs, associations and thousands of citizens who have sent aid. In addition, he has highlighted the recognition that the mayors and mayoresses of the municipalities affected by the floods, the Provincial Council of Valencia or the Government Delegation deserve
A cold air mass has moved into our region from northern Europe, causing a general drop in temperatures. An episode of rain will be accompanied by coastal phenomena of wind and waves along the entire coast.
The rains will affect the entire province of Castellón, Valencia and the north of Alicante. They could be strong with records of 40 l/m2 and accumulated amounts of up to 120 l/m2 in 12 hours, especially in the north of Castellón, south of Valencia and north of Alicante. Along the entire coast there will be winds with gusts of 50 to 60 km/h.
Caution is advised as the rains that have fallen throughout the Region mean that the channels may become active more quickly than usual.
Please exercise caution on the road, avoid crossing fords and underpasses and follow the warnings given by the authorities during these days.
It is recommended that you pay special attention to culverts and underpasses of rivers and ravines and to areas close to the coastline.
Advice to the population
Try to stay informed about how the situation develops.
Remove vehicles from areas that may be flooded.
Stay away from riverbanks and ravines.
Follow the advice of the relevant authorities.
Never attempt to cross a ford, flooded area or underpass.
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The president highlights the commitment of the more than 5 million inhabitants of the Valencian Community to “the social and economic growth of Spain as a whole”
The President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has attended the institutional events to celebrate the National Day. The head of the Consell has witnessed the parade of the Armed Forces, which was presided over by Their Majesties the King and Queen, accompanied by Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias.
The head of the Consell has highlighted the commitment of the more than 5 million inhabitants of the Valencian Community to “the social and economic growth of Spain as a whole” and has called for solidarity and territorial unity to “continue contributing to the future of this common project that is Spain”.
The President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has pointed out after the meeting held with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, that the Valencian Community "comes with agreements, discrepancies and subjects of study" in a meeting that he described "as positive" for our territory.
The head of the Council was "satisfied" to have the opportunity to speak with the President of the Government "for the first time and in a monographic way" about the key issues for the Community, foreseen in the document that he sent to him with 56 measures "that can no longer wait" and that have been "dialogued with the social agents, employers and with the political groups of the Courts".
The president of the Generalitat has shown his conviction to be able to "move forward in four agreements" with the Government in matters such as the Dama d'Elche, the Albufera, and support for the automotive sector and the PERTE Chip. In the same way, he has assured that he will adopt a "watchful attitude because it is not the first time that the Government breaks its word with the Valencian Community".
Carlos Mazón has informed of the launch of a technical commission between the central executive and the Generalitat "for the return with guarantees and security of the Lady of Elche to the Community, in a transitory or more prolonged way".
The "dejudicialisation of water contributions to the Albufera" was another of the agreements reached, as the president pointed out. In this sense, Carlos Mazón has proposed the withdrawal of the Generalitat's administrative appeal against the Ministry of Ecological Transition if the government undertakes to provide the 20 cubic hectometres of water that the lake needs. For this reason, he has advanced that there will be a meeting between the Ministry and the Generalitat to unblock the Albufera situation.
Likewise, Carlos Mazón has been optimistic that the Government will provide funds "in a short time that will add to the efforts of the Automotive Board of the Valencian Community" to support Ford and the supplier base that it has put in the Generalitat leaves "to guarantee the potential of a strategic sector for the Community and Spain".
In the same way, he has affirmed that a call will be held by the Bilateral Commission of the PERTE Chip to specify the leadership of the Valencian cluster in this project "since it brings together 50% of the talent of this industry".
Measures for the study
Carlos Mazón has also indicated the matters that the Prime Minister has "committed to study", such as the burying of the Alfafar-Sedaví-Benetússer roads. Thus, he emphasized that "it is probably the biggest black spot on the entire railway network in Spain" and recalled that more than 40 people have died in this, so he requested "humanity and sensitivity".
Carlos Mazón has emphasized the need to depoliticize water and achieve a national water pact. For this reason, he proposed "a change in the law" with the aim that "rigor" should be the prevailing parameter in the distribution of water resources in Spain "in the face of politicization". Likewise, he remarked that the Community "will never give up the water that belongs to us because it belongs to all Spaniards"
In the same way, he has requested the urgent convening of the Drought Board to find solutions to the water deficit in the Community, and he has underlined the exemplary role of our territory in responsible management "because it is the region that more purified and reused water from Spain together with Murcia”.
Likewise, he has affirmed that the central executive will study the "modification of the arrears law" in order to prevent the maximum period of payment to suppliers of 60 days from making it difficult for "companies in the desk sector to receive financial support" . Thus, he has asked for "speed" in the face of the "agonizing situation of the ceramics of Castelló".
The head of the Council has shown his complete disagreement with the unique financing of Catalonia and the agreement with Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya since "it is the worst opportunity for all because it breaks solidarity and equality for the benefit of a few at the expense of of the rest".
For this reason, he has demanded to address regional financing in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council and in the Conference of Regional Presidents in which all are represented "without blackmail or dark rooms, but with light and stenographers".
Likewise, he conveyed to Sánchez the need for the "transitory leveling fund to stop being in the funding queue until the reform of the system" and he recalled that when we talk about this matter "we are referring to the public health, education or social services".
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has forwarded to the central government 56 specific demands from the Valencian Community to deal with next Friday's meeting with the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez.
This is what he conveyed during the control session in the Courts, where he stressed that our territory "can no longer wait" and noted his commitment to defend the just and necessary demands of the Community. Along these lines, he has called for a transitory leveling fund that will bring us in line with the rest of the autonomies while the current regional financing system is not reformed.
During his intervention, the head of the Council reproached the PSPV for its "betrayal of all Valencians" by having broken unity for the first time in the Finance Committee to "renounce the equalization fund".
Thus, he recalled that in 2022, former president Ximo Puig signed an agreement with the president of the Junta d'Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, in which they jointly proposed the "creation of a transitional compensatory leveling fund ” extendable until the entry into force of a new financing system that will equalize the underfinanced communities.
During his response to the socialist parliamentary group, the president of the Generalitat also indicated that this September, unemployment in the Valencian Community has fallen by 1,148 people, the lowest in a month of September since 2008 in our territory
Thus, Mazón emphasized that this year, the Valencian Community is the third autonomous region in absolute terms in which more employment is created, with 97,000 new jobs. The president has underlined the leadership of our territory in creating employment for women, youth and in the industrial sector.
He has also asked the central executive to rule on the request to annul the sentences of the Alicante poet Miguel Hernández after the Council approved an institutional statement to support the family's request.
Increased resources in social and educational policies
In response to the Compromís trustee, the head of the Council attributed the increase in the Generalitat's debt to the current regional financing system, which "is a disaster", at the same time as stressing that the Council "will not give up even one cent from the equalization fund, or from the debt, or from the regional financing system".
During his speech, the president compared the current Council's commitment to social services and education with the last year of the Botanic. Thus, he has referred to the economic benefits of the system for autonomy and attention to dependency that "in the last year of the Botanic they allocated 559 million euros, while in the first year of the government of change they have been 635 or the 288 million of the current Council contributed to the Valencian income of inclusion compared to the 283 million of the previous government".
Likewise, he explained the increase to 117 million euros in the children's voucher compared to the 79 million of the previous Valencian executive, while aid to the school canteen in Infant and Primary Education has gone from 66 million to 70 million of the current Council. Along these lines, he also referred to school transport for Kindergarten and Primary students, which "in the last year of the Botanic School, it was one million euros, compared to the current 1.3 million".
It is in this area of education that the head of the Council has asked with respect to the parliamentary group Commitment to the "Self-Government of the Valencians" and has regretted that they have resorted to the Law of Educational Freedom of the Valencian Community, approved by the Courts, before the Constitutional Court. together with their friends" from the Galician Nationalist Bloc, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, Junts or Bildu. For this reason, he reproached Joan Baldoví for violating "our educational freedom law that was approved by the legislative government of the Valencian Courts".
Need for new immigration legislation
On the other hand, in response to the parliamentary group VOX, the head of the Council has shown his "concern", like the majority of Spaniards and Europeans, about illegal immigration. With regard to this, Mazón has recalled that migration policy is "the competence of the central government and the function of the Generalitat and the rest of the autonomous regions is assistance in the terms dictated by their legal system".
Thus, he pointed out the "irresponsibility" of the Government of Spain which "does not work in origin" and which "still does not know any management before the European Union". In this way he has referred to the fact that the migratory problem "is from 27 countries" not only from 17 autonomous communities, which cannot break the law because it would be "against the rule of law".
The head of the Council visited D*na Festival where he toured the exhibitors participating in this competition
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has announced that the Council will allocate more than 3.5 million euros in actions aimed at promoting the Valencian Community as a gastronomic destination and at training the sector to improve its employability and efficiency.
He stated this during his visit to the VII edition of D*na Festival, in which he was accompanied by the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, the mayor of Dénia, Vicent Grimalt, and the gastronomic curator of the festival, Quique Dacosta, and where the exhibitors participating in this competition have travelled.
The head of the Council highlighted the contribution of events such as D*na or Alacant Gastronòmica to vindicate indigenous and local cuisine, and position us as "a gastronomic reference". Likewise, he has claimed the work, professionalism and talent of the sector to "walk towards excellence".
The president indicated that the Valencian Community "has a sun, a sea and a land that we have been able to convert with sustainability, respect and balance into flavour, talent, elaboration and love for our products".
Mazón explained that 25% of the tourists who come to this region are attracted by the gastronomic product and, in addition, their average spending exceeds that of other segments by 30%. Thus, he pointed out that "gastronomic tourism produces a tractor effect that complements the sun and beach or our indoor offer".
D*na Festival 2024
D*na Festival 2024 puts the emphasis on the artisans of the local garden to celebrate the recipes and products that make the gastronomic offer of the Valencian Community unique. The festival seals the commitment to the venue with the participation of restaurateurs, producers, artisans and hoteliers from the Marina Alta.
The contest is organised by the Fundació Creativa Dénia de la Gastronomia, in collaboration with the Dénia City Council and the Generalitat through Turisme Comunitat Valenciana, as well as with the Costa Blanca Provincial Tourism Board and the three Michelin star chef , Quique Dacosta, as gastronomic curator.
Its seventh edition consolidates it as one of the great gastronomic events in Spain and positions the city of Dénia - which in 2015 was named a Creative City of Gastronomy by UNESCO - as the gastronomic capital of the Mediterranean.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has emphasized that the filming of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon in Ciutat de la Llum "accredits and consolidates the position of the Alicante cinema complex as one of the best studios in the world".
This is what he pointed out after visiting the facilities of Ciutat de la Llum where part of the third season of the popular series, starring Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) and Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) is currently being filmed. . The president was accompanied by the international producer of the series, Steven Squillante; the Spanish producer of Anima Stillking, Silvia Áraez; Tate Áraez supervisor of locations for the series, and the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes.
Carlos Mazón has thanked the producers of the series for choosing the Alicante studios as one of the locations to film several scenes of the third season.
In this sense, he has made use of the reactivation of the studios and the potential of the complex to attract large productions on a national and international scale "with modern and innovative facilities that perfectly combine sets, exteriors and water areas". at the same time that he highlighted the Council's effort to turn the City of Light "into a benchmark in the film industry".
The president has advanced that some scenes of the series will be filmed in the water tank of the Alicante complex and the filming will be extended in the City of Light for around 10 days.
On this subject, he pointed out that "scenes of great interest for their special and visual effects are filmed in our water tank, since it is one of the few facilities in the world that allows this type of scenes to be filmed ".
In addition, he emphasized that for the filming an average of 100 people work daily in the Alicante studios, a figure that reaches around 250 people at the time of filming and 20 companies from the area have been hired, "which means a important economic impact for the province, its productive sectors and the audiovisual industry, in addition to the tourism promotion of our territory".
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon
The production of the third season of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon is based in Madrid and will extend to locations in Galicia, Aragon, Catalonia and the Valencian Community.
It will be released in 2025 and is produced by Scott M. Gimple, creator producer David Zabel, Norman Reedus, Melissa McBride, Greg Nicotero, Brian Bockrath, Angela Kang, Jason Richman, Dan Percival and Steve Squillante, in addition to Silvia Áraez and Jesús de la Vega, who also serve as executive producers this season. Peregrinos SP24 provides production services in Spain for the third season.
The third season follows Daryl Dixon and Carol Peletier as they continue their journey back home and reunited with their loved ones. In their struggle to find their way, the journey leads them further astray and takes them to distant lands of adverse conditions and constant change, and they witness the various effects of the walker apocalypse.
The TRAMnochador, the Alicante TRAM night service for the weekends and evenings of summer holidays in the metropolitan area and the marinas, will end trips this weekend, on Friday 30 and Saturday 31 august Since July 5, the Ferrocarrils service of the Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) facilitates nighttime mobility for users during the summer.
With the two services, FGV facilitates access to the main leisure and entertainment areas of Alicante, and to other areas and municipalities where people usually go on summer nights. TRAM d'Alicante thus reaches thousands of citizens, especially young people, who travel during the morning, without the need to use their own vehicle.
The TRAMnochador offers service throughout the night between Luceros and the towns of Benidorm (L1); Sant Vicent del Raspeig (L2); el Campello (L3), and Sant Joan beach (L4), in addition to doing so between Benidorm and Garganes station in the municipality of Altea (L9), with stops at the various stations and bus stops these journeys
The frequencies of the trains and trams will depend on the different lines and the time slots, so customers are advised to find information on the website , on the free information and customer service telephone number (900 72 04 72), on social networks and in the official app of Alicante TRAM.
The Ministry of Environment, Infrastructure and Territory will invest 1,462,824.86 euros in the installation of photovoltaic solar panels in the ports of Benicarló, Peñíscola, Borriana, Xàbia, Altea, Vila Joiosa and Santa Pola, with the funds Next Generation of the European Union framed in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
As explained by Councillor Vicente Martínez Mus, during the visit to the port of Borriana, "with this initiative we are making progress in the fight against climate change, since different facilities inside the ports managed directly by the Generalitat".
Specifically, in Benicarló 175 panels with a peak power of 96.25 kilowatts will be installed on the roof of the shop building, while in Peñíscola the 138 modules that will be on the roof of the offices and booths they will be able to produce 75.9 peak kilowatts. As for the Borriana port market, it will have 220 modules with a capacity of 121 kilowatts.
Regarding the Alicante ports, the roof of the market and the offices of the port of Xàbia (with 119 modules) will supply 64.45 peak kilowatts; in Altea, the fish market and the fishermen's huts will distribute 218 modules with a combined power of 119.9 peak kilowatts, and in the port of Vila Joiosa, the 180 modules installed on the huts will generate 99 kilowatts peak
For councillor Martínez Mus, "the Administration must be a driving force and example in terms of energy efficiency and the use of renewables and, for this reason, the Council chaired by Carlos Mazón is making a serious and determined commitment to equip the buildings and public installations managed by the Generalitat of photovoltaic installations that help save energy and, in this way, contribute to the fight against climate change".
Regeneration of the old wharf
Martínez Mus has taken advantage of the visit to announce that the Council is working on the regeneration of the old Borriana wharf to turn it into a public square with access to the dock to practice kayak polo in the port of Borriana.
It is, the councillor explained, a "degraded and disused area" to which the Generalitat will give "a new public use to turn it into a recreational and sports area for the practice of kayak polo. This action is another tourist and sports resource for Borriana and the port, since an area that has been forgotten until now is being remodeled", he assured.
The works consist of regenerating 2,200 square meters of public space, as well as building a staircase that will facilitate access to the sea for the kayak polo team. In addition, this new space will be connected to the adjacent road that gives access to the Escola de la Mar. To improve the integration between the port and the city, the wall that currently separates the city from the wharf will be demolished and a port sculpture will be installed there.
For the first time, Turisme Comunitat Valenciana is participating in the Manchester Pride celebrations taking place this weekend. The aim is to promote the Valencian Community's tourist offerings specialised for the LGBTQ+ segment.
The regional minister for Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has travelled to Manchester to promote the Valencian Community's tourist offer as a welcoming and diverse destination for the LGBTQ+ community attending Manchester Pride, “one of the most important in the world”.
Montes stressed that “opening up to this type of tourism not only generates wealth, but also provides an educational element that allows destinations that receive it to begin the path towards a much more diverse and inclusive society.” He also highlighted that this segment already represents “10% of the total share of the tourism market and stressed that “we are the only autonomous community that attends this event, and that includes scheduled meetings with some of the most important tourism agents in Europe.”
In this regard, he highlighted the Consell's commitment to LGBTQ+ tourism and stressed that it is not just a tourist product but "a product of values, solidarity, transversality and diversity."
Councillor Nuria Montes is attending Manchester Pride this weekend, where she has held various meetings to boost promotional activities and the visibility of the Valencian Community in the main international issuing market.
Specifically, this Saturday she participated in a working breakfast offered by the Pride organization, with the organization and participants of Manchester Pride.
In addition, this afternoon the Minister has scheduled a meeting with a representative of the Spanish Tourist Office to analyse promotional activities and the situation of the British market, and has also scheduled a meeting with the tour operator Kuoni Travel to study possible collaborations.
Turisme CV presents the Valencian Community's tourist offer in Manchester in a 9 m2 space in the exhibitor area known as Community Lane at Manchester Price. In this way, the entire tourist offer of the destination is promoted, focusing on the offer most in demand by the LGBTQ+ community. In this sense, the promotion of the celebration of the Gay Games in the city of Valencia in 2026 stands out.
It should be noted that the Spanish Tourist Office is strengthening the presence of the Valencian Community by sharing a stand, where Visit Benidorm, the preferred destination of the British market, is also participating.
Manchester Pride is one of the most important events in the LGBTQ+ calendar in the United Kingdom and represents a privileged framework to promote tourism in the Valencian Community in the main international source market.
ccording to figures from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the LGBT community represents 10% of all international travelers, spending 165 billion dollars annually worldwide. It also represents the segment with the highest growth rate, 10.3% annually.
British tourism in the Valencian Community
According to the latest data published by the INE regarding the results of the first half of 2024, the United Kingdom remains the most important nationality for the Valencian Community, with the arrival of 1,419,811 Britons until June, 18.7% more than in 2023.
Furthermore, it is the market that has contributed most to the increase in accumulated foreign spending in the Valencian Community, spending 1,578 million euros during the first six months of the year, 33% more than in the same half of the previous year.
The president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, has announced 1,552,500 euros in aid "to support SMEs in the recruitment of young people specialized in internationalisation".
The head of the Valencian Executive has said that this new order, co-financed at 60% by the European Social Fund, "will allow companies and entities in the Community to have qualified staff in foreign trade, digital sales and marketing, data management and business intelligence ". This initiative is added to the IVACE Exterior grants to provide companies with specialised personnel to facilitate their internationalisation.
Carlos Mazón pointed out the Council's commitment to strengthen the internationalization of the Community's companies "with the aim of boosting their growth in the foreign market, their competitiveness and strengthening the economy of our territory".
In this sense, he has vindicated the policy of this Council to facilitate business activity "because companies are the ones that create employment", at the same time he has advocated for public-private collaboration to promote economic and social development.
In terms of internationalization, Carlos Mazón has noted the Council's support through different measures. Thus, he referred to the 23% increase in Ivace+i aid aimed at supporting strategic consultancy costs for internationalisation, with 3 million euros. It should be noted that, for the first time, the costs related to the support service by experts in any part of the process are included and that have European funding through Feder Funds.
Likewise, he mentioned the 10% increase in aid from the General Directorate of Entrepreneurship and Internationalisation to reach 14.47 million euros, in which, in addition, the eligible expenses for participation costs are increased of companies at fairs, at international events or in actions related to the international marketing plan.
He also recalled that "the ambitious external promotion plan is integrated in 2024 by more than 80 actions in 40 countries", with the aim of strengthening the promotion of the companies and products of our territory with tourism promotion, "with the attention paid to gastronomy as one of the attractions of our land with which we strengthen the Valencian Community brand".
New commercial office in Saudi Arabia
The head of the Council also highlighted the new antenna of the Generalitat opened in mid-July in Saudi Arabia to establish itself as "a strategic destination for exports".
In this sense, he indicated the investment effort of Ivace+i to expand its foreign network with this new office, and highlighted the "high growth potential" of this market for our companies.
Thus, he explained that this new office aims to expand support for the Valencian export sector "in a country consolidated as one of the world's largest importers, where the Valencian business fabric has a lot to offer".
The president has indicated that this country offers opportunities to Valencian companies in very diverse sectors. Saudi Arabia is the leading economy among the Gulf countries and Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC). The Government's interest in diversifying its economy has opened up opportunities for foreign investment in sectors such as tourism, renewable energy, technological sectors, infrastructure and manufacturing, among others.
Carlos Mazón recalled that Saudi Arabia is an important destination for Valencian products, being the second most important in Asia, only preceded by China and with 11% of sales on this continent. In addition, it is the first customer of Valencian products in the Middle East.
The External Network of Ivace+i Internacional supports up to 36 markets through personalised services including market surveys, contact directories, search for partners, personnel selection, among others, in addition to the organisation and support for the participation of Valencian companies in external promotion actions. Services, all these, discounted up to 90% for Valencian companies.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has emphasized that "the housing legislation is progressing at a good pace and only in the first four months since the Living Plan was presented, 185 municipalities in the Community have already joined this program Valencian".
Specifically, 42 municipalities in the province of Alicante, 56 in Castellón and 87 in Valencia have already joined this initiative. For Carlos Mazón, the Living Plan is an "ambitious project to face the challenge of the real estate market that we take on with responsibility and determination in which all the municipalities of the Valencian Community have a place".
Thus, large cities such as Valencia, Alicante, Elche, Castelló de la Plana, Torrevieja, Orihuela, Torrent, Benidorm, Vila-real or Alzira have already joined the Living Plan, or small municipalities such as Sempere, Espadilla, Villanueva de Viver, Herbers, Matet or Ares del Maestrat, among others.
"These accessions imply that there are already more than 3.3 million people under the radius of action of this plan, who represent 64% of the population of the Valencian Community", explained the head of the Council, who has grateful for the commitment of the municipalities "to address one of the great problems of our society which, finally, after years in oblivion, has a serious, coherent and rigorous plan to promote 10,000 public protection housing during this legislature ".
On this subject, the president stressed that housing is a common problem that affects all towns and cities, and that it requires a common front to "facilitate citizens' access to an affordable residential resource so that they can develop their plan of life".
Along these lines, the highest representative of the Valencian executive has indicated that "we cannot waste a single minute" and has pointed out that "Generalitat, FVMP, councils and the private sector are addressing the procedures to start the construction of homes throughout the entire Valencian Community".
In fact, many of the municipalities have already offered land to the Valencian Housing and Land Authority (EVHA) which is in the phase of studying the technical and economic feasibility of the actions. Likewise, the bidding process for the land rights competition for the promotion, construction and management of 720 public protection homes on 13 plots distributed in eight municipalities has started.
Specifically, the housing plan promoted by the Council will benefit 24,600 people, generate 7,326 million euros of investment and have an impact of 2% of our GDP in the next 3 and a half years. In addition, it foresees the creation of 74,000 direct and indirect jobs and will generate 487 million euros in direct revenue (VAT).
For this reason, Mazón has explained that "the Living Plan will not only allow access to housing for thousands of families, it will also stimulate employment in many subsectors linked to construction".
Axis of the Living Plan
The Living Plan is structured around 3 axes: legal security, administrative cooperation and public-private collaboration. In the first axis, legislative initiatives that have already been launched are framed, such as the modification of the decree on design and quality standards in housing buildings and the reform approving the public protection housing regulation and legal regime of the public housing and land heritage of the Generalitat, among others.
In the axis of inter-administrative collaboration, in addition to the agreement with the FVMP, a study has already been carried out through the Valencian Institute for the Construction of available public land owned by the town councils of more than 10,000 inhabitants. In addition, the land owned by the Generalitat through the Valencian Housing and Land Authority (EVHA) will be made available to Plan Viu.
In the axis of public-private collaboration, the Plan envisages the competition for surface rights or administrative concession intended for the private sector to develop promotions for affordable rent for a given period. Land/property swaps are also foreseen which allow tenders for the promotion of protected housing on public land and the delivery of housing to the Administration for social purposes, among others.
Measures 360 degrees
Carlos Mazón has pointed out that the Council's housing policy foresees a 360-degree plan that ranges from construction, tax rebates, rental incentives or a guarantee program because "we want all people who want a house to have facilities to get - her".
Along these lines, he also highlighted the administrative simplification measures to speed up bureaucratic procedures that allow "projects such as the construction of houses or obtaining licenses to progress more quickly and do not entail any delay in matters as important as housing, and in this way they give security to both the employer and the citizen".
The head of the Council has recalled the fiscal measures put in place to facilitate access to housing with the reduction of 25% of the property transfer tax (ITP). Thus, the ITP has been reduced to 6% for those under 35, the most vulnerable groups and buyers of public housing under the general regime. In both cases with a home value of up to 180,000 euros.
On the other hand, for the acquisition of housing with special official protection or if the buyers are large families and single-parent families or people with disabilities and women subject to gender violence who acquire a home, the super-reduced rate becomes of 3%. Also in these cases the limit of the value of the house is fixed at 180,000 euros.
On the other hand, the guarantee program of the Institut Valencià de Finances (IVF) has been launched, which facilitates access to credit for young people up to 45 years old for the acquisition of their first property. This plan, endowed with 20 million euros, allows the buyer to obtain a loan of up to 95% of the price of the house.
Likewise, the Generalitat has extended the Bo Jove 2023-2024 by 6 million euros, which will increase by 2,000 more beneficiaries and reach 6,000 beneficiaries.
The Saturday and Sunday the service between Altea and Calpe will be by bus from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. for technical tests on the Algar viaduct
Alicante TRAM will offer today, Saturday August 10, and early hours of the 11th a special device on line 9 (Benidorm-Dénia) to facilitate access and return to the pyrotechnic show of the Castle of 'Olla that is celebrated in Altea.
With this special service, which this year is affected by the modernisation works carried out by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) on this section of line 9, Alicante TRAM strengthens and extends its usual service hours with additional circulations only from Benidorm to Olla Altea, in both directions.
As a result of these works, FGV is offering an alternative bus service between the stations of Olla Altea and Calp, therefore, given the traffic difficulties expected from the evening to the night, the buses that cover this section may experience delays and will only operate during their regular hours.
In turn, during the evening of August 10, a direct bus has been scheduled from 4 p.m. until the end of regular hours, which will run along the highway, between Benidorm and Benissa stations, in both directions, which will allow linking with the railway service.
In a complementary way, FGV is reinforcing that night the customer service and security staff in trains and stations, at the same time that, in collaboration with Altea City Council and the security forces, access to the most crowded stations, in order to avoid crowds and speed up access to trains.
Due to the expected high occupancy of the trains for the event, the transport of bicycles or scooters will not be allowed on line 9 of the Alicante TRAM from 18:00 hours on Saturday until the end of the service.
The special device planned by FGV is part of a reinforcement of night services that the company plans in the summer in Alicante, called TRAMnochador, which runs on lines 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9, on Fridays , Saturdays and holiday evenings.
For more information on timetables and frequencies, FGV makes available to users the timetables at the stations, the customer service telephone number 900 72 04 72, the website, social networks and the app Alicante TRAM official.
Monitoring work
Apart from this device, on August 10 and 11, FGV has planned to carry out monitoring work on the viaduct over the Algar river in Altea, corresponding to line 9 of the Alicante TRAM.
As a result of this action, from the start of the service until 2:00 p.m. on these two days, an alternative bus service will be offered between the stations of Altea and Calpe.
FGV will establish the corresponding stops at the Altea station on the N-332, Carrer la Mar; Garganes on the N-332, in front of Carrer Catarroja; Cap Negret, on the N-332 in front of the Hotel Cap Negret; Olla Altea on the N-332, next to the Los Jazmines restaurant, and in Calpe, next to the same station.
The Valencian Community has registered a new record of foreign tourist arrivals for the first half of the year with 5,309,844 international tourists, 19.9% more than in the same period in 2023; and a record outlay of 6,436 million euros, which represents a year-on-year increase of 28%, one of the highest recorded at national level.
The market that has contributed most to this increase in accumulated foreign spending in the Valencian Community has been the British market, which has spent 1,578 million euros up to June, 33% more than in the same half of the previous year. This is followed by the Nordic market, which has spent 767.3 million euros, 37.4% more, and France, which, with 703.2 million euros spent, has increased its spending by 17.6% year-on-year.
This is evident from the results of the surveys published this Friday by the INE, and referring to Tourist Movements at the Border (Frontur) and the Tourist Expenditure Survey (Egatur).
These are the best results in the entire historical series, thus continuing the upward trend in foreign tourism in recent months. From January to June, each visitor spent an average of 1,212 euros in the Valencian Community, 6.6% more than the previous year, with an average stay of 9.3 days, 4.3% higher than in 2023. The average daily expenditure stands at 130 euros, which represents a year-on-year growth of 2.3%.
The regional minister for Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes, considered these figures to be “support for the policies developed by the Government of Carlos Mazón” and stated that the increase in spending “shows a qualitative leap in our tourism after a few years in which the Valencian Community had lost its competitive position among Spanish tourist regions”. “Our success is not measured by volume, but by how the spending of foreign tourists is increasing”, she added.
Tourist arrivals by markets
By market, the most important nationality for the Valencian Community continues to be the United Kingdom, with the arrival of 1,419,811 Britons in the first half of the year, 18.7% more than in 2023.
France is next with 823,189 tourists, 18% more than in the same period last year; the Nordic countries with 487,095 tourists, 22.6% more than in the same period last year; and the Netherlands, with 397,308 visitors, representing a growth of 17.3%.
In addition, the German market grew by 24.5% with the arrival of 374,833 Germans until June and tourists from Italy reached 272,146, 23.9% more than in the same period of the previous year.
June month results
In June alone, international tourists visited the Valencian Community to the tune of 1,120,102, an increase of 19.5% year-on-year; and spent 1,403 million euros, which represents an increase of 26.3% compared to June last year. In this same month,
each visitor spent an average of 1,253 euros, 5.7% more; and spending per day reached 132 euros, 2.7% more year-on-year. The length of stay for the majority of tourists was 9.5 days with 10.6 million overnight stays, which represents an increase of 23% compared to June 2023.
By market, the main emitters were the British, French and Nordic countries, the latter with a significant year-on-year increase of 41.2%. Arrivals of Italians rose in June by 25.2% and those of Germans by 3%.
He emphasises that the Council will continue to advance to "reinforce education focused on employment with actions such as the reform of Vocational Training"
It highlights "the good behaviour of female employment and that of all sectors, especially that of tourism"
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has stated that "the Valencian Community leads the creation of employment in this last year in Spain". This is what he said at the Alicante Forum organized by Club Información with the title 'Education in Freedom'.
During his speech, Mazón referred to the latest data from the Labour Force Survey (EPA) which reflect 97,600 more employed people in the last year in the Valencian Community, as well as the drop in unemployment in the second quarter of the year in 42,000 people, which places the unemployment rate in the region at 11.7%.
Mazón emphasized "the good behaviour of female employment, which leads both the growth of employment and the decrease of unemployment" and pointed out the good data in all the productive sectors "especially in tourism".
In fact, according to EPA data, 78,800 jobs were created in the second quarter, bringing the number of employed people to 2,376,700, which is the highest employment figure in a second quarter since there are records. Employment has increased, above all, in the services sector, with 43,800 more employed people, but also in the construction sector with 24,000 new jobs and in the industry sector with 11,100 new jobs.
The head of the Council assured that these figures "are a springboard to redouble efforts to encourage economic activity, reduce fiscal pressure, simplify administration, attract investment and strengthen education focused on employment with actions such as the reform of Vocational Training”.
On this subject, Mazón has stated that "we are committed to this stage of growth because as long as there is a person in unemployment we will continue to work without rest".
For this reason, he emphasised that these data put the value in "our commitment to continue working on sustainable and balanced growth and offering an environment of trust, security and stability to create new opportunities for Valencians, Castellonians and Alicante".
Alicante Forum
Mazón made these statements during the Alicante Forum in which the minister for Education, Culture, Universities and Employment, José Antonio Rovira, spoke.
The head of the Council highlighted Rovira's role in the Council's policies for "the depoliticisation of classrooms, freedom of choice and the universality of education", at the same time that he highlighted "the free education from 0 to 3 years and defence for family reconciliation".
The president was accompanied by the Minister of Health, Marciano Gómez; the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes; the president of the Provincial Council of Alicante, Toni Pérez, and the mayor of Alicante, Luis Barcala.
Valencia has the capacity to host major sporting events and the collaboration of the institutions is complete.
The Generalitat is asking that the Valencian Community be reconsidered as the host of the 2030 World Cup due to its proven ability to organise sporting events and the willingness of public institutions to do so at all times.
The Director General of Sports, Luis Cervera, has expressed his displeasure at the decision by the Royal Spanish Football Federation to exclude Valencia as a venue for the World Cup, without justification and without any objective arguments.
“The city of Valencia is used to hosting large-scale sporting events, it has good hotel infrastructure and a powerful transport network with excellent connections,” Cervera explained.
As regards institutional collaboration, he recalled that both the Valencia City Council and the Generalitat facilitated all the documentation processing and have demonstrated their commitment to making this city the host city.
The Director General of Sports has urged the Royal Football Federation to “reverse its decision because it can still be done because we are on time to get to the World Cup.”
Likewise, it has appealed to the Government of Spain, through the High Council of Sports, to speak out and include the Valencian Community against the decision of the Royal Spanish Football Federation not to include Valencia.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has stated that "after rejecting the urgent reform and repair of the San Diego reservoir, which is the key to the water from Xúquer el Vinalopó being able to flow to the irrigators, the Government of Spain is again denying the province of Alicante the water it deserves and needs".
This is what he said after learning that the central government will not undertake the necessary works to reform the reservoir from San Diego to Villena, vital infrastructure for the proper development of the Xúquer-Vinalopó transfer. In this sense, he pointed out that "not content with politically and unjustifiably paralyzing the Tajo-Segura transfer 26 times, now they want to paralyze the Xúquer-Vinalopó transfer".
The head of the Council emphasized that "while from the Generalitat Valenciana we are already managing all the post-transfer works in record time and executing them with an investment of more than 30 million euros in sections 1 and 2, the Government of "Spain tells us that we cannot store water in San Diego because the reform is not a priority", so the water will not be able to flow through these works.
Mazón pointed out that "Pedro Sánchez's Government is underestimating us, they are denying us the transfers, the pipelines, the water that the province of Alicante needs". "From the Valencian Community - he added - "we do not accept one more excuse, because what has happened with the San Diego reservoir is unspeakable".
Study of 'Railway Vertebration of the Province of Alicante'
During his intervention in the presentation of the study of 'Railway backbone of the province of Alicante' the head of the Council has opted for the unity of action between entities and institutions to provide the province of Alicante with railway infrastructures necessary, from the point of view of rigor, because "it has been shown too many times that investing in Alicante is an act of return to the Spanish economy and the Community".
Carlos Mazón has emphasized that this is "a solvent and serious study" that shows the shortcomings and deficiencies in terms of infrastructures caused by the late programming of the Government of Spain. In this sense, he emphasized that "from the Generalitat we are unblocking infrastructures that were forgotten, such as the Dénia-Benidorm tramway or the Dénia-Gandia tramway". Likewise, he referred to the commissioning of the Elche tramway and the Alicante intermodal, "which were a debt and which we are fulfilling with a very serious commitment".
In the same way, he stated that "while we were the last of the deserving to receive the high-speed line, we are the first to bring profitability to the AVE". He also emphasized that, after receiving the last expansion of the Alicante-Elche-Miguel Hernández Airport, "we are the first to return profitability to the national GDP with the inflow of foreign currency, thanks to tourism". This is why "when we talk about infrastructure, we are not simply talking about tender numbers".
Content of the study
This study includes several key recommendations for the improvement of the rail network in the province of Alicante, among which the doubling of the Elche tunnel, which only has one track, to improve the frequency and operation of the service neighborhood between Alicante and Elche; speeding up the works on the Torrellano variant, reducing the execution period from ten to six or seven years, and the connection with Alicante-Elche-Miguel Hernández Airport with the cities of Elche and Alicante.
Likewise, it includes the suggestion to incorporate passenger traffic in the Mediterranean corridor, optimizing its use so as not to limit it solely to the transport of goods, and the inclusion of branches that connect with the coastal train project, improving connectivity in the province.
The president of the Generalitat has attended the presentation of the study 'Railway backbone of the province of Alicante' carried out by the Institute of Economic Studies of Alicante (INECA), the Valencian Business Confederation (CEV), the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante and Hosbec. An event which was also attended by the Minister of Environment, Infrastructure and Territory, Vicente Martínez Mus, and the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, highlighted "the investment of more than 600 million" to date by the Generalitat and Espais Econòmics for the start-up of the gigafactory and the Sagunto mobility hub.
This was pointed out by the head of the Council after visiting the works of the PowerCo Spain gigafactory in Parc Sagunt II, accompanied by the CEO of PowerCo, Andreas Rottmann, and the minister for Environment, Infrastructure and Territory, Vicente Martínez.
During his speech, the president explained that the investment of more than 600 million euros is focused on the launch of the Battery Campus, the intermodal station and the structural axis, in addition to the execution of expropriations and urbanization of the land located in Parc Sagunt II.
Thus, he pointed out that this investment "joins the 3,000 million euros that are confirmed by PowerCo", at the same time that he has stated that public and private investment "progresses with a firm step and hand in hand" in the Community.
The head of the Valencian executive has reaffirmed the Council's commitment to this project, with the deadlines for its execution "which are accelerating", as well as with electric vehicles and traffic in the automotive sector.
"Thanks to public investments, we are speeding up the transition to a new model of mobility and clarifying doubts about whether the electric vehicle is here to stay", he said. In this sense, he assured that the Valencian Community "is being and will be a pioneer" in this area.
In the same way, he highlighted the Battery Campus, to which the Generalitat is allocating 60 million, and affirmed "that it will be the most important electric vehicle technology academy in Spain". In addition, he pointed out that "not only will PowerCo nurture good professionals with commitments to job placement, but our entire sector".
Likewise, he pointed out the participation of local suppliers in the launch of this project, so "the Valencian economy is benefiting from this engine of investment and construction".
Carlos Mazón has insisted that the Valencian Community is open to investment and that "it is no longer a theory" and has referred to the investment of 4,000 million euros for the Stadler plant in Albuixech to manufacture up to 504 trams, among other investments announced by the Generalitat in recent months.
State of the works
The Sagunto gigafactory is progressing at a good pace. In the autumn, work will be intensified on the land of the future gigafactory with the completion of the water canalization works; the beginning of the foundation and the erection of the first concrete structures that will be largely manufactured in Buñol. In this way, at the end of the year it will be possible to see the start of the work on the height of the future ships.
In addition, it is planned that the company will soon award new construction phases, corresponding to the building or construction of the dry rooms in which a large part of the production process will take place.
It should be noted that PowerCo has already signed the purchase of much of the equipment necessary for the manufacture of the cells with the aim of starting to install it in Sagunto throughout 2025, which will coincide with the hiring of the first plant operators.
The works carried out by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) to connect the Alicante and Xàtiva stations of Metrovalencia with an underground passage have started a new phase with the construction of the upper slab of the tunnel.
This action allows progress in the process of opening a wider pedestrian crossing in the area affected by the works. The aim is to ensure that after the summer part of Carrer Alicante remains free from the crossing with Carrer Xàtiva and the access to Carrer Castelló.
In advance, and depending on the progress of the works, new passage areas will be partially opened in this section. As part of this process, between the 17th and 21st of July, the passage area for pedestrians will be widened to facilitate access to the Plaça de Bous de Valencia, which hosts the Fira de Juliol festivities.
The construction of the upper slab is part of the construction process of the 270-metre tunnel that will join the stations of Xàtiva and Alicante. Once the side walls have been built, the upper part of the 'box' has begun to be built, which will allow, once the affected services have been restored, to replace the different areas of the pavement and roadway.
In the following months, work will continue underground to complete the tunnel, while the surface of Carrer Alicante will continue to be partly affected by the works, in the section that runs between the crossing with Carrer Castelló and Gran Via Germanies.
The underground connection that connects these two stations is part of the new Metrovalencia network expansion plan 2023-2030 announced by the Generalitat. The planned investment in this action exceeds 20 million euros and is financed by European funds.
Once the works are completed in the second half of 2025, it will be possible to have a fast and smooth connection for passengers on lines 3, 5 and 9 of the metro who will be able to transfer with line 10 of the tram.
Councillors Nuria Montes and Salomé Pradas demand that the Government address the railway connection with the infrastructure in order to comply with European regulations
The Regional Minister for the Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, Salomé Pradas, and the Regional Minister for Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes, have discussed with Aena the expansion of Alicante-Elche Airport and have informed its officials that the Generalitat has not given up on building a second runway in the medium term.
These were the statements of the two executives after the meeting they held with the top management of Aena in Madrid and the company's president, Maurici Lucena. At the meeting, the short-term roadmap to improve the capacity of Alicante airport and the terminals was presented, as well as the project planned for the infrastructure of Valencia.
Nuria Montes has indicated that this continuity meeting “has served to provide us with timely information on how the procedure for the expansion of the terminal of the Alicante airport building is going, specifically the runway area in order to be able to exceed the current number of passengers”, while “we have discussed the progress of the project to modify or expand Valencia airport, which is gaining cruising speed and will be carried out about six months later than the previous one”.
The Minister for Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism also wished to highlight that “one of the issues we have also discussed is the regulations that the European Union has just approved, which require all airports with a capacity of more than 12 million passengers to have a rail connection to the trans-European network”. In this regard, she recalled that Alicante airport “is the only one in its category that does not comply, so this connection must be put into operation in the coming years”.
Salomé Pradas stressed that “it is vital that the two expansions planned by Aena be undertaken as soon as possible” and that the studies for the expansions of both terminals be put out to tender in the short term. The objective is to have all the administrative procedures completed before 2027 in order to undertake the first expansion works in the next investment plan (DORA) covering the period 2027-2031.
For the head of Infrastructure, “it is vital that works can be undertaken in the short term so that both airports do not become saturated.” In this regard, she has insisted on the need to put an end to “the anomaly of Alicante-Elche Airport” and to address the railway connection with the infrastructure.
Councillors Nuria Montes and Salomé Pradas demand that the Government address the railway connection with the infrastructure in order to comply with European regulations
The Regional Minister for the Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, Salomé Pradas, and the Regional Minister for Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes, have discussed with Aena the expansion of Alicante-Elche Airport and have informed its officials that the Generalitat has not given up on building a second runway in the medium term.
These were the statements of the two executives after the meeting they held with the top management of Aena in Madrid and the company's president, Maurici Lucena. At the meeting, the short-term roadmap to improve the capacity of Alicante airport and the terminals was presented, as well as the project planned for the infrastructure of Valencia.
Nuria Montes has indicated that this continuity meeting “has served to provide us with timely information on how the procedure for the expansion of the terminal of the Alicante airport building is going, specifically the runway area in order to be able to exceed the current number of passengers”, while “we have discussed the progress of the project to modify or expand Valencia airport, which is gaining cruising speed and will be carried out about six months later than the previous one”.
The Minister for Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism also wished to highlight that “one of the issues we have also discussed is the regulations that the European Union has just approved, which require all airports with a capacity of more than 12 million passengers to have a rail connection to the trans-European network”. In this regard, she recalled that Alicante airport “is the only one in its category that does not comply, so this connection must be put into operation in the coming years”.
Salomé Pradas stressed that “it is vital that the two expansions planned by Aena be undertaken as soon as possible” and that the studies for the expansions of both terminals be put out to tender in the short term. The objective is to have all the administrative procedures completed before 2027 in order to undertake the first expansion works in the next investment plan (DORA) covering the period 2027-2031.
For the head of Infrastructure, “it is vital that works can be undertaken in the short term so that both airports do not become saturated.” In this regard, she has insisted on the need to put an end to “the anomaly of Alicante-Elche Airport” and to address the railway connection with the infrastructure.
The province of Valencia, Castellón and the tourist area of the Costa Blanca exceeded the data for 2023 in these last 15 days of the month, finally reaching an average for June higher than 2 and 3 percentage points compared to the previous year.
These upward trends show that tourists continue to bet on the Valencian Community, with a greater presence of domestic tourists in the province of Castellón or in destinations such as Gandía where the quota of Spanish tourists is around 80%.
Reflecting a greater balance between international and national tourists are destinations such as Valencia city or Benidorm where the proportions are 60% - 40% respectively. In the case of the tourist capital of the Costa Blanca and reflecting once again the loyalty to the destination, the Portuguese market reappears with force, establishing itself as the second most representative international market behind the impetuous British market.
In the case of Valencia, the American market is betting heavily and leads the range of nationalities received in hotels with a volume above 8.5% during the month of June. British, Italian, Dutch and German guests are close behind with shares between 6 and 7.5%.
These occupancy figures, which promise to maintain, and even surpass, the records of last year 2023, are linked to average rates that have increased depending on the type of destination, according to figures provided by the hotel analytics tool Biontrend.
Thus, destinations such as Valencia, characterised by the holding of highly popular events that potentially increase demand, show a price increase of over 14%, while other destinations show more moderate increases of around 5%.
Below, we offer a detailed analysis of hotel occupancy in different parts of the Valencian Community.
The annual hotel occupancy report prepared by BigDataHOSBEC for the following tourist spots in the Valencian Community is now available:
White shore
Province of Valencia
Province of Castellon
You can view the full report at the following link:
Biweekly report on hotel occupancy evolution – 2nd half of June 2024
The destination Benidorm has gained momentum and exceeded the good figures of the last fortnight by two points, finally scoring 88.4%. A figure that balances the records of the same period in 2023. These occupancy figures are largely driven by 3-star hotels, which are close to 89%, and 4-star hotels, which score 88.4%. (See the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
Compared to the whole of June , Benidorm reached an average occupancy of 87.5% , exceeding the figures for 2023 by 1.3 percentage points.
The international tourist market follows the same pattern as in the last two weeks, representing 56.5%, with the British market leading the table with 39.3% , followed at a long distance by the Portuguese market with 4.3%, the Irish market (2.6%), the Belgian market (2.3%), the Dutch market (1.9%) and the Romanian market (1.1%). The rest of the issuing markets do not exceed 1% of representation in any case.
Confirmed reservations in hotel management systems for the first half of July already exceed 84%, very similar to the rate of reservations for 2023
The Costa Blanca area (excluding Benidorm) reached 82.5% occupancy in the second half of June and continues to rise above the 2023 figures, this time by 1.8 percentage points . Thus, the month of June closed with an average occupancy of 81.3%, which represents an increase of 3.8 points compared to the same month of the previous year (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The domestic market is the largest with 56%, leaving 44% for tourists of international origin. Of the latter, the British market heads the table with 14.3% , followed by the Belgian (4.5%), Dutch (3.7%), Irish (2.6%), Norwegian (2.4%) and French (2.2%). In the following positions, with representations between 2% and 1%, are nationalities such as German, Swedish, Polish, Italian and American.
The first fifteen days of July are expected to be optimistic since 77% of reservations have already been confirmed , 3 points above what was expected for the same dates in 2023.
From June 15 to 30, the province of Valencia improved its figures compared to the first half of June and recorded an occupancy rate of 90.6%, thereby improving the data for 2023 by 1.2 percentage points. During this fortnight, the destination of Valencia city also followed the same trend, recording 90.1%, while those associated with HOSBEC in Gandía reached 94%. (See the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
This brings to a close an exceptional month of June in which the province recorded an average occupancy of 89.3% , and in which the city of Valencia stood out by reaching 90.8% occupancy, exceeding in both cases the values of 2023.
In the case of the province, national and international tourists are practically balanced , with the British, Italian and American markets having shares of over 5%. On the other hand, the origin of the tourists staying in hotels changes if we analyse the city of Valencia , where the domestic market represents 39.2% compared to the international 60.8%. In this case, the American tourist gains prominence with 8.4%, followed by the British with 7.8% and the Italian with 7.7%.
Confirmed reservations in hotel management programs for the first half of July are at 85.8% in the province and 85.6% in Valencia.
The province of Castellón ends the month of June with energy reaching 77.4% occupancy , advancing the 2023 records by 1.1 points. Record with which an average of 73.2% is reached during the whole month of June , which represents an increase of 2.1 percentage points compared to the previous year. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
National tourists continue to be the largest in the province, representing 76.5% of the total. The remaining 23.5% is international tourism, with the French market being the most notable with 3%, followed by the American market with 2.3%. Between 1% and 2% are the Australian, Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, Mexican, British, German, Canadian and Dutch markets.
Confirmed reservations for the first days of July are already at 71.1% and this figure is expected to continue to increase with last-minute reservations.
The minister of Hacienda, Economy and Public Administration, Ruth Merino, has highlighted that, as the 2023 Income campaign closes, in the province of Alicante more than 4,000 declarations have already been submitted through the services of the Tax Agency Valenciana and the liquidating offices, which represents an increase of 12.5% with respect to the previous year. This increase is due to the implementation of more face-to-face attention points, which in the case of this province have increased to 26 compared to the 9 of the previous campaign, almost triple.
"The Council is committed to a modern tax administration, agile and close to Valencian citizens, which can assist taxpayers quickly and efficiently, with the aim of being able to help them in the preparation and presentation of this tax", indicated the responsible for Valencian finances.
Ruth Merino made these statements after visiting the face-to-face service point in Benidorm, one of the 25 Mortgage Distrito Liquidating Offices in the province that has provided, together with the ATV delegation in the city of Alicante, the free face-to-face service and personalized for the 2023 Income Statement that ends this Monday.
The councilor was accompanied by the director of the Valencian Tax Agency, Sonia Díaz; the mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez; the head of the Liquidating Office of Benidorm, Ruth Juste, and the regional dean of the College of Registrars of the Valencian Community, Carlos Orts.
Ruth Merino has also indicated that 11,702 declarations have already been processed in the 68 points authorised in the Valencian Community for the presentation of the income declaration. These are provisional figures which, as in the case of those of the province of Alicante, will be higher when the incorporation of the definitive data takes place once the campaign closes on July 1.
As regards the province of Alicante, it is expected that 911,810 declarations will be submitted, which represents 1.3% more than in 2022. In addition, it is estimated that 60.8% of the total declarations (554,960) will be submitted to return for a total amount of 377 million.
The head of Hacienda also took advantage of the last day of the Renta 2023 campaign to thank the work of all the staff of the Valencian Tax Agency and the collaborating entities "because they have shown great professionalism that has resulted in a qualitative improvement in administrative efficiency during the campaign".
Expansion of the network of attention points
The person in charge of the Valencian finances has stressed that the main innovation of this new tax campaign has been the extension of the in-person attention points to help the Valencian taxpayers in the preparation of the declaration. Thus, it has gone from the 25 points enabled last year to a total of 68 distributed throughout the Community to offer this service, with which the Generalitat assists and helps Valencian taxpayers to prepare their 2023 Income Statement.
Specifically, since last June 3, the ATV has provided, together with the State Agency of Public Administration (AEAT), the service 'Más Cerca de ti' for face-to-face, free and personalised attention with what it has offered at the headquarters of the ATV in the three provincial capitals, in 62 Distrito Hipotecario Liquidating Offices and in the municipalities of Ademuz, Ayora and Chiva.
As far as the province of Alicante is concerned, this assistance is provided in the ATV delegation in Alicante (Calle Churruca, 25), as well as in 25 liquidating offices located in the municipalities of Alcoy, Altea, Benidorm, Callosa d'en Sarriá , Callosa de Segura, Calpe, Campello, Cocentaina, Denia, Dolores, Elche, Elda, Guardamar de Segura, Jávea, Jijona, Monóvar, Novelda, Orihuela, Pedreguer, Pego, Pilar de la Horadada, Santa Pola, Torrevieja, Villajoyosa and Villena .
It should be remembered that these offices are assigned functions of management and liquidation of taxes on Inheritance and Donations and on Asset Transfers and Documented Legal Acts, so they have specialized staff in tax matters and the necessary means to provide this service.
First tourist forecasts July and August 2024
The month of June starts on the right foot with data in the provinces of Valencia and Alicante above 80% and in the province of Castellón close to 70% . These first days practically maintain the dynamics of the last fortnight of May and destinations such as Benidorm even surpass these records, recording 86.4% occupancy.
The following fortnight also predicts good results and clear evidence of this is the reservations already confirmed in the hotel management systems which, in practically all cases, are already at the same level as the occupancy data achieved during the first fifteen days of the month. . The province of Alicante will especially benefit from the celebration of Les Fogueres de San Juan , which this 2024 will also be located on the weekend, days for which there is already 83% occupancy.
The peak months of the summer season are just around the corner and the first forecasts are being released from HOSBEC's BigData department . According to our real-time data analysis tool Biontrend, the Valencian Community as a whole currently has a volume of reserves “on the book” above that recorded in 2023.
The predictive model also indicates that The final results will practically maintain the figures from last year, so for the month of July in the provinces of Alicante and Valencia it is expected to exceed 88%, while in Castellón the 80% barrier will be surpassed. The “forecast” for August, the star month of summer, is close to 90% in all areas of the Valencian Community and it is even expected to exceed it in some tourist spots on the Costa Blanca.
Benidorm is the point that presents a slightly slower rate of reservations for these months, however, predictive models reflect that the data for 2023 will be reached. Which shows that sales have to give one last push in the destination. For this reason, it is not advisable to leave reservations until the last minute, since in months like August the hotel industry expects to reach around 92% of rooms occupied.
Regarding these figures, the president of HOSBEC, Fede Fuster, points out that " the inventory destined for the months of July and August will be sold in these last days of June, so it is not advisable to delay the reserves for these months." He also adds that “these good data extend beyond the month of August, detecting an accelerated increase in demand for September and October.”
Below, we offer you a detailed analysis of hotel occupancy in different parts of the Valencian Community.
The annual hotel occupancy report prepared by BigDataHOSBEC for the following tourist spots in the Valencian Community is now available:
White shore
Province of Valencia
Province of Castellón
You can view the full report at the following link:
Biweekly hotel occupancy evolution report – 1st fortnight June 2024
The Benidorm destination has taken off and surpasses the good data of the last fortnight of May by one point, finally scoring 86.4%. A figure that also advances the records for the same period in 2023 by 2.6 percentage points. These occupancy data are largely driven by 3-star hotels, which are close to 90%, and 4-star hotels, which score 84.7%. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
International tourists follow the lines of the last fortnights and represent 62%, increasing the volume registered in the last fortnight of May. The British market leads the table with 45.7% , followed at a long distance by the Portuguese with 3%, Irish (2.7%), Dutch (2.6%) and Belgian (2.5%). The rest of the issuing markets do not exceed 1% representation in any case.
Confirmed reservations in hotel management systems for the second half of June already exceed 86%, well above the 2023 reservation rate
The Costa Blanca area (not including Benidorm) exceeds 80% occupancy in the first half of June and continues to rise above the 2023 data on this occasion by 6.1 percentage points. very notably improving last year's data by 10 percentage points. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The domestic market is positioned as the largest with 46.5%, leaving 53.5% for tourists of international origin. Of the latter, the British market heads the table with 15.8% , followed by the Belgian (5.3%), Irish (3.5%), Norwegian (3.3%) and French (3%). In the following positions, with representation between 3% and 2%, are nationalities such as German, Icelandic and Polish.
The last fifteen days of June are expected to be optimistic since it already has 79.2% confirmed reservations , 4 points above what was expected for 2023 on the same dates.
From June 1 to 15, the province of Valencia remains unchanged compared to the second half of May and records an occupancy rate of 88.2%, improving the 2023 data by 5.4 percentage points. During this fortnight, the destination Valencia city also follows the same line, scoring 89.9%, while those associated with HOSBEC of Gandía reach 87.6%. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
In the case of the province, national and international tourists are practically balanced , with the German, British and American markets with shares of over 5%. On the other hand, the origin of tourists staying in hotels changes if the city of Valencia is analysed , where the domestic market represents 34.5% compared to 65.5% internationally. In this case, the American tourist gains prominence with 8.7%, followed by the German with 7.8% and the British with 7%.
Confirmed reservations in hotel management programs for the second half of June are at 82.3% in the case of the province and at 82.2% in Valencia.
The province of Castellón begins the month of June with energy close to 70% occupancy , advancing the 2023 records by 3 points. Records that show an upward trend for the second half of the month for which there are already 72.8% confirmed reservations in the management systems of the establishments associated with HOSBEC. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The national tourist does not lose momentum and continues to be the largest in the province with 83% representation of the total. The remaining 17% belongs to international tourism, with the French market being the most notable with 3.5% followed by the Italian, German, Romanian, Dutch and British markets with shares between 2% and 1%.
The head of the Consell has visited the Oceanogràfic to meet these cetaceans rescued from the Nemo aquarium in Kharkov in Ukraine
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has visited the Oceanogràfic facilities to meet the belugas rescued from the Nemo aquarium in Kharkiv in Ukraine where he highlighted that “this rescue, which was carried out in a situation of extreme danger, constitutes a milestone “historical world-wide in terms of animal protection.”
The head of the Consell has highlighted that "it is an honor that l'Oceanogràfic has two new belugas that have been saved from the horror of the war in Ukraine and have experienced a difficult situation in recent months." Thus, he has pointed out that "they are already in their new home, a world-class marine conservation center with great professionals who will work intensely to help them recover."
Marine mammal specialists from Oceanogràfic, the American aquariums in Georgia and SeaWorld, and Ukrainian keepers have participated in this operation. The animals, a 15-year-old male named Plombir and a 14-year-old female named Miranda, arrived at the Valencian marine center during the night of June 18 in delicate health conditions after a long journey from the conflict zone.
The president thanked all the teams that participated in “this complex rescue” and highlighted the example that “this international cooperation project for animal protection” represents.
The president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, has stressed that "with the awarding of the works for the TRAM Central Station we have taken a decisive step so that Alicante has this infrastructure and the intermodal station after eight years of paralysis."
The head of the Consell has chaired in Alicante the board of directors of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat (FGV) held at the Marina station to award the works for the future Central Station, and has had the participation of the Minister of the Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, Salomé Pradas.
Carlos Mazón explained that the authorisation for the award has been made for a value of 102 million euros, 98 million correspond to the project for the execution of the work and 4 million to the construction management.
The president has shown his satisfaction with the implementation of this infrastructure, which the Botànic was unable to promote, and has valued the efforts of this Consell by achieving the free and permanent transfer of the land and giving the green light to the construction works. the new central TRAM station extending the network from the Luceros Station.
Likewise, he has pointed out that this work, which will start in the last quarter of the year, "is one of the most important in terms of investment for the city of Alicante and will represent a new stage in intermodality and connectivity of the city itself with a Central Station. at the height of their needs and the desire of Alicante men and women.” In addition, “we unclog the city's connectivity in such a way that we eliminated that wall that separates the Renfe station from the Luceros station.”
The project will allow the creation of a large intermodal node where long-distance flows, the TRAM system and urban, metropolitan and interurban bus services converge. Furthermore, it should be remembered that the objective is to connect with the airport through the Torrellano bypass and a short distance from the cruise terminal of the Port of Alicante.
Carlos Mazón has also influenced the coordination between the Ministry of the Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, and the City Council for the development of this infrastructure and has thanked the negotiation work with Adif for the unblocking of the land.
Characteristics of the future TRAM Central Station
The future Alicante TRAM Central Station will have a general floor area of 12,000 square meters and will be located next to the southern flank of the Adif Station, parallel to said building, but underground. The award of the project includes four tracks and two platforms to be able to properly serve both the metropolitan TRAM services to Campello, San Vicente-Universidad and Cabo de Huertas, as well as the Train-Tram connections with Benidorm and Dénia.
The design of its railway capacity will allow a significant increase in current circulations, as well as addressing future extensions of the system. In addition, the west end of the Station has been designed to allow for the future extension of the TRAM to serve the neighborhoods in that area of the city. Likewise, it is worth noting that we are working together with the Alicante City Council on various solutions for this extension in order to provide this transport service to the largest possible number of citizens.
Phases and Deadlines
The action will begin in the last quarter with the construction of a provisional parking lot located next to the Adif tracks, behind the current railway traffic control building. From then on, the execution of the Station itself will be undertaken, on the one hand, and, on the other, its underground connection with the end of the existing line.
Health urges to avoid tiger mosquito breeding sites to prevent its proliferation
The Department of Health is launching an awareness campaign about the importance of stopping the spread of this insect, since it is a transmitter of certain diseases.
Ruth Usó has pointed out that “fighting the tiger mosquito is for everyone and for everyone, hence the importance of joining efforts from institutions and the population in general.”
The most effective measure to prevent its appearance is to suppress breeding sites that are mainly in spaces with accumulation of small amounts of water.
The Department of Health urges people to avoid breeding sites for the tiger mosquito to prevent its proliferation, through an awareness campaign aimed at the entire population, which includes a series of tips and preventive measures whose objective is to avoid possible bites from these insects.
The purpose is to transmit to the entire society the importance of developing effective actions that prevent the spread of the tiger mosquito, since it can be a transmitter of certain diseases, such as dengue, chikungunya or Zika.
As explained by the general director of Public Health, Ruth Usó, “fighting the tiger mosquito is everyone's business and for everyone. Therefore, it is very important to join forces from all areas of society and involve institutions, municipal and local entities, as well as the population in general, to stop the proliferation of these insects."
For this reason, "through this campaign, from the General Directorate of Public Health we want to convey certain advice that is very simple and that in the long run has a very important impact, since it contributes to eradicating the presence of this type of mosquito in our Comunitat”, Ruth Usó has clarified.
“To avoid possible diseases transmitted by the tiger mosquito, through bites, the most effective measure is to eliminate breeding sites,” indicated the general director. It should be noted that, in the case of urban centers, in approximately 70%, the proliferation of this insect occurs on private properties, so the collaboration of citizens is essential.
In this sense, in order to reach the entire population, the awareness campaign 'The invasion of the tiger mosquito' will be disseminated through the media, social networks and on the website of the Ministry of Health, through the specific portal of the tiger mosquito .
Efficient tips
With the aim of achieving the suppression of possible breeding sources, the campaign emphasizes the importance of avoiding or keeping dry those containers that can accumulate water inside, even in small quantities.
It is also advisable to cover containers that cannot be emptied with mosquito netting; empty and remove saucers from pots when water accumulates; periodically check drains and gutters; empty inflatable pools or keep ornamental fountains and swimming pools clean and disinfected with chlorine, etc.
Furthermore, to avoid bites, it is recommended to protect yourself during the hours of greatest mosquito activity; Avoid using perfumes, as they can attract insects, or apply appropriate and authorized repellents.
Aid to municipalities
Precisely, the Ministry of Health grants aid to the municipalities of the Valencian Community to develop plans to control the proliferation of the tiger mosquito. Specifically, for the year 2024, 350,000 euros have been allocated in subsidies.
Furthermore, given the relevance and impact on public health of the diseases it can transmit, the scope of aid has been expanded, extending it to the fight against other mosquitoes, sandflies, ticks, etc.
On the other hand, the environmental health technical staff of the General Directorate of Public Health also collaborates with the municipalities for advice and participation in the information sessions held for the population.
'Reciclos' is a return and reward system that allows participation in raffles or helping to finance environmental projects
The Department of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory has collaborated with Ecoembes to deploy the 'Recycles' application in all the municipalities of the Community. This application rewards the recycling of cans and plastic beverage bottles through points that users can exchange for participation in drawings for different gifts or make donations to finance environmental projects.
'Reciclos' is a Return and Reward System (SDR) that began to be deployed in 2020 and, until now, was present in 32 municipalities of Alicante, Castellón and Valencia. Using a mobile application, it allowed citizens to scan the barcode on the container before throwing it into the trash can at their home and, later, they had to do the same with another QR code that appeared on the containers.
Now, with the new application, it is only necessary to take a photograph of the container after scanning the barcode on the container. The new application has geolocation technology that identifies the container and artificial intelligence that validates the act of recycling and delivers 'Recycles' points to users.
The general director of Quality and Environmental Education, Jorge Blanco, has highlighted that, with the new application, the Valencian Community becomes “thanks to the agreement that the Generalitat and Ecoembes have reached” the first autonomy that has deployed the 'Recycles' system in all its town halls. In this sense, Blanco has detailed that "this return and reward system will involve the population in the Generalitat's efforts to reduce waste in our natural environments."
Blanco has also explained that, in addition to exchanging points for participation in raffles, users will also be able to donate them to finance environmental recovery projects such as 'Save Little Big Seahorse' by the Oceanidas organization to protect seahorse colonies or contribute to the project 'For a Albufera without plastics ' , which works to recover the aquatic ecosystem of the Natural Park through cleaning tasks and citizen awareness.
In addition, the SDR also has 59 machines, located in sports centers, universities and shopping centers throughout the Valencian Community. To use them, you just have to place all your cans and plastic beverage bottles in them and scan the QR that the machine will show to obtain the points.
In this sense, the manager of Ecoembes in the Valencian Community, Xavier Balagué, has highlighted "the technological commitment so that all Valencians committed to recycling can be rewarded."
The Minister of Justice and Interior, Elisa Núñez, has chaired at the L'Eliana Emergency Coordination Center, the coordination meeting of the 'Deterrent Surveillance Plan and special measures summer 2024' through which all the agencies participating in Prevention and extinction tasks expose the actions to be taken and the personnel available to deal with any fire that breaks out in Valencian natural spaces.
One of the novelties is the incorporation, on June 5, of the new H901 fire prevention helicopter based in Viver, but with an area of operation throughout the Valencian territory. Carry out surveillance and dissuasive work to prevent any improper action from turning into a possible forest fire.
The helicopter works in coordination with the surveillance flights that Avsre carries out on forest fire risk days. It may also act as an aerial means of coordination in firefighting tasks. This helicopter is added to the rest of the resources that participate in prevention and also to the rest of the means of extinction, among which are 19 other aerial means of the Generalitat: 9 planes and 10 helicopters.
On the other hand, it was also highlighted during the meeting that this year the reinforcement units of the Forest Firefighters of the Generalitat were incorporated on April 1. Likewise, the improvement in the level of operational efficiency of the service has been highlighted, which has increased in recent months with the activation of 90 hires.
In this way, since April 1, the 56 forest fire units with the 45 fire engines remain active. Each unit is made up of two groups of five components and each of these groups works on alternate days in ten-hour shifts.
Reinforcement of surveillance shifts
The planned device will also be made up of emergency technical personnel and the Fire Prevention Service, including forestry technical personnel, environmental agents, personnel in the fixed observatories, prevention units, in addition to the fire prevention centers and a team of medium.
Added to this device are the members of the provincial fire brigade consortiums and the municipal firefighters of the provincial capitals, in addition to the Unit Attached to the Valencian Community of the National Police Corps and the rest of the State security forces and bodies, which will maintain the provisions in the parks and, in the event that the weather forecast is favorable to the spread of forest fires, surveillance shifts will be reinforced.
Elisa Núñez has appealed to “responsibility and prevention as essential measures given the dryness of natural spaces and the persistent water shortage that we have been suffering for months,” and added that “this summer is going to be complicated, but we have “a powerful fire prevention and extinguishing device prepared for any situation that may arise, since anticipation is essential.”
In this sense, the Forest Fire Prevention Service of the Ministry of Justice and Interior has explained the importance of the 'Stop al Foc' campaign, which will remain active until next October 15, so that citizens join the effort and the tasks carried out by the prevention and extinction teams.
Finally, it must be remembered that from April 12 to October 13 when the pre-emergency level is 2, during weekends and holidays, surveillance measures corresponding to pre-emergency level 3 have been adopted.
A call can prevent a fire
Núñez also recalled that citizens have at their disposal the 112 emergency telephone number that they can call if they witness the outbreak of a fire or if they see smoke in the mountains. He explained that this collaboration is very important since “a timely call activates the necessary resources in advance and can prevent a fire.”
During the summer period between June 15 and September 15, the 112 call answering room will register an average increase of 15 percent in its staff size compared to other ordinary periods. This increase is due to the fact that at this time of year there is a large influx of tourists to the Valencian Community.
In this sense, we should add that the '112 Comunitat Valenciana' emergency telephone number provides service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in Valencian and Spanish, English, French and German.
Finally, citizens have other tools at their disposal to find out about the advice and recommendations through the official channels of '112 Comunitat Valenciana', including the Twitter account and the 112 notifications AP
These funds are directed both at replacement contracts to cover health personnel who are on summer rest, and at the additional hiring that is intended to be carried out to reinforce Primary Care centres and clinics in areas with the greatest tourist influx, provided that there is available staff.
The Minister of Health, Marciano Gómez, explained that "the planning presented at the sectoral table, conditioned on the availability of personnel, aims to maintain practically the same care provision that was offered last summer."
Likewise, he has indicated that "to this end, given the inaction of the Ministry of Health to offer solutions that allow us to count on the 606 residents who this year finish their training in September, instead of in May, the Ministry has planned its own alternatives."
In this sense, given this exceptional situation of shortage of doctors that the National Health System is facing this summer, the Ministry will apply measures such as the redistribution of care hours, which will include, if necessary, the reduction of care hours in some centers. , the mobility of physicians, incentives (as provided for in the Agreement of January 30, 2024 of the Consell and the decree law 2/2024 of the Consell), as well as the extension of the voluntary period in which professionals will be able to enjoy their vacations until The 30th of November.
In addition, residents who will finish their training in September will be able to provide tutored care in their own health center or another nearby center, always on a voluntary basis and with a family doctor at the center, excluding home and emergency care without being present. accompanied.
The program starts this year on June 15 and runs until November 30, so it will last five and a half months compared to four last year (one and a half months longer than in 2023). In this way, health care is optimised and the attractiveness of the contracts for personnel participating in the summer campaign is increased, as they are replacements and reinforcements that last longer. In addition, the period in which professionals will be able to enjoy their vacations is extended on those same dates, in order to avoid the concentration of professionals on vacation at the same time.
The plan foresees, in principle and always conditional on the availability of personnel, more than 8,600 hires, around a thousand more than last year, an increase that is mainly attributed to the incorporation of the departments of Dénia and Manises to the management. direct.
Openings of summer auxiliary centres and reinforcements
In order to improve health care in tourist areas with greater affluence, the Ministry of Health has planned, in addition to the opening of 20 auxiliary summer clinics, reinforcement actions in another 65 health care centres, by increasing staff in health centres, integrated health centres or offices.
In this way, the aim is to reinforce, as far as possible, healthcare resources in the areas with the highest population influx, according to the healthcare needs detected by the different health departments.
In Castellón it is planned to open the auxiliary offices Benicàssim Atlanta (only in August), Benicàssim-Vila-Real, Oropesa-La Concha, Oropesa-La Marina, Moncofa Playa, Playa de Nules and Playa de la Torre-Almassora.
Likewise, it is planned to reinforce care in the health centers of Alcossebre, Benicarló, Vinaròs, Morella, Traiguera, Benicàssim, Burriana, Oropesa, Peñíscola, Montanejos, Almenara, Grau Castellón and Xilxes.
In Valencia, during the summer the auxiliary offices of Bellreguart Playa, Daimús Playa de Gandia, Tavernes de la Valldigna Playa, Oliva and Xeraco, Mareny Blau, Palmeretes and Perellonet will open.
In addition, it is planned to reinforce the health centers of La Patacona, Port-Saplaya, Playa de la Pobla de Farnals, Puçol, El Puig, Ayora, El Perelló, El Saler, CSI Cullera, Catadau, Piles, Canet d'En Berenguer, Miramar Gandia Beach, Grao de Gandia and Cullera Oasis.
Finally, in Alicante the auxiliary centres of Calp La Fossa, Dénia Les Marines, Xàbia Arenal, Urbanova Alicante and Casa del Mar Santa Pola will be opened.
On the other hand, health care will be promoted in the following health centres in the province: CSI Campello, Cabo Huertas, Playa de San Juan, Teulada-Moraira, Bolulla, Confrides, Confrides Abdet,
Guadalest, Tàrbena, La Nucia, Polop, Cala of La Vila Joiosa, Finestrat, Finestrat La Cala, Cala de Benidorm, Orxeta, Relleu, Sella, Altea, Albufereta, Alfàs del Pi, Almassera de Tonda, Callosa d'en Sarrià, Foietes, Rincón de Loix, Tomás Ortuño, CSI Santa Pola, Santa Pola Gran Alacant, La Marina, Elche Los Arenales, Illa Tabarca, Coveta, Guardamar de Segura, La Loma, Mil Palmeras, Orihuela Costa, Pilar de la Horadada-Torre de la Horadada.
In this way, this summer in the province of Valencia the Q flag will fly in 17 municipalities, which are: Canet d´En Berenguer, Sagunto, Puçol, El Puig de Santa María, La Pobla de Farnals, Alboraya, València, El Perelló-Sueca , Cullera, Tavernes de la Valldigna, Xeraco, Daimús, Gandia, Bellreguard, Miramar, Piles and Oliva.
For its part, in the province of Alicante there will be a total of 11 municipalities: Dénia, Benissa, Altea, Benidorm, Villajoyosa, El Campello, Alicante, Santa Pola, Torrevieja, Orihuela and Pilar de la Horadada. And in Castellón, 11 destinations will also display the Qualitur flag, and they are: Vinaròs, Peñíscola, Alcalà de Xivert, Torreblanca, Oropesa, Benicàssim, Castelló de la Plana, Burriana, Nules, Moncofa and Chilches.
The Qualitur Flag recognizes the efforts of municipalities that offer beaches with clean waters and well-kept sands, surveillance measures, hygienic services, recreational facilities, environmental protection measures and the guarantee of their universal accessibility.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, presented this Friday in Altea, accompanied by the General Director of Tourism, José Manuel Camarero, the recognitions to these 39 municipalities of the Valencian Community.
During his speech at the event, Montes highlighted that “each flag that flies on our beaches is a symbol of pride and belonging”; and has congratulated all the municipalities of the Valencian Community that from today will raise the Qualitur flag on their beaches, thus thanking “their work, their commitment to excellence and for understanding that the union of efforts allows us to offer the best of ourselves to who visit us,” he added.
In this context, the head of Turisme has stressed that “tourism is a vital source of economic and social development”, while advocating that it be managed “with responsibility and a vision of the future”.
130 certificates in quality, environment and accessibility
The Generalitat, through Turisme Comunitat Valenciana, grants this Q Flag award to all the beaches and coves of the Valencian Community that have a recognised certificate.
The models of excellence that are recognized are: ISO 9001 and Q Tourist Quality in terms of quality; ISO 14001, EMAs and S Regulations on Environmental Sustainability; and in accessibility the UNE 170001 Standard.
With this, the Valencian Community has 130 certificates distributed across 204 beaches and coves that will display the Q Flag this summer 2024 in recognition of its commitment to excellence.
Of the 130 certificates, 55.4% of the certificates are in quality, followed by environment, which represents 37.7% of the total certificates, and finally accessibility with 6.9%.
Q flags by provinces
By province, in Castellón a total of 11 municipalities have been awarded the 'Q Flag' 2024, bringing together a total of 35 certificates (26.9% of the total), and distributed over 70 beaches (representing 34.3% of the total ).
In terms of number of certificates, Castelló de la Plana stands out with 9 certificates and Moncofa with 6 certificates. And regarding the scope of the certificates, Vinaròs stands out with 23 beaches, and Alcalà de Xivert with 9. It should be noted that 73% of the awarded municipalities in Castellón have a certificate under ISO 14001, demonstrating their interest in the environmental management of this natural resource.
For its part, the province of Valencia has the largest number of municipalities with Qualitur flags, amounting to 17 destinations, which bring together 59 certificates (45.4% of the total) and distributed over 44 beaches, representing 22% of the total. In terms of the number of certificates, Cullera (with 12) and València stand out with 7. In terms of the number of beaches, Cullera also stands out, with 8 certified beaches and Oliva with 6.
With respect to the province of Alicante, 11 municipalities received the Qualitur flag this Friday, bringing together 36 certificates, which represent 27.8% of the total of the Valencian Community. Considering the number of beaches, it is positioned as the first province in the Community with 90 award-winning beaches, representing 44% of the total.
Benidorm has 10 certificates and Orihuela 7. In terms of the number of certified beaches, the municipalities of El Campello (15), Santa Pola (13) and Pilar de la Horadada (11) stand out. It should be noted that 55.6% of the awarded municipalities in Alicante have ISO 9001 and 35.7% have ISO 14001 Quality, demonstrating their interest in the quality and tourism sustainability of the province.
Focusing on the province of Alicante, it is observed that the Costa Blanca rises like foam and exceeds the 2023 records by 9.4 percentage points , which finally add up to 82.3% of the monthly average.
Going down one step in the analysis, as a sun and beach destination, Benidorm leads the table, scoring 85.4% occupancy during the second fortnight, almost 4 points more than during 2023. Which allows it to close the month with 84%, data that is even higher than that of 2019. Within this typology, destinations such as Calpe and Altea also stand out with figures of 82.6% and 81.2% respectively.
The city of Turia continues relentlessly and those associated with HOSBEC stand at 90.8% during the month of May, thus leading, once again, the analyzed destinations of the Valencian Community. These data are undoubtedly driven by the variety of its cultural offering, its appeal to the MICE market and its typology of an urban destination on the beach. A city in which the international market prevails, with almost 70% of the total share and with the American, British and German markets leading the way.
The province of Castellón during the last fifteen days recorded 73.9% occupancy, increasing the records for the same period of the previous year by 6.8 points. More than positive values that are marked, above all, by the 4-star hotels associated with HOSBEC, which score 74.2%. These results result in the province exceeding the 70% threshold in the monthly average for the first time in all of 2024.
Below, we offer you a detailed analysis of hotel occupancy in different parts of the Valencian Community.
The annual hotel occupancy report prepared by BigDataHOSBEC for the following tourist spots in the Valencian Community is now available: Click Here
White shore
Province of Valencia
Province of Castellón
You can view the full report at the following link: Click Here
The Benidorm destination improves the data for the first fortnight and records 85.4% occupancy. A figure that also improves the records for the same period of the previous year by almost 4 percentage points (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
Thus, the month of May closes with an average occupancy of 84% , which represents an increase of 2.7 percentage points compared to 2023 and almost 5 points compared to the previous month.
International tourists (58.4%) exceed domestic tourists and owe a large part of their representativeness to the British market, which accounts for 44.3% of the total volume of tourists who spend the night in hotels. In later positions are the Irish market (3.2%), Belgium (2.7%) and the Netherlands (2.6%). The rest of the issuing markets do not exceed 1% representation in any case.
Confirmed reservations in hotel management systems for the first days of June already exceed 84%, showing a better rate of reservations than in 2023.
The Costa Blanca area (not including Benidorm) continues to add occupancy points and stands at 83.7%, very notably improving last year's data by 10 percentage points. This improvement is motivated by 4 and 3 star hotels, which have reached 86.2% and 82.2% respectively. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
In this way, the Costa Blanca recorded 82.3% occupancy during the month of May, which implies a notable increase of 9.4 points compared to the previous year and almost 7 points compared to April.
The domestic market is positioned as the largest with 47.5%, leaving 52.5% for tourists of international origin. Of the latter, the British market leads the table with 16.1% , followed by the Belgian (6.5%), Dutch (4%), Norwegian (3.5%) and Irish (3.4%). In the following positions, with representation between 3% and 2%, are nationalities such as German, French and Polish.
The first half of June is expected to be optimistic since it already has 78.3% confirmed reservations , 6.5 points above what was expected for 2023 on the same dates.
From May 16 to 31, the province of Valencia recorded an occupancy rate of 88.2%, a figure very in line with the latest records of the month and which improves the 2023 data by 6.4 percentage points. During this fortnight, the Valencia city destination continues unstoppable, exceeding 90% occupancy (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
Thanks to these results, the province of Valencia reaches 88.7% average occupancy during the month of May , 5.2 percentage points more than in 2023. As for the city of Valencia , last year's records are also exceeded by 1.9 points, reaching an average of 90.8% .
National and international tourism are in harmony with 48.7% and 51.3% respectively. The German market leads the table with 5.8%, followed by the United States (5.6%), the United Kingdom (5.4%) and the Netherlands with 5%.
The difference between domestic and international tourists is accentuated in Valencia city, where the national market occupies 31.1%. The most prominent nationalities at this point are similar to the province with the American market in the lead (9.3%), followed at a short distance by the Dutch (8.3%), British (7.4%) and in fourth German position (7.1%).
Confirmed reservations in hotel management programs for the first half of June are at 84.5% in the case of the province and at 87.4% in Valencia , in both cases they are already above the forecasts for the same period of 2023.
The province of Castellón ends the month of May exceeding forecasts with 73.9% occupancy . This figure improves the data recorded during the same period in 2023 by 6.8 percentage points (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The province of Castellón thus closes the month of May with an average of 70.4% occupancy, improving the 2023 data by 2 percentage points.
National tourists remain the destination's main market with 81.6% of the total volume. The remaining 18.4% belongs to international tourism, which is led by the French market with 5.4%, followed at a long distance by the British with 2.1%, Germany with 1.8%, Italian ( 1.7%) and Dutch (1.2%).
For the days from June 1 to 15, there is already a volume of confirmed reservations of 72.8%, but it is still expected that the data can be improved in the same way as has happened during this fortnight.
Metro, tram and train-TRAM users save 72 million euros in gasoline and diesel
The service provided by the Generalitat Valenciana Railways (FGV) network to its users in Valencia and Alicante annually prevents 90,633,599 trips by private vehicles through the two capitals and their respective metropolitan areas.
All of these car movements, generally one outbound and one return per day, would have occurred if the current rail public transport offer had not existed, which moved 296,624 passengers on average per day last year, which meant exceeding the 108 million passengers in the last year between Metrovalencia and TRAM d'Alacant.
In addition, each year the emission of 114,681 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is also avoided, a very significant figure that demonstrates, on the day that World Environment Day is celebrated, that rail transport is the most ecological of the existing ones. currently, the most sustainable and the one with the greatest respect for nature.
The advantages of public rail transport are also complemented by the fact that, when traveling by metro, tram or TRAM train, 45 million liters of fuel were no longer consumed, a significant energy saving. This amount of fuel has a cost, at today's prices, of 72 million euros, an economic amount that users have not had to pay when using these means of transport.
Metrovalencia data
Last year, the service provided by Metrovalencia to its users prevented 75 million trips by private vehicles through the capital of Turia and its metropolitan area; Unavoidable movements in the absence of the complete metro and tram network that transported 247,924 passengers on average per day, which exceeded 300,000 on weekdays, which meant reaching 90.4 million passengers in 2023.
Based on this data, it can be calculated that the volume of rail traffic that FGV contributed through the province of Valencia prevented the emission of 86,610 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Once the environmental importance of the FGV network in Valencia and its metropolitan area has been verified, the savings that all drivers obtained by leaving their private vehicle at home and opting for public rail transport can also be calculated.
The liters of fuel that were not purchased when traveling by Metrovalencia were 33.8 million liters, which meant a saving of 54.1 million euros last year at today's prices for diesel and gasoline.
In this sense, it is worth noting that, in addition to those people who do not use a private vehicle to travel to their workplace, study, to make purchases, health visits or for leisure reasons during work days, there are also travelers who make a Combined journey with your car and the metro or tram, thanks to Metrovalencia's free park and ride parks that have more than 1,500 spaces.
Alicante TRAM data
Last year, the service provided by the Alicante TRAM to its users prevented 15.2 million trips by private vehicles through the capital, its metropolitan area and the Las Marinas regions. All of these car movements would have occurred if the current rail transport offer did not exist, which moved 50,048 passengers on average per day, which meant exceeding 18 million passengers last year on the six existing lines.
Based on this data, it can be calculated that the volume of traffic that FGV contributed through the province of Alicante prevented the emission of 28,071 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Once the environmental importance of the TRAM network has been confirmed, the savings that all drivers obtained by leaving their private vehicle at home and opting for this public transport can also be calculated.
The liters of fuel that were not purchased when traveling on the TRAM were 11.5 million liters, which meant a saving of 18.3 million euros at today's prices.
In fact, since last May 15, the General Directorate of Public Health has had the Program for Prevention and Attention to Health Problems derived from High Temperatures in the Valencian Community active, which will continue until September 30, unless weather conditions recommend its modification.
As explained by the general director of Public Health, Ruth Usó, “we have one of the earliest warning systems, since all the information about the temperature level of a specific area, as well as preventive measures to avoid health problems related to extreme heat, they are communicated early a day before, which facilitates the implementation of the actions that are necessary."
"In addition, this system has a powerful communication network that transfers information to the local level, so that each municipality receives the day before a day of extreme heat the information on the level of health risk due to high temperatures, the type of nights depending on the heat and the preventive measures that must be implemented to protect the health of the population,” added Ruth Usó.
To this end, there is a program coordination commission that brings together all the entities qualified to convey information to the population, as well as to activate whatever resources are necessary aimed at protecting people's health against extreme heat, which is why they are institutions involved in the health, socio-health, educational, sports, environmental and municipal fields, among others.
Risk levels
The program establishes a forecast of the maximum temperatures for each municipality of the Valencian Community taking into account the threshold temperatures. With this information, a map is prepared daily on the level of risk in each area and is represented by four colors: green (absence of risk or level 0), yellow (low risk or level 1), orange (medium risk or level 2) and red (high risk or level 3), the latter corresponding to extreme heat.
In addition, the program makes a prediction of night temperatures that classify the type of night as: normal (< 20º), tropical (> 20ºC), equatorial (> 25ºC) and torrid (> 28ºC).
In this sense, the Department of Health issues an alert in cases where extreme heat may pose a risk to people's health (level 2, 3 and hot nights) and, therefore, it is advisable to take the appropriate measures. to avoid cases of dehydration, heat stroke or worsening of chronic diseases, among others.
Awareness campaign
In the event of an alert being activated, the entire population must be aware of the risks and special attention must be paid to the most vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, minors or patients suffering from a chronic disease or other pathology, in addition to others. vulnerable social groups (marginalization, homelessness...), in which an episode of excessive heat could compromise their health.
For this reason, the Ministry of Health has spread an awareness campaign with advice aimed at the population to avoid health problems, which will be disseminated through the media and social networks.
Likewise, the temperature forecast can be consulted on the website of the Department of Health , in an interactive format to offer information for each municipality in an agile and simple way. In addition, all the promotional material for the campaign is available on the website so that it can be downloaded (posters, radio and video spots).
Some of the tips to avoid risks associated with high temperatures are: avoid direct exposure to the sun between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.; drink plenty of water if you do not have a medical contraindication, avoid alcohol and caffeine; protect seniors, minors and other vulnerable people; use appropriate protective creams; exercise during cooler hours; and do not leave anyone in the car, including pets.
These teams digitise the documentation for electronic certification using the WebScan computer application, so that the documents are immediately incorporated into the corresponding administrative files.
The devices have been implemented thanks to the Generalitat's printing framework agreement, which allows the centralised contracting of printing, digitising and copying equipment and services, as well as its maintenance and the replacement of consumable material. These services can be contracted and are available to the Administration of the Generalitat, its instrumental public sector and other participating entities.
The current agreement provides continuity to the printing solutions derived from the old framework agreement, which made possible, for the first time, the centralised contracting of these services and made it possible to save 45% in direct costs and reduce spending from 14 to 7.6 million euros, a saving of 6.4 million.
Currently, annual spending is 4.7 million, which represents a saving of 2.9 million compared to the previous agreement and 9.3 million compared to the model prior to centralised contracting.
Lower energy consumption and CO2 emissions
Furthermore, the previous contract introduced a set of improvements that allowed the number of devices in the Generalitat to be reduced by 48%, as well as CO2 emissions by 32% and energy consumption by 45%.
Regarding the reduction of paper use, the digital transformation of the entire system made it possible to reduce printed pages by 32%, increasing annual pages from 107 million to 73 million.
Currently and under the new framework agreement, its use has continued to be reduced to around 60 million printed pages per year, 45% less compared to the non-centralized model.
The new printing framework agreement has a duration of five years and an estimated value of 23.5 million euros. In addition, it includes new technological, contracting and environmental advantages and benefits and expands the type of devices available, even allowing printing from a mobile phone.
Since the formalisation of the contract in 2021, the implementation of scanners for exclusive use for customer service has continued, so that a total of 238 hand-held scanners and 875 multifunction devices (printing, digitizing and copying) have been deployed. So far, in total, the delivery of 2,888 devices of the more than 3,800 planned for different uses has already been processed under the framework agreement.
Digital entry and registration
The general director of Information and Communications Technologies, José Manuel García Duarte, has highlighted that these devices “are being of great help for the implementation of electronic Administration, since they facilitate citizens' procedures with the Generalitat, streamlining them and increasing security in procedures.”
According to García Duarte, “through these devices, paper documentation is transformed into authentic digital copies, which validates its electronic processing and allows the relationship between citizens and the Administration to be streamlined with all the guarantees.”
The Webscan computer application allows you to scan documents and images from the multifunction scanners and printers installed at registration and citizen service points and transfer them to the computers of public employees using a web browser.
In this way, the entry and registration of documentation is digital from the first moment, facilitating its incorporation into the administrative files that require it, for more agile, simple and efficient management.
Furthermore, these new services make it possible to reduce spending on travel and other administrative burdens in the future, since the Administration does not need to ask citizens for information and documentation that is already in their possession.
Through the Comunitat Valenciana Itineraries App you can find, save and share itineraries prepared for trips of different durations, in addition to finding plans in the 'Agenda'
All the information offered is synchronised with the website, thus making the updating of content as effective and efficient as possible.
Turisme Comunitat Valenciana activates a new application to provide mobile phone users with information to explore the regions of the Comunitat Valenciana.
Specifically, the new Valencian Community Itineraries App offers the content of the 'Itineraries' and 'Agenda' sections of the Valencian Community tourist portal, and is available for both iOS and Android.
In this way, the app includes information on both the regions of the Valencian Community and proposed travel itineraries lasting several days.
In addition, in the Comunitat Valenciana Itineraries App you can also consult the events on the agenda, where all the events published on the tourist website are located, which are published in collaboration with the tourist information offices of the Tourist Info Network.
In this way, through this app you can find, save and share itineraries prepared for trips of different durations, and also find in the events agenda the best plans to enjoy your stay in the Valencian Community.
It should be noted that all the information offered is synchronised with the website, so when its content is updated, it is done simultaneously in the app, thus making the content update as effective and efficient as possible.
The councilor defends that the new Law of the Valencian Coast will help “to maintain and increase the number of recognitions for our beaches”
The Minister of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, Salomé Pradas, has highlighted that the leadership of the Valencian Community in blue flags - which this year has garnered 159 flags - proves “that it is possible to combine environmental protection and economic development.” .
In the opinion of the councilor, who presided over the ceremony of handing over the flags on the Carregador beach in Alcalà de Xivert, “it cannot be forgotten” that the awards granted by the Environmental and Consumer Education Association (ADEAC), “ They recognize the extraordinary quality of our waters and our sandy beaches, but also the services offered there, as well as their sustainability and environmental respect.”
Pradas has explained that the Valencian Community has revalidated its leadership this year by obtaining “two out of every ten blue flags in all of Spain” and that each of them “reinforces the reputation of the Valencian Community as a top-level tourist destination and guarantees that “Its beaches will continue to be a natural treasure and an economic engine.”
Furthermore, the councilor defended that “in a world increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability, the blue flags are a testimony of our effort, dedication and commitment to preserve and improve our coastal heritage.”
“Tourists are increasingly demanding and better informed, which is why they are looking for destinations that not only offer natural beauty, but also security, quality services, good communications and, without a doubt, a serious commitment to the environment and sustainability.” ”, added Salomé Pradas.
The ADEAC has awarded the Valencian Community 159 blue flags, which represents six new distinctions compared to last year. The three new awards achieved are in Pobla Marina (in Pobla de Farnals), Rabdells de Oliva beach and Torres de la Vila Joiosa beach. The Marina Salinas de Torrevieja and the beaches of Torrenostra (Torreblanca), L'Arbre del Gos (València), Les Deveses (Dénia), Levante and Malpas (Benidorm) and La Ermita (Santa Pola) have also recovered the award.
Of the 159 blue flags, 138 correspond to beaches, 19 to ports and, for the first time, two to Mundo Marino tourist boats with moorings in València and Dénia. Of the total, 87 correspond to the province of Alicante, 39 to Valencia and 33 to Castellón. Six municipalities and their corresponding beaches continue, without interruption, with a blue flag since the beginning of the program in 1987. Thus, for 38 consecutive years, Alcalá de Xivert (El Carregador beach), Alicante (Sant Joan beach), Calpe (La Fossa beach ), Campello (Carrer la Mar beach), Cullera (Sant Antoni beach) and Gandía (Nord beach) have not stopped having this distinction. Also, the award has been revalidated by Playa-Monte de Navarrés, the only one with continental bathing waters for meeting the criteria of safety, services, accessibility and special attention to the preservation of the environment.
The ADEAC has also recognized 88 “blue centers” for different environmental interpretation and education facilities that contribute to valuing local ecosystems, as well as raising awareness among the population about sustainability. In this regard, Pradas has highlighted that, of them, "25 belong to the Valencian Community, of which 15 are in the province of Alicante, 2 in Castellón and 8 in Valencia."
For the Minister of the Environment, “maintaining and increasing, each year, the number of blue flags in the Valencian Community presents challenges that require continuous attention and innovative solutions.” For this reason, she has called on all administrations, the tourism sector and civil society to “continue working together to maintain the levels of quality and excellence that have characterized our waters and sands for more than three decades.
“Hence, the future Law for the Protection and Planning of the Valencian Coast makes all the sense in the world, which, based on consensus and participation, will allow the Generalitat to deploy its powers to the maximum to make uses and activities compatible in accordance with its own needs. and the characteristics of our land”, concluded Salomé Pradas.
The councilor made these statements during the inauguration of the first edition of Why H2, a double conference on hydrogen and sustainable energy industries that will bring together companies, technology centers, institutions and experts at the Alicante Fair for three days.
Nuria Montes recalled that "the Ministry has formed a working group with the main companies in the sector to promote the generation of green hydrogen."
All of this within “an industrial hub in renewable energies focused on the generation and storage of green hydrogen, combined with the implementation of photovoltaic installations or technologies such as biogas. It is necessary to diversify energy supply sources,” Montes stressed.
In this sense, the councilor has reviewed the recent agreement between the Generalitat and BP (HyVal), which contemplates an investment by the energy multinational of 2,000 million euros and the creation of 5,000 jobs until 2026, a project that could serve to supply the ceramic cluster, heavy transport and aviation.
In addition to HyVal, Montes has highlighted that there are eleven other projects related to green hydrogen currently scheduled in the Valencian Community. Among them, he mentioned VAHIA 2030, the Green Hydrogen Valley of Alicante promoted and promoted by the Federation of Metal Entrepreneurs of the Province of Alicante and the University of Alicante, among others.
Mediterranean Corridor and H2Med
Both HyVal in Castellón and VAHIA 2030 in Alicante are part of the Levante-Mediterranean Corridor green hydrogen axis that is the focus of the Why H2 congress program.
This axis is part of the H2med project, a transnational initiative to interconnect the hydrogen networks of the Iberian Peninsula with northwest Europe. The energy corridor was launched by Spain, France and Portugal in 2022 and a year later it added the support of Germany.
In Spain, the H2Med project has a Backbone Network of 703 kilometers of pipelines with a transport capacity of two million tons of hydrogen. Its commissioning is scheduled for 2030.
The Mediterranean Corridor between Cartagena and Castellón will be one of those that will supply green hydrogen to the H2Med Backbone Network. To this end, the Generalitat and Enagás signed an agreement in March 2023 that contemplates the construction of 450 kilometers of hydroducts in the Valencian Community with an investment of 575 million euros.
The project will contribute to bringing clean energy to the large industrial centers of the Valencian Community, mainly the ceramic, chemical and petrochemical sector of Castellón, the Sagunto industrial hub, the Valencia airport and the three ports of the Valencian Community.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has met at the headquarters of the Valencian Business Confederation (CEV) with the president of the Valencian Consumers Association (Avacu), Fernando Moner. At the meeting, the councilor reported that the Valencian Society of Technical Vehicle Inspection (Sitval) is going to launch, in some ITV stations, as a shock plan, a line without an appointment to be able to attend to the users.
In addition, Montes explained that at the end of this month of May a fully accessible web platform will be put into operation for booking and paying for prior appointments. Along with this service, the call center will be reinforced to receive calls requesting an appointment at ITV stations.
The councilor added that “as already stated, the shock plan consists of dedicating a specific line of attention to those users who urgently need to pass the ITV for work reasons as the vehicle is their main work tool. In this way, the demands of the most representative road transport and passenger federations and associations of the Valencian Community before the Generalitat are responded to. Subsequently, the walk-in line will be available to all users.”
Nuria Montes has clarified that “with these measures we intend, on the one hand, to streamline the service and recover a situation of normality in care and, on the other, to prevent fraud associated with the booking of false appointments via the Internet. Along with the chaotic situation inherited from the previous Government, we find a “go-at-home” website that is constantly suffering from computer attacks.”
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism has informed consumer representatives that “in June, 90 permanent employees and 250 new temporary inspectors will be hired, which will allow them to have more hours and more lines to serve more appointments at ITV stations and thus be able to offer more service.”
Nuria Montes has pointed out that “the chaotic situation we have now is not new. The unions already warned Sitval of the different problems without their demands being attended to by the previous government team, which for two years did practically nothing to organize the reversal of the public service."
Furthermore, Montes concluded by stating that "it is the Government of President Carlos Mazón who, in less than a year, is making an enormous effort to organize this essential service for citizens and provide the rapid and quality care expected in a ITV station.”
The awards for the new computer system and telephone support are part of the Department's plan to significantly improve the appointment management system. These are very relevant aspects whose administrative procedure has been carried out while the problem of equalizing salaries for all workers was resolved.
Finally, Sitval and the Torrent City Council have recently signed a protocol of intentions to build a new ITV station in this municipality that will replace, before the end of the legislature, the one that now operates in Riba-roja. Along these same lines, a new rental contract has also been signed to guarantee the service of the Riba-roja station while the Torrent station is being built.
Specifically, during the meeting they analyzed the celebration of the Valencia Marathon 2024 that the capital will host on December 1 and its tourist impact.
Cristina Moreno has highlighted that the next edition of the Valencia Marathon 2024 is expected to “again break the historical participation record”, with all bibs sold out (35,000 participants) and with a waiting list of 7,000 people.
Furthermore, he highlighted that "60% of the participants in the test are foreigners, which demonstrates the enormous international impact of this competition, and we must be prepared to offer the best image and welcome to visitors", while at the same time he has influenced in that “they not only compete in our streets, but become ambassadors of the Valencian Community upon returning to their countries of origin.”
During the meeting, the president of Hosbec explained that, as they presented last week, they are working on a web portal for the marketing of packages that include accommodation and tickets to events. In this way, the Association collaborates with the test by making it easier for attendees to find accommodation.
The British market shines with its own light, being the leader in the share of international arrivals in destinations such as Benidorm and the Costa Blanca
Since May 1, the summer tourist season has been officially inaugurated and this is supported by the data obtained by the destinations of the Valencian Community. The beginning of the summer period registers occupancy figures above 80% in most destinations , highlighting Valencia, the city with the highest figure, 91% occupancy, and with the province on the same page with 89.1%.
These good data have been boosted in many destinations by the celebration of the May long weekend. However, this has not reduced the share of international tourism which, in cases such as Benidorm and València, has represented 60% and 70% respectively.
The British market shines with its own light, being the leader in the international market share on the Costa Blanca with 12% and in Benidorm, where its predominance is clear, with almost 46% of the total volume. In the case of the city of Turia it is positioned with 8.3%, only surpassed by the US market with 9%.
These markets are also joined by other nationalities that are not far behind, especially in the province of Valencia or in the Costa Blanca area (not including Benidorm), characterized by the variety of origins of their guests. Thus, countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands, France, the Nordic Countries, Ireland and Italy are positioned as the main international markets that operate in the Valencian Community.
In contrast, there is the province of Castellón , in which the national market, as is customary during the summer season, reigns with 77% compared to 23% of the international market, in which the French tourist leads with 8.3 %.
Below, we offer you a detailed analysis of hotel occupancy in different parts of the Valencian Community.
The annual hotel occupancy report prepared by BigDataHOSBEC for the following tourist spots in the Valencian Community is now available:
White shore
Province of Valencia
Province of Castellón
You can view the full report at the following link:
Biweekly hotel occupancy evolution report – 1st fortnight of May 2024
The Benidorm destination maintains the data for the last fortnight of April and records 82.8% occupancy. A figure that slightly improves the records for the same period of the previous year by 1.8 percentage points (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
International tourists (60.3%) exceed domestic tourists and owe a large part of their representativeness to the British market, which accounts for 45.8% of the total volume of tourists who spend the night in hotels. In later positions are the Belgian (3.5%), Irish (2.9%) and Dutch (3%) markets. The rest of the issuing markets do not exceed 1% representation in any case.
Confirmed reservations in hotel management systems for the last days of May already exceed 82%, showing a better rate of reservations than in 2023.
The Costa Blanca area (not including Benidorm) continues to add occupancy points and stands at 80.9%, improving last year's data by 8.8 percentage points. This improvement is motivated by 4 and 3 star hotels, which have reached 82.9% and 80.3% respectively. Among the destinations in the area, Calpe stands out with 81.4% occupancy (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The domestic market is positioned as the largest with 46.9%, leaving 53.1% to tourists of international origin. Of the latter, the British market heads the table with 12.4% , the Belgian market (6.1%), the Norwegian market (5.1%), the French market (4.4%) and the Netherlands (4%). In the following positions, with representation between 3% and 2%, are nationalities such as Irish and German.
The end of May is expected to be optimistic since it already has 78.6% confirmed reservations , 5.7 points above what was expected for 2023 on the same dates.
From May 1 to 15, the province of Valencia recorded an occupancy rate of 89.1%, a figure very in line with the latest records for the month of April and which improves the 2023 data by 4 percentage points. During this fortnight, the Valencia city destination continues unstoppable, exceeding 90% occupancy (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
National and international tourism are in harmony with 47.2% and 52.8% respectively. The German market leads the table with 6.1%, followed by the British, American and Italian markets, which are above 5%, and the French market with 4.5%.
The difference between domestic and international tourists is accentuated in Valencia city, where the national market occupies 31.3%. The most prominent nationalities in this point also vary with the American market in the lead (9%), followed at a short distance by the British (8.3%), German (8%) and in fourth position the Italian (7.4 %).
Confirmed reservations in hotel management programs for the second fortnight are at 84.7% in the case of the province and at 86.5% in Valencia , in both cases they are already above forecasts for the same period in 2023.
The province of Castellón begins the month of May exceeding forecasts with 67% occupancy . This figure improves the latest April data by 3.4 points and leaves it just 2.7 percentage points behind the 2023 record (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
National tourists no longer give up part of the pie as they did in the first quarter and remain with 77% of the total volume. The remaining 23% belongs to international tourism, which is led by the French market with 8.3%, followed at a long distance by the Italian market with 2.1%, the Dutch market with 1.9%, Germany (1, 5%) and British (1.5%).
For the days from May 16 to 31, there is already a volume of confirmed reservations of 66.4%, but it is still expected that the data can be improved in the same way as has happened during this fortnight.
The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, José Luis Aguirre, has highlighted the strength of olive cultivation, “which demonstrates its stoicism in the face of adversity, such as the great drought that we are suffering and for which we are fighting to be recognised by the Government of the nation and not ignored like last year.”
Aguirre, who attended the closing of the XXV Virgin Olive Oil Contest and the XIV 'Ciudad de Utiel' Organic Virgin Olive Oil Contest, stressed that "the olive tree is often produced in soils that are not capable of hosting other types." of crops, or on steep terrain, which if it were not for its roots would suffer erosion from wind and rain.”
The Minister of Agriculture has referred precisely to the lack of aid in his speech, to reiterate to the central Government to take into account the situation of extreme meteorological drought that the Valencian Community is suffering and to ask Brussels to activate the reserve funds. of crisis to grant aid, in order to alleviate the disastrous effects of this prolonged drought.
José Luis Aguirre has highlighted the firm commitment that Utiel shows when it comes to promoting and promoting local products such as olive oil, giving added value to organically produced oil, “recognizing its value, not only as a fundamental food in our Mediterranean diet, but also as an emblem of our culture and tradition.”
In the words of the councilor, “to take advantage of the pull and added value of organic production, and to be able to take advantage of its benefits for the farmer, what is necessary is that the consumer can trust that the rules of organic production are being respected and that can recognize it in the market through the unequivocal ecological logo of the European Union, the Euro leaf".
Thus he has indicated that "the primary sector plays a fundamental role in our local economy, for many areas, mainly those in the interior, and in those with greater physical limitations, due to their high altitude, steep slope, low rainfall, it becomes the "The best, and sometimes the only, possible crop and important elements depend on its survival, such as the maintenance of the rural population."
Aguirre has referred to the powerful park of oil mills distributed throughout the three provinces and which places it as the fourth Spanish region in oil production. “There is a clear commitment to quality, producing extra virgin and organic oils that show their special characteristics and that increasingly make it more difficult to award a distinction to the best.”
Finally, the councilor has valued the promotion of innovation and excellence in the production of virgin and organic olive oil and has committed to continue supporting and promoting initiatives that boost the primary sector and value the products of the Valencian Community. “Olive oil is part of our identity, and together we will work to preserve and promote it for future generations,” he stressed.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has stressed that the Alicante TRAM central station “is finally going to be a reality” after learning that the central government has given its approval to the transfer of the land necessary to execute this infrastructure to Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV).
For Carlos Mazón this is “a very important moment for everyone after many years with this issue blocked” and he has highlighted the Consell's effort with the negotiations with the central government to achieve the transfer of the land.
Furthermore, he has stressed that the regional government will maintain ownership of these lands after the years of transfer. Thus, he has stated that "these lands will remain in the Valencian Community in such a way that there will be an Intermodal station, there will be a central station."
Likewise, he made reference to the 135 million euro investment in the project for the future central TRAM station in Alicante and pointed out that "they will contribute to boosting the mobility of the entire province so that citizens can have access once and for all the TRAM they deserve.” Likewise, he has indicated that the roadmap is that the works can begin after the summer.
Likewise, he has reiterated the Valencian government's commitment to sustainable mobility and quality public transport.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has indicated that with the actions being carried out by the Consell, “the TRAM d'Alacant between Benidorm and Dénia will finally have a direct, efficient and modern connection, at the service of citizens, in addition “compatible with the environment”.
This was stated after his visit to the Mascarat bridge works and the emergency action on Line 9 of the Alicante TRAM, accompanied by the Minister of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, Salomé Pradas.
The head of the Consell has explained that the simultaneous execution of the construction of the new Mascarat and Algar viaducts together with the work to correct the damage caused by the fire in the Mascarat area are being launched “with the aim that the modernization of line 9 of the TRAM that connects Benidorm and Dénia is completed before the end of the year.” He has also highlighted the investment of more than 20 million euros that is being allocated to these three actions.
The president has defended “the right of citizens to enjoy good mobility” and has highlighted the Consell's commitment to quality and sustainable public transport. Thus, he stressed that this modernization of the connection "will make it easier for citizens to access their jobs or enjoy all the options offered by one of the largest tourist, leisure and alternative residence centers in all of Europe."
In this sense, he recalled that La Marina Alta and Marina Baixa have about 400,000 residents who during some periods can exceed one million citizens.
Likewise, Mazón has highlighted that these works “solve the Botànic disaster, which made it clear that the new trains were heavier than the old ones” and could not pass over the bridges. Thus, with the replacement works of the Mascarat bridge, the “inoperative solution of the last legislature that involved a transfer to be able to get from Dénia to Benidorm” is eliminated.
Likewise, Carlos Mazón has highlighted that, thanks to these three actions, the Dual Train-Tram, a pioneer in Europe and which allows the use of electric traction "will directly link Benidorm and Dénia and places the Valencian Community at the forefront of sustainable transport."
Mazón has stated that, in this way, "we can improve the service without the significant additional cost of electrification in areas with many tunnels such as the Altea-Gata section." In addition, these actions will allow the improvement of the service, avoiding travelers from the transfers that Calp currently makes.
The president thanked the companies and administrations that participate in the project that "together we have been able to solve in record time one of the biggest shames in the entire Valencian Community" with "security and common sense."
Modernisation of Line 9 of the TRAM
The Ministry of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, through Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV), will complete this year the construction and installation of the new Mascarat and Algar viaducts of Line 9 of the TRAM d'Alacant (Benidorm -Dénia) in Altea. These two actions have a tender budget of 17.9 million euros and are financed by the European Union.
The work on the Mascarat involves the replacement of the current viaduct, built between 1913 and 1915, with a new one with similar characteristics and preserving an aesthetic similar to that of the original viaduct.
On the viaduct over the Algar River, the construction of a bridge parallel to the existing one has been planned, so that the current viaduct remains as a pedestrian walkway, as established in the Asset of Local Relevance cataloging sheet.
Regarding the emergency actions that will be carried out, with a budget of 3 million euros, the removal of trees stands out; mitigation of possible geological risks; reconstruction of an embankment and drainage infrastructure; and the reduction of erosion on slopes and slopes near the route of the road, among others.
FGV programs alternative road services
These works require the initial interruption of railway circulation between the Olla Altea and Calp stations. For this reason, since April 9, FGV offers alternative bus transportation between these two stops. The planned vehicles maintain the train passage schedule in the affected area, with a modification of the departure, passage and arrival times on the Benidorm-Olla de Altea-Calp section.
In addition, the vehicles that make this route are accessible to facilitate access for people with reduced mobility.
After this first cut, which will affect the Olla Altea-Calp section, starting in September the interruption will be established between Garganes and Calp and, later, in October it will be extended to Teulada. In a final phase, before the completion of the works in December, the cut will include the Garganes-Calp section.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has expressed his “absolute” rejection of the hostile takeover bid for 100% of the shares of Banco Sabadell made by BBVA, considering it “an operation that destroys value, work, territory and competence".
In this sense, he has pointed out that "it goes against the province of Alicante, the Valencian Community and the consumer."
Likewise, he highlighted that this takeover bid “does not make any sense, it does not contribute anything new” and criticized “the arrogance” shown by BBVA, which he described as “absolutely intolerable.”
The head of the Consell has made a call for the unity of the entire society of the Valencian Community to “react accordingly and ensure that this operation does not culminate”.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has demanded that the Government of Spain “immediately” launch the second runway at the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport since the non-execution of this infrastructure puts 800 million euros annually at risk. in the provincial GDP and 14,800 jobs per year that could not be maintained or created during the period 2024-2030.
This is evident in the study of the economic impact of the need for this infrastructure, prepared by the Alicante Chamber of Commerce, whose presentation was attended by the head of the Consell. Also attending were the Minister of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, Salomé Pradas, the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, the mayor of Elche, Pablo Ruz, the mayor of Alicante, Luis Barcala and the president of the Alicante Chamber of Commerce, Carlos Baño, among others.
During his speech, the head of the Consell announced that the report prepared by the Alicante chamber entity will be delivered tomorrow to the management of AENA and has requested the modification of AENA's current planning investment framework because “every day of delay is a loss of opportunities.” ”.
Thus, he has referred to the fact that every day that passes "we lose 2.2 million euros and close to 50 jobs are no longer created", which is why he has rejected the study of this infrastructure in the next period of 2027-2031 "because It is a postponement in itself.”
In this sense, he has stressed that this claim is technically accredited through rigor and has pointed out the sustainable tourism capacity of Alicante "with a balanced growth, capable of creating employment", as well as the "effort to advance infrastructures despite being the “last province in last in the General State Budgets”
Likewise, it has demanded the same treatment as the Malaga airport, whose expansion "was put in place in 2012 long before reaching its maximum capacity and long before reaching the point where Alicante is located with a rail connection."
Similarly, it has proposed the creation of an independent infrastructure authority” in Spain along the lines of AIREF “that prioritizes strategic investments based on objective data.”
Along these lines, he has criticized that the Alicante-Madrid AVE line, “the most profitable and busiest in Spain, was the last to be launched” and has highlighted the return on investment offered by the province of Alicante “every time that is invested in it.”
Alicante-Elche Airport, on the verge of saturation
The report prepared by the technicians of the Alicante Chamber of Commerce concludes that currently the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport is close to saturation levels since the passenger traffic figures planned for 2026 have been exceeded in 2023, with 15.7 million passengers.
Another conclusion drawn by the study is that the airport's growth capacity will be exceeded in 2026 with close to 20 million passengers and will not be able to cope with future increases in traffic that could be around two million passengers per year and close to 6.5 billion in tourist spending in the period 2024-2030, according to the forecasts of the Alicante chamber entity.
Given these figures, the head of the Consell has demanded that the Spanish government respond to the demand for the second runway at this airport "because the scope of this need no longer needs to be interpreted."
Likewise, he thanked the work carried out by the Alicante Chamber of Commerce, which he stated “is a first-rate technical endorsement and a guarantee of rigor.”
The Minister of the Environment, Salomé Pradas, highlights that our waters and sands “have obtained two out of ten flags from all of Spain”
This year, the Valencian Community has revalidated its leadership in blue flags with 159 flags for beaches, ports and tourist boats awarded by the Environmental and Consumer Education Association to distinguish the excellence and quality of tourist resources, as well as their respect for the environment. atmosphere.
The Minister of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, Salomé Pradas, has highlighted that the Community “has obtained two out of ten blue flags in all of Spain”, which demonstrates “the extraordinary quality of our waters, our sandy beaches and our infrastructure. tourism characterized by its sustainability and environmental respect.”
According to the classification prepared by the Environmental and Consumer Education Association (Adeac), 159 blue flags have been achieved in the Valencian territory, with six new distinctions compared to last year. The three new beaches with the award are Pobla Marina (in Pobla de Farnals), Rabdells de Oliva and Torres de la Vila Joiosa beach. The Marina Salinas de Torrevieja and the beaches of Torrenostra (Torreblanca), L'Arbre del Gos (Valencia), Les Deveses (Dénia), Levante and Malpas (Benidorm) and La Ermita (Santa Pola) have also recovered the award.
Of the 159 blue flags, 138 correspond to beaches, 19 to ports and two to tourist boats. 87 correspond to the province of Alicante, 39 to Valencia and 33 to Castellón. Six municipalities and their corresponding beaches continue, without interruption, with a blue flag since the beginning of the program in 1987. Thus, for 38 consecutive years, Alcalá de Xivert (El Carregador beach), Alicante (Sant Joan beach), Calpe (La Fossa beach ), Campello (Carrer la Mar beach), Cullera (Sant Antoni beach) and Gandia (Nord beach) have not stopped having this distinction. Playa-Monte de Navarrés, the only one with continental bathing waters, has also revalidated the award for meeting the criteria of safety, services, accessibility and special attention to the preservation of the environment.
The Association has also recognized up to 25 municipal interpretation centers as blue centers that contribute to valuing local ecosystems, as well as raising awareness among the population about environmental problems. Of these centers, 15 belong to the province of Alicante, 2 to Castellón and 8 to Valencia.
Special mentions
In Spain, special mentions are awarded to the three blue flag municipalities that make the greatest efforts in relation to environmental education, lifeguard services and accessibility and care for people with disabilities.
In 2024, the juries made up of experts in each special mention have highlighted the high quality of the applications presented and have valued the extraordinary effort they make beyond their obligations. Thus, they have chosen Torrevieja and Xilxes in the field of environmental education and Teulada for its lifeguard services. As a novelty, there has also been a Jury Recognition of the special mention in 'Universal Accessibility' that has been awarded to the Pobla de Farnals.
The blue flag program promotes the rational use of resources in nautical facilities and activities and raises awareness among people who use these facilities about the need to protect the marine environment and sustainable navigation. In addition, awards are given to boat skippers who develop good environmental practices and to sustainable tourist boats that carry out excursions along the coast to raise awareness of marine biodiversity.
The general director of Tourism, José Manuel Camarero, has closed the ceremony of delivering the 'Tourist Quality Commitment' badges of the Comprehensive System of Spanish Tourist Quality in Destination (Sicted) to the destinations in the province of Alicante.
The mayor of Elche, Pablo Ruz, who opened the ceremony, participated in the award ceremony. In addition, the event has brought together the highest representatives of the destination management entities, as well as distinguished tourism services, both from the public and private sectors.
The destinations in the province of Alicante recognised with the Sicted award that endorses their commitment to the program, obtaining for the first time or renewing the distinction in 2023, are Calpe, Altea, Villena, Dénia, Guardamar del Segura, Torrevieja, Alcoy, Orihuela and Elche.
During the closing of the event, the General Director of Tourism highlighted the Generalitat's commitment to "quality in all the services that are part of the tourist service chain."
Furthermore, he has valued the work carried out by the distinguished destinations and has highlighted that "they are all essential to contribute to our positioning as a destination and to make us more competitive."
He also stressed that at Turisme Comunitat Valenciana “we are fully committed to promoting tourism sustainability” and in fact, “we are working hard to be the first destination to obtain the Aenor certificate that recognises our strategy in favor of responsible tourism.”
In March, the Valencian Community increased the arrival of foreign tourists by 25% year-on-year and tourist spending by 30%, according to surveys published by the INE
During the month of March, the Valencian Community received a total of 826,970 foreign tourists, a figure that represents a year-on-year increase of 25.2%. In addition, tourist spending in the month of March amounts to a total of 1,030 million euros, 30.1% more than that registered in the same month of 2023.
This is shown by the surveys published this Friday by the INE regarding Tourist Movements in the Border (Frontur) and the Tourist Expenditure Survey (Egatur).
The Egatur survey also shows that last March the average expenditure per tourist amounted to 1,246 euros, increasing by 3.9% year-on-year, and the average daily expenditure stood at 131 euros, 1.7% higher than that recorded in March. of 2023.
First quarter results 2024
Regarding the data accumulated in the first quarter, the Frontur survey shows that the Valencian Community received a total of 2,030,158 foreign tourists, 25.1% more than in the same period of 2023, above the national average (17 .7%).
Regarding the expenditure made by foreign tourists who visited the Valencian Community during the first three months of 2024, it should be noted that it reached 2,588 million euros, a figure that represents an increase of 33.1% compared to the same period in 2023.
The second half of April causes a change of pace in occupancy figures and improves the first days of the month between 3 to 8 percentage points. Although the first days of April were somewhat tortuous with the omen of bad weather, the monthly averages manage to rise, bordering on, and even maintaining, the 2023 data in most of the areas analyzed.
Benidorm is taking off, adding 7.9 points to its scoreboard compared to the first fifteen days of the month. It thus reaches 83.3% biweekly occupancy, highlighting the presence of the British market, which grows to 46.2%, giving a greater range of representativeness to international tourists who achieve a volume of 60% of the total.
The city of Valencia joins this behavior in which international tourism takes the lead with 66.6% representation, with the Italian (10.1%) and British (9.2%) markets leading the list. of origins. It is worth highlighting the occupancy of 4-star hotels, which scores 94.6% and which undoubtedly boosts the biweekly occupancy of the destination, which reaches 91.7% .
The Costa Blanca area and the province of Castellón also increase hotel occupancy levels compared to the first half of April, but they do so at a more moderate rate. They also register good data with 77% and 63.6% respectively. The Costa Blanca also shows a greater presence of international tourists with 54%, while the province of Castellón, on the contrary, maintains the national market as the leader with 73.8% of the total share.
The forecasts for the beginning of the month of May are positive , with most areas already above 70%. Thanks in large part to the May long weekend that residents of the Community of Madrid are currently enjoying and which has skyrocketed occupancy rates in destinations in Benidorm and Valencia to over 85% during these days (from May 1 to 5).
Below, we offer you a detailed analysis of hotel occupancy in different parts of the Valencian Community.
The annual hotel occupancy report prepared by BigDataHOSBEC for the following tourist spots in the Valencian Community is now available:
Costa Blanca
Province of Valencia
Province of Castellón
You can view the full report at the following link:
Biweekly hotel occupancy evolution report – 2nd fortnight April 2024
The Benidorm destination picks up pace, adding 7.9 percentage points to the previous fortnight, allowing it to score 83.3%. This last period improves the average for the month, which stands at 79.2%, remaining slightly below what was recorded in 2023 (81.9%). (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
British tourists prevail over the domestic market and score 46.2% compared to 39.7% for Spanish tourists. In this way, tourists of international origin tip the balance with a representativeness of 60.3% . Very far from the British share, is the Irish market with 3.5%, Belgian 2.9% and Dutch with 2.7%. The rest of the issuing markets do not exceed 1% representation in any case.
Confirmed reservations in the hotel management systems for the first days of May are already close to 80%, reinforcing this good data thanks to the May long weekend enjoyed by the Community of Madrid, which raises the figures these days to 85% (from May 1 to 5).
The Costa Blanca area (not including Benidorm) improves the data for the first fortnight of the month with 77% occupancy, which allows it to close April with 75.7%, just 1.2 percentage points from the same period from the previous year . Highlighting the destination of Calpe with 76.4% monthly occupancy, which exceeds the average data for the tourist area. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The domestic market is positioned as the largest with 46.1%, leaving 53.9% for tourists of international origin. Of the latter, the British market heads the table with 12% , the Belgian market with 6.9%, the Norwegian market with 5.5% and the French market with 5.1% . In the following positions, with representation between 3.5% and 2%, are the Dutch, German, Irish, Polish and Swedish.
The beginning of May is expected to be optimistic since it already has 74.4% confirmed reservations , 5.3 points above what was expected for 2023 on the same dates.
From April 16 to 30, the province of Valencia recorded an occupancy rate of 87.3%, raising the records for the first fifteen days of the month by 6.8 percentage points . The balance between both fortnights results in a monthly average of 83.7%, remaining 1.7 points away from the same period of the previous year (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
Domestic and international tourism is perfectly balanced with a 50% total share in both cases. Segmenting the latter, which is characterized by presenting a great variety of origins, are, with greater representation of the total, the Italian market (6.8%), German (6%) and British (5.3%) . In the following positions above the 3% representation are the Dutch and French.
Confirmed reservations in hotel management programs for the beginning of May are at 79.7% throughout the province , a behavior similar to that of 2023.
Valencia, a city that recorded 91.7% in the last fortnight of April, with a greater variety of origins than in the province, with the Italian market (10.1%) and the British market (9.2%) at the forefront, already has a volume of reservations for the first days of May of 84%
From April 16 to 30, the province of Castellón has an average occupancy rate of 63.6%, which represents a growth of 4.5 percentage points compared to the previous fortnight and closes the month with 61.4%. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The national tourist remains loyal to the province and on this occasion stands at 73.8% . The remaining 26.2% belongs to international tourism, led by the French market with 8.3%, followed by the German market with 2.6% , the Italian market (2.2%) and the British market (2.1%) . These, with between 2% and 1% representation, we find the Korean, Romanian, Belgian, Portuguese and Dutch markets.
For the days from May 1 to May 15, there is already a volume of confirmed reservations of 63%, but it is still expected that the data for the fortnight can be improved thanks to last-minute reservations.
Montes has stressed that "this is going to be a differentiating issue with respect to other destinations, which will make tourists choose us and have the confidence and security that they are visiting a place that applies parameters and tools that guarantee its sustainable development."
This is how the head of Turisme spoke at Feria Valencia, during the closing of the ceremony for the delivery of the 'Tourist Quality Commitment' badges of the Comprehensive System for Spanish Tourist Quality in Destination (Sicted) to the destinations in the province of Valencia.
An event, presented by the regional secretary of Tourism, Cristina Moreno, which has brought together the highest representatives of the destination management entities, the Council of Chambers and Chamber of Valencia, who collaborate in the implementation of the program in the Valencian Community, as well as distinguished tourist services, both from the public and private sectors.
Specifically, there have been nine destinations in the province of Valencia that have collected the Sicted award that endorses their commitment to the program, obtaining for the first time or renewing the distinction in 2023. And these are: Alboraya, La Ribera del Xúquer, the Vall de Albaida, Canal de Navarrés, Xàtiva, Cullera, Sagunto, Gandia and València.
During the closing of the event, the Minister thanked “the effort and commitment to tourism quality” of all the recognised destinations, because all “you are essential to contribute to our positioning as a destination and to make us more competitive,” she added.
For the head of the Consell's tourism policy, “hospitality, the diversity of our offer and professionalism are key to the Valencian Community's tourism model, in which we must always put tourists at the centre of our strategies.”
Nuria Montes recalled that “from the new Valencian Government we are fully committed to this drive for tourism sustainability.” In fact, she has emphasised that “we are working hard to be the first destination to obtain the Aenor certificate that recognises our strategy for responsible tourism.”
“We aspire to become benchmarks in quality, sustainability and competitiveness,” added Montes, while advocating “to continue aligning our tourism offer with quality and certified sustainability programs, such as Sicted and the S for Sustainability, because thanks to In this work, “we are leaders in the implementation of quality tourism projects at the national level,” he stressed.
Finally, the head of Turisme has encouraged destinations to “continue joining our sustainable and Mediterranean attitude.” For Nuria Montes “the future of the Community involves competing through quality and sustainability programs.”
About the award-winning destinations
The first recognized destination, and the newest in this program, has been Alboraya, which joined Sicted in 2022, managing to distinguish 10 local services in its first year of operation.
The Ribera del Xúquer has been another of the distinguished destinations, which, with 48 municipalities, has belonged to this program since 2021. Last year it closed the year with 18 distinguished services.
The third awarded destination has been La Vall de Albaida, which has 34 municipalities, and has been a member of the Sicted program since 2021, closing the year 2023 with 38 distinguished services, of which 15 obtained the distinction for the first time.
The Canal de Navarrés has also been distinguished in this event, a destination that integrates 8 municipalities, joined Sicted in 2021 and closed the 2023 financial year, with 22 distinguished tourist services, of which 8 obtained the distinction for the first time. time and 5 renewed.
Xàtiva has also been another of the recognised destinations, its membership in the program dates back to 2014, and last year it managed to distinguish 65 tourist services, of which 11 renewed.
Another of the destinations that received the award this Monday was Cullera, which joined in 2014 and closed the 2023 financial year with 65 distinguished tourist services, of which 10 obtained the distinction for the first time and 29 renewed.
Sagunto, also recognised, joined the Sicted CV program in 2014 and closed 2023 with 70 distinguished tourist services, of which 4 obtained the distinction for the first time and 31 renewed.
Likewise, Gandia has been another of the recognised destinations in the province, whose adhesion to the program dates back to 2014, closing the 2023 financial year with 139 distinguished tourist services, of which 17 obtained the distinction for the first time and 74 renewed.
Finally, the city of València has been the ninth and last destination that has collected the award from the hands of the councilor Nuria Montes. After ten years of membership, it is the destination with the largest number of distinctions, with 176 tourist services, and of them, 20 obtained the distinction for the first time in 2023 and 65 renewed their distinction.
He points out that on May 8 the study of the need for the second runway at the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport will be presented “with rigor and solvency.”
Claims the tourism industry for its contribution to economic and social development and reiterates the Consell's commitment to defending it and a model compatible with sustainability
It highlights the tourism policies that this Council has implemented, such as the elimination of the tourist tax “in which the sector goes from resignation to ambition”
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has appealed to the unity of the tourism sector to demand the second runway of the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport, as well as the expansion of the Manises airport during his participation in the General Assembly of Hosbec (Hotel Business Association and tourism of the Valencian Community) and has stated that delaying it “is irresponsible.”
The head of the Consell has pointed out in his speech the leadership of the Valencian Community in tourism forecasts and has highlighted the 25% increase in foreign tourists in our territory between January and February 2024 compared to the same period of the previous year, when the Spanish average It stands at 16%.
In this sense, he has pointed out the need to “resolve now” the expansions of the airports and has advanced that on May 8 the study of the need for the second runway will be presented at the Alicante fair institution and together with the Chamber of Commerce. of the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport “which will prove the need and urgency” of this infrastructure because “every day that passes is a loss of employment, competitiveness and economic impact.”
Defense of the tourism industry
During his speech, Carlos Mazón reiterated the commitment of this Council to the defense of the tourism industry of the Community and praised its “drive, complicity and rigor”, its contribution to the social and economic development of our territory and the joint work carried out. with the sector.
Thus, he has defended tourism as “another industry in our territory in which other different things are manufactured, with the same dignity and quality as the rest of the productive sectors”, while stating that “the Valencian Community does not even want, "You cannot, nor should you, give up any activity." Likewise, he has advocated for “rigor, common sense and balance” with a growth model compatible with sustainability.
Along these lines, he stated that in the Community "we have cured ourselves of the allergy to tourism" and has referred to the change in tourism policies that the Consell has implemented "with work and ambition, with guarantees and legal security", as well as to the integration of environmental, socioeconomic and territorial sustainability criteria in our tourism offer.
Likewise, he stressed that the elimination of the tourist tax by this Consell “was not just a regulatory action or tax measure” but “a declaration of intentions in which tourism went from resignation to ambition.”
Likewise, he has pointed out that at international fairs in the sector "the Consell no longer goes to promote it with small mouths because we believe we are the model and we are never going to put it under surveillance."
The head of the Consell has explained that this plan will provide “stability, security and investments, which is what our firefighters need” and has highlighted the “urgency to solve a situation that has been entrenched for many years and with obsolete means.”
This plan, which will improve the security and operation of the service 24 hours a day, will introduce a third shift with an investment of more than 3.5 million euros to multiply the operation of the units, facilitate the mobilization and coordination of means and improve firefighting effectiveness in the field. Thus, he pointed out that starting tomorrow the budget procedure will begin so that the third shift comes into operation this year.
The agreement contemplates extending the hiring of the reinforcement until the end of the year while the third shift process is implemented. Likewise, the forest firefighters who currently make up the reinforcement will be able to stabilize their situation in the company by joining the third shift.
In the same way, he has indicated that in parallel a negotiation schedule will begin with the forest firefighters to address the collective agreement and the employment situation of the workers.
For her part, the Minister of Justice and the Interior, Elisa Núñez, has indicated that “since we assumed management of the Department of the Interior, one of our priorities has been the forest firefighters and their families. From the first moment we started to work on a strategic plan that is allowing us to now define a future for the company and the stability of the workers.”
Thus, he has shown his satisfaction with the agreements reached "because they confirm the support of the Consell and the forest firefighters to guarantee the best service of this company, putting an end to the excesses and previous mismanagement."
Incorporation of new equipment
On the other hand, Carlos Mazón has also announced that a SGISE master plan will be launched to begin the reinforcement and renewal of the material with which forest firefighters work.
In this sense, he has denounced the poor state of the material and equipment of forest firefighters in recent years and has pointed out the incorporation of fire engines "as a priority of this Consell."
Finally, he described this agreement as “a before and after” in the implementation of the stabilization and improvement of the safety of forest firefighters, to whom he thanked for the coordination to carry it out, as well as the “service essential” that they provide from professionalism.
The councilor, José Luis Aguirre, will lead the representation of the Generalitat on the opening day on Monday, visiting the venue, holding meetings with the Valencian businessmen present at the event and expressing the support of the Valencian Government for the agri-food sector.
In this sense, Aguirre has valued the commitment to differentiated quality and innovation of these companies in an increasingly competitive and globalized sector.
In addition, he added that attendance at Gourmets represents a business opportunity for the sector, which shows its delicatessen products in a forum that brings together more than 55,000 products and more than 100,000 visitors from all over the world and that has an estimated business volume close to 200 million euros.
The exhibitor of the Department of Agriculture, located in pavilion 6 of IFEMA, has an area of 519 square meters and hosts 48 of the 74 firms from the Valencian Community that attend the fair.
Among the co-exhibiting companies that meet at the Ministry's stand are producers and marketers of extra virgin olive oil, wine and spirits, producers of honey, truffles, nuts and spices, organic producers and producers of figurines. differentiated quality such as Valencia Rice, Jijona Turrón or Valencia Chufa.
Live cooking
During the days of the event, the Department of Agriculture will have the collaboration of the Tourism Centers to carry out show cooking with the products exhibited by the participating companies at the Valencian Community stand.
Thus, the chefs from the Dénia Tourism CentrE and l'Exquisit Mediterrani, Vicent Simó and María José Peiró, will prepare visitors tastings of typically Valencian dishes, such as paellas, fideuás, creamy rice and other haute cuisine dishes.
In addition, there will be culinary exhibitions held by two Michelin-starred Castellón restaurants: the Atalaya Restaurant in Alcossebre and the Cal Paradís Restaurant in the Vall d'Alba. Its chefs, Alejandra Herrador and Emanuel Carlucci (Atalaya) and Miguel Barrera (Cal Paradís) will offer samples of some of their creations, made with local and seasonal products from the Valencian Community.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, and the presidents of the provincial councils of Alicante, Valencia and Castellón have signed the cooperation agreements between the Generalitat and the three provincial councils to promote citizen participation, transparency and good government at the local level through the granting of aid to local entities with less than 20,000 inhabitants.
Mazón has indicated that the signing of this agreement "is a priority" and has highlighted that "we continue working from a Generalitat that is committed to the municipalities and the provinces, like that great sum that is the Valencian Community."
The head of the Consell has highlighted that this alliance "is fundamental for small municipalities" because the Generalitat and the councils "we all work together" and opening "an important municipalist stage that is what has launched this government of change."
This agreement has been signed by the three presidents who have agreed on the essentiality of this agreement for the small towns of the Community.
The president of the Alicante Provincial Council, Toni Pérez, has highlighted the “firm commitment to opening the government of the Generalitat Valenciana through the provincial councils and thus reaching the municipalities.” For his part, the president of the Valencia Provincial Council, Vicent Mompó, has expressed his joy in betting on towns with less than 20,000 inhabitants, which "is where the provincial councils should be." The president of the Castellón Provincial Council, Marta Barrachina, has also stressed that thanks to this agreement "the smallest town councils in the province of Castellón will be able to promote transparency and citizen participation through their associations."
Cooperation agreements
This agreement allocates one million euros to these municipalities and will improve management, avoid duplication and increase the amount and impact of the projects.
The objective of this agreement is for the small municipalities of the Community to implement projects and equip themselves with the necessary tools to comply with the obligations of transparency, active advertising and promotion of participation.
For the distribution of the credit, within each type of actions, the number of inhabitants of the local entities requesting the subsidy will be taken into account and it will be guaranteed that those with a smaller population have a reserve percentage of the total funds.
HOSBEC's Bigdata department analyzes the data from the first half of April, finding in all the destinations and areas analysed below the records reached in the same period of the previous year. A not alarming fact, since in 2023 Easter was located in these first 15 days of the month, which was an extra boost for the data.
Those associated with HOSBEC located in the city of Valencia recorded the best data with 80.7%, and the province follows the same line, ending the fortnight with 80.5%. In the province of Alicante, the Benidorm destination , with a hotel plant at full capacity that combines more than 43,700 beds, puts the average fortnightly occupancy at 75.6% , while the rest of the Costa Blanca stands at 74. 3% with points like Calpe on the same page (74%).
Tourists from the United Kingdom take Benidorm as their favorite destination, representing 45.2% of the total , and also tops the list of international tourists in Valencia with 9.4%. In both cases there is a greater presence of international guests, especially in the city of Turia with a 73.2% total share, with markets such as Germany, the Netherlands and the United States between 8.5% and 9%. .
A totally different situation is observed in the province of Castellón where the domestic market predominates with 83.2% . The average occupancy of associates in the region these days is practically 60% below the records for the month of March.
As relevant data, the consolidated reservations for the second fortnight of the month stand out, which in most areas and destinations are higher than the occupancy data for this first fortnight . Figures that, if time allows, will grow in the coming days.
Below, we offer you a detailed analysis of hotel occupancy in different parts of the Valencian Community.
The annual hotel occupancy report prepared by BigDataHOSBEC for the following tourist spots in the Valencian Community is now available:
White shore
Province of Valencia
Province of Castellón
You can view the full report at the following link:
Biweekly hotel occupancy evolution report – 1st fortnight April 2024
The Benidorm destination slightly exceeds the data from the last fortnight with 75.6% occupancy, and is 3.6 points away from the 2023 records that included the celebration of Holy Week. (see the weekly evolution of the hotel occupancy in the report bar graph).
In the first 15 days of April, the Spanish market represents 45.2% of the total compared to 54.8% belonging to the international market, which is led by the United Kingdom with 41.3%. Behind the British market and at a long distance, is the Belgian market with 3.3% , the Dutch market ( 2.4%) and the Irish market ( 2.3%). The rest of the issuing markets do not exceed 1% representation in any case.
The month of April is expected to end with positive values, since the volume of confirmed reservations for the last days of the month is already 77% , only 2.4 points below the previous year's data in the same period.
The Costa Blanca area (not including Benidorm) increases its occupancy figure to 74.3%, remaining 3.5 percentage points away from the previous fortnight . In this period, the destination of Calpe stands out with 74% and L'Alfàs del Pi/El Albir with 67.4%. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
Tourists of international origin represent 47.6% of the total , compared to 52.4% nationally. After the Spanish market, the most prominent nationalities are the British (10.8%) , Belgian (7%) and Norwegian (4.6%) . The next most representative, located between 3% and 2%, would be the Dutch, French, Polish, Swedish, German and Irish.
Regarding the forecast for the last days of April, 76.5% of rooms are already reserved, a figure that already exceeds the occupancy of the first half of April by 2.2 points.
From April 1 to 15, the province of Valencia recorded an occupancy rate of 80.5%, maintaining the data from the previous fortnight in which there were Holy Week holidays . (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
Domestic tourism heads the table of nationalities with 43.4% of the total volume, with the remaining 56.6% belonging to the international market. Segmenting the latter, which is characterized by presenting a great variety of origins, are, with greater representation over the total, German (7.2%), British (6.1%), Italian (5.2%). , and Dutch (5%) . The American and Portuguese are in the following positions.
Confirmed reservations in hotel management programs for the second half of the month are already close to 80% , a behavior similar to that of 2023.
During the first half of April, practically all of the hotel establishments associated with HOSBEC in the province are already open. In this way, from April 1 to 15, the province of Castellón has an average occupancy rate of 59.1%. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The national tourist remains loyal to the province and on this occasion stands at 83.2%. The remaining 16.8% belongs to international tourism, led by the French market with 5.8%, followed by the German market with 1.7% , the Italian and British market (1.3%) and, finally, the Belgian and Irish with 1% representation in both cases .
For the days from April 16 to 30, there is already a volume of confirmed reservations of 58.6%, so it is expected that the data for this fortnight can be improved thanks to last-minute reservations.
Altogether, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) between Metrovalencia and TRAM d'Alacant added a total of 12,189,220 users in March, which represents 7.55% more of the movements accumulated in this same month in 2023 and 856,411 travelers further.
According to the distribution by lines, Line 2, which connects Luceros with San Vicent del Raspeig, was the most used with 660,307 movements; followed by Line 1, which connects Luceros and Benidorm, which reached 325,140; Line 3, which connects Luceros with El Campello, achieved 253,346; Line 4, which connects Luceros with Plaza La Coruña, added 189,725; Line 9, which runs between Benidorm and Dénia, accumulated 99,766; and finally, Line 5, the link between Porta del Mar and Plaza La Coruña, mobilized 98,534 trips.
Wednesday, March 27, was the day in which the most movements were recorded, reaching 77,331.
Luceros, the busiest station
In station traffic, Luceros, once its works were completed, once again led the ranking , with 259,661 customers. They were followed by Mercado, with 192,745, and in third position Benidorm, with 114,933; Sant Vicent del Raspeig in fourth place with 101,011 and Marq-Castillo in fifth place, with 87,554 users.
Behind them are El Campello, in sixth place, with 51,898; in seventh Bulevar del Plá, with 51,194; in eighth, Garbinet, with 47,484; in ninth, Pintor Gastón Castelló, with 45,143; and, in tenth place, Universitat, with 39,156 movements.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has announced that the Generalitat “is going to increase to the maximum the sanctions for dangerous, defective products, lack of information or labeling to guarantee the safety of our citizens and defend the companies of the Valencian Community”.
The head of the Consell has indicated that with this measure "we will fight against piracy, falsifications or imitations that affect sectors such as textiles, footwear, toys or ceramics, among others."
The president, accompanied by the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, made these statements during the visit to the facilities of the treatment and recycling plant of the Acteco firm in Ibi where the destruction of products is carried out. defective.
The head of the Consell has explained that "we are going to increase the sanctions as much as the Law allows so that it is not cheap to put the health of our citizens and the safety of our children at risk."
Carlos Mazón has stated that the Generalitat is going to modify Legislative Decree 1/2019, of December 13, approving the consolidated text of the Law of the Statute of consumers and users of the Valencian Community.
Thus, he has assured that the modification of the Law of the Consumer Statute in the Valencian Community will basically refer to the section of sanctions "with special relevance to those who do not collaborate in the withdrawal of products or repeat it" and has thanked those who “they do contribute to avoiding this unfair competition,”
Specifically, with these changes, the maximum amount of minor infractions now set at 3,005.06 euros would be 10,000 euros, and serious infractions established at 15,025.30 euros will be established at 100,000 euros. Furthermore, the maximum amount for very serious infractions, which is now 601,012.10 euros, would become 1,000,000 euros.
Mazón has indicated that this legislative renewal process will be operational on January 1, 2025 so that the new sanctions come into force that "will reach the maximum possible, even with increases of more than 700% of the current amounts that incomprehensibly during these years have not been have modified.”
The highest representative of the Executive has valued the companies of the Valencian Community that "do extraordinary work in consumer protection." Thus, he has appealed to the “purchase of products from the Valencian Community from sectors such as toys, furniture or footwear that are committed to quality, design or innovation to confront unfair competition.” tica.
Reclaims the value of agriculture in the structuring of the territory, the fight against depopulation and desertification, in the sustainability and protection of the landscape and culture of the territory
It appeals to the Mediterranean diet, declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, to protect Valencian agri-food products.
José Luis Aguirre demands real and effective measures such as the simplification of regulations, equal conditions, putting an end to unfair competition and recovering community preference
The president of the Generalitat and the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries have participated in the European Parliament in the event 'Cultivating the future: Challenges and Solutions for European Regional Agriculture'
This was stated during his speech at the European Parliament at the event 'Cultivating the future: Challenges and Solutions for European Regional Agriculture' organized by the Valencian Community delegation in Brussels with the aim of addressing crucial issues that affect the Valencian agricultural sector. and in which the main representatives of the Valencian agricultural organizations have been present.
Carlos Mazón began his speech by highlighting the presence of the Valencian Community in the European Parliament as “a united, coordinated and very well represented land” and has advocated for the continuity of this initiative in the future.
Likewise, he has made reference to the agreed position document presented by the main agricultural organizations of the Valencian Community (AVA-ASAJA, ASAJA Alicante, La Unió Llaudarora i Ramadera, COAG, UPA, and Cooperatives Agroalimentàries) of which he has highlighted its “character strategic, rigor in the diagnosis and its strength in identifying the challenges we face” and in which solutions and proposals for the future are also proposed.
Thus, he has highlighted the support of the Consell for this document and has defined the agri-food industry as “one of the pillars of the Valencian economy, essential for our export fabric”, while highlighting its impact on other economic sectors.
The president has defended that the agricultural sector “goes beyond producing food” and has stated that “it is a complex fabric that unites tradition, economy, identity and innovation that cannot be treated like any other sector.”
In this sense, he stressed that “with detachment from the future of agriculture we will have a strategic catastrophe” because “none of what comes after, design, innovation, packaging, logistics, transportation, makes sense without agriculture.”
During his speech, Carlos Mazón has appealed to the European Union to “be aware of this strategic change regarding the agricultural model of the future” and has demanded the unity of all Administrations so that this industry “is viable, sustainable and with a future.” ” because it is “an indispensable sector” for the rest of the economic sectors.
The value of agriculture
Carlos Mazón has stressed the importance of agriculture in the economic and territorial development and has stressed that it is a sector “that we cannot do without in any way.”
In that sense, it has claimed the value of agriculture in the structuring of the territory, the fight against depopulation, desertification, climate change and the protection of the landscape and culture of the territory.
In this way, it has appealed to the Mediterranean diet, declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, to protect Valencian agri-food products and the healthy food model.
Likewise, it has influenced the commitment of the Valencian Community so that “agriculture is part of our way of living and producing, of our way of understanding the use of the territory, leisure and cultural memory” and for this reason it has claimed that “ "That same thing is established in the European Union."
Finally, he encouraged the European institutions to know “the maturity of our sectors, how it is present in our territory, how it cares for water responsibly, the design, quality and development of new products.”
For his part, the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, José Luis Aguirre, has indicated that "we come to Brussels to demand that things change, that the primary sector be respected and that they be listened to, not from the offices, but from the reality that they live every day. Only in this way can we help them." Therefore, he added that "it is necessary that real and effective measures be taken that truly help our farmers and ranchers."
Aguirre explained in this forum that “we have a series of proposals, which are those of the Spanish countryside, which include the particularities of our region such as the simplification of regulations, guaranteeing equal conditions, ending unfair competition or recovering the community preference.”
The Department of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism alerts citizens about the existence of a fraudulent website ( that impersonates that of the ITV. This website, pretending to be legitimate, has been charging users to get fake appointments for inspections at all stations in the Valencian Community. This website has already been reported to the competent authorities and appropriate measures are being taken against whoever is behind it.
From the official website of the Valencian Society of Technical Vehicle Inspection, SA ( users can book an appointment at the ITV station they want and without the need to make any payment. It is a free service. Payment of inspection fees is carried out in person at each station.
However, for approximately a month, a website has been operating under the aforementioned domain “” in which, upon payment of 20 or 29 euros depending on the urgency, an appointment is guaranteed and even “ discounts of up to 40%.” This is a fraudulent website that has nothing to do with public service and has already obtained money from various people.
In fact, the alarms went off when the contact form with Sitval began to receive complaints from citizens who had paid and who, when they showed up at the requested station, discovered that they did not have an appointment and that they had allegedly been scammed.
A notice was also received from the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) in which numerous complaints of fraud were recorded pointing to the fake Sitval website. In fact, INCIBE has requested that the “” domain be delisted and that the website be closed, so far, without success.
As has been reported to the police authorities, the website that pretends to be Sitval and that charges in its name is owned by the company Innovatech Holding Llc based in the state of Delaware in the United States. It should be noted that in this state you can create a company for little money and without having to set foot in the country.
The Generalitat has identified a supposed citizen of Castellón as the representative of said company, of the same in Spain and also of the company that created the website (Cameleón Innova). Sitval does not know who the beneficiaries of the payments that users are making for fake appointments are. Nor is it understood why it issues statements and offers information in the name of the public service, thus increasing the confusion of those affected.
It is worth remembering that the Spanish Penal Code punishes crimes against industrial property with prison sentences and/or fines for those who imitate a registered trademark or logo of a product or service in order to obtain an economic benefit to the detriment of the owner of that trademark. brand.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has announced that the Generalitat together with the Chambers of Commerce of the Valencian Community will present at the end of April or beginning of May the impact and need study for the second runway at the Alicante-Elche Airport. Miguel Hernández and the expansion of the Manises Airport. An initiative that will be carried out “with rigor and professionalism.”
The president made these statements during the inauguration of the new Easyjet base at the Alicante-Elche-Miguel Hernández Airport, the airline's fourth headquarters in our country.
The head of the Consell has defended that "the tourist capacity of the Valencian Community is beyond all doubt and we cannot stop being ambitious" so "we are going to justify, motivate and reason this need." Likewise, he highlighted that tourism in the Valencian Community "is returning to the Champions League and that is why we must take care of it with the second runway at the airport and the expansion of the other."
The president has requested “equal conditions” with the rest of the autonomies and has recalled that there are other airports in Spain with 13 million passengers that already have a second runway while Alicante, with more than 16 million passengers “still does not have have it.” Together with the second runway at the Alicante-Elche-Miguel Hernández Airport, the study will justify the need to expand the Manises Airport “so that many other destinations can continue to look to the Valencian Community.”
Carlos Mazón highlighted that this study will demonstrate “not only the growth options we have to implement these infrastructures, but also all the options that we have unfortunately already lost or will end up losing.”
Likewise, the head of the Consell has defended that "tourism is state policy" so the second runway of Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández and the expansion of Manises is not a "local demand" but is a "need for country and competitiveness.” In this way, the president has appealed to the union of all political, economic and social forces for the development of this initiative because "it is necessary for the future of the Valencian Community."
Mazón has stressed the “two essential requirements” that the Alicante-Elche-Miguel Hernández Airport needs to “become the international airport that we deserve: the rail connection and a second runway. This airport is currently the only air infrastructure in Europe that does not have them.”
The highest representative of the Valencian Executive has highlighted that "the Valencian Community is a reliable and attractive destination for investments without a tourism tax and a professional sector that is committed to a sustainable model that respects the environment."
New Easyjet base
The head of the Consell has thanked Easyjet for its commitment to the province of Alicante with the opening of this new base. In this sense he has referred to the ten new connections from Alicante with cities such as Birmingham, Southampton, Zurich, Nantes, Prague, Newcastle, Lille, Belfast City, Lyon and Nice.
Thus, Easyjet, adding the new routes to the existing ones, offers 1.5 million seats in Alicante for this summer season. In addition, the new base represents the creation of 100 jobs.
Although ten days ago we looked at the sky with uncertainty in the face of Holy Week, finally the forecasts have been exceeded and the Valencian Community has achieved an 80% average for the period between March 28 and 31. It is true that the figures have not reached the data for 2023, but it should be emphasized that the results are also positive, with some destinations reaching close to 90% occupancy.
Time has not been an obstacle for tourists who have visited the city of Turia. The hotels associated with HOSBEC in Valencia have finally registered 89.6% occupancy , some of them even hanging the sign completely. The good pace of last-minute reservations and the virtual absence of cancellations have added almost 10 percentage points in the previous seven days.
Another of the most popular destinations has been Gandia, which reaches 89% occupancy , data that follows the same line as the city of Valencia and that contributes to the province finally registering 87.9%.
Although the weather has not been as disastrous as expected, the weather forecasts made for these days have been the main factor that has prevented us from achieving, in some areas of the province of Alicante, data from the previous year. A clear example of this is Benidorm, which finally raises its occupancy to 78.7%, far from the 86% registered in 2023. The Costa Blanca has followed the same path , which scores 79.5% with destinations such as L'Alfàs del Pi / El Albir and Altea above 75%.
Finally, in the province of Castellón, it rises during the key days of Holy Week with 82% . In a more detailed analysis of the province's destinations, different trends are observed among tourist spots. The attendance of around 66,000 people at the “San San” music festival held in Benicàssim these days, raises the occupancy rate of the destination's HOSBEC associates to above 90% , while other destinations such as Peñíscola register 77.7%.
The president of HOSBEC , Fede Fuster, indicates that “Holy Week offers mixed results in the Valencian Community” since although last-minute reservations have been a boost in certain areas “the anticipated weather forecast, which in the end has not been fulfilled, "It has been the main factor that has prevented us from reaching figures like last year in destinations such as Benidorm or the Costa Blanca."
From 2025, regional and local administrations will have to finance the aid and essential services provided to them
The regional secretary of Equality and Diversity, Asunción Quinzá, has regretted that the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration is not going to extend, beyond 2025, aid for people displaced as a result of the migration crisis caused by the invasion of Ukraine, since the central Executive considers that it is the local and regional administrations that must assume the expenses generated by the care of these people.
As stated by the regional secretary, the Generalitat, on “two occasions”, has transferred to the central Government “the situation of this aid and the need for mechanisms that allow extending the financing and funds necessary to serve the beneficiaries of the regime. of temporary protection affected by the war in Ukraine and who lack sufficient economic resources.”
With more than 42,000 people welcomed, the Valencian Community is the region of the country that has received the most displaced population since this war began.
The regional secretary recalled that the massive arrival of people displaced by the war meant the “overflow” of the reception system designed by the Government of Spain, which caused both the Generalitat and the territorial administrations to make an “overexertion economically, materially and humanly.” ” to provide assistance to the population coming from Ukraine.
The objective, Quinzá emphasized, has been to “serve them, from the beginning, and avoid integration problems” by making essential public services available to them such as health care, education for children or advice on job searches.
Direct aid and financing of services
In total, since 2022, the central Executive has allocated 20.4 million euros to the Valencian Community to finance direct economic benefits and to cover actions carried out by local administrations for the benefit of displaced people.
Since then, the Generalitat has processed and paid 8,907 aid and has worked to incorporate many of the men and women who fled the conflict into the labor market, which has reduced their “dependence on social assistance.”
However, the regional secretary has pointed out, at this time "there are more than 20,000 displaced people who continue to need the support and assistance of the administration", both in the search for employment and in meeting their basic needs.
For this reason, and in response to the central Executive's announcement not to extend this aid, the Consell has expressed its concern and insists on the importance of "continuing to assist refugee families who lack sufficient economic resources", especially because, as of Today, the war continues and his return to Ukraine “does not seem viable.”
The Government's argument that the regional and local social services should be responsible for responding to the situation and the reference to the financial support measures that already exist, such as the minimum insertion income of the autonomous communities and the Minimum Living Income , “collides squarely with the underfinancing to which the Valencian Community is subjected, which, in this case, makes it difficult to provide aid to vulnerable people who have had to flee the invasion of their country,” Quinzá indicated.
Despite this, he assured, “we will continue to be in permanent contact, as we have done throughout this time, with the refugees and with the consular corps accredited in the Valencian Community to learn about their needs, concerns and concerns, and work together. to continue providing assistance to families hosted in the region.”
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has pointed out that “the final data for 2023 confirms that we have experienced a very interesting growth in international tourists”, while pointing out that “this type of analysis serves us well. to better guide our promotional strategies and be more effective when carrying out actions in different potential markets.”
In fact, as he has highlighted "we are seeing a notable increase in the arrival of tourists from the Netherlands or the Nordic countries, even above some more traditional ones such as Italy, while France has surpassed the United Kingdom as the main source market", some data that "is essential when making decisions and being more efficient with the resources we allocate to each of them, as well as with the products we reinforce, such as gastronomy."
In this sense, he highlighted that the Valencian Community received in 2023, as indicated in the report prepared by Turisme Comunitat Valenciana through data from the Frontur-Egatur surveys, a total of 10,474,167 international tourists, almost 20%. of which come from France, a market that has surpassed the British market in the last year. In fact, in 2022 a total of 8,616,445 tourists were received, mostly from the United Kingdom, a market that has now given way to the French as the majority.
Similarly, the daily spending of those who visited us last year also increased compared to 2022, going from spending 118.6 euros on average per day to 126.8 euros in 2023. The main reason for the trip continues to be leisure and vacations, with an average stay of 9.4 days and with trips oriented toward sun and beach products 46.4% of the time. However, an increase in interest in gastronomic activities has been detected, which now reaches 45.4%.
The majority of international tourists choose to stay in a hotel during their vacation (40.8%), while only 16.4% choose to rent a tourist home. 77.1% of them arrive through one of the three airports that the Valencian Community has, while 21.6% arrive by road.
On the other hand, the report indicates that the daily spending of these international tourists increases significantly when their stay is for work or business, reaching 211 euros per day. Also depending on the product you choose for your leisure time, since a tourist who engages in nature activities spends about 96 euros a day, compared to the 205 euros spent by someone motivated by gastronomic tourism.
More than half of the foreign visitors are women (59.1%), between 25 and 44 years old (39.2%), followed closely by the range between 45 and 64 years old (38%). In any case, this data also depends on the destination, since age increases in destinations such as Alicante or Castellón, while in Benidorm or the city of Valencia, younger visitors predominate. Most of them are people with higher education and are active.
If we do an analysis by province, we can see that the British market continues to be the main one in destinations such as the province of Alicante or the city of Benidorm, in which the British account for 77.7% of its demand. However, the French mainly opt for the province of Castellón, followed by the Belgian market, and the province of Valencia, where the Italians follow.
The second vice president recalled that in the month of May 2023 the previous Consell paralyzed the credit extensions necessary for the resolution of files, which caused a “collapse of the system”, leaving the cashier without money, and “an increase in “waiting lists.”
Camarero has assured that, at this time and after seven months of work, “we have returned to levels lower than August 2023”, when the waiting list stood at 18,029 people due to the stoppage caused by the previous executive.
In order to "resurrect" the system, he recalled, Carlos Mazón's Consell made "two budget increases of 39.5 and 22 million euros before the end of 2023." Now, he has pointed out, “we are working on a shock plan that will allow us to continue reducing waiting lists, as happened last month and as will happen this month,” according to data that will be published next week.
The second vice president has also referred to the central government's contribution to the dependency system, and has once again claimed the 50% that corresponds to it by law, and not the 21% for the year 2022 or the 15% that it contributed in 2021. If the central executive had complied, “we would not be talking about waiting lists because this problem would be solved.”
Current data
In the last seven months, the department headed by Susana Camarero has resolved a total of 21,288 cases and has paid 347 million euros, from August to now, updating and paying the amounts of the benefits with the corresponding increases and arrears in accordance with the new amounts agreed by the central government last August and assumed by the autonomous communities.
According to the latest data published last month, the Valencian Community's dependency care system already serves 150,732 people, 2,956 more than the previous month. By province, 45,894 people reside in the province of Alicante, 17,282 in Castellón and 87,556 in Valencia.
The balance corresponding to February reflects that a total of 4,699 files of people requesting recognition of the dependency were resolved, 842 people more than the same month of the previous year.
These data have made it possible to reduce the waiting list by 2,001 people compared to January, which represents a decrease of 10.2%, the largest decrease in three years. Regarding the payroll paid, 44.35 million euros were paid corresponding to the financial benefits for February and arrears.
The 150,732 dependent people included in the system receive specialized care through residential or day services or a financial benefit for the service that the applicant and their family and the social work professional agree on as the best resource for the personal situation of the person. demanding.
Turisme Comunitat Valenciana reinforces the Tourist Info Office Network for the Holy Week and Easter 2024 tourism campaign, for which it launches 23 offices and temporary tourist information points, which bring attention to tourists in the areas with the greatest flow tourist.
Likewise, the Generalitat, with the collaboration of the City Councils attached to the Tourist Info Network, is extending the hours and staff of a large number of offices, increasing the number of professionals in charge of them, to provide a better service this Week. Santa.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, wanted to highlight that “this additional service, which joins the 241 permanent offices and more than 20 tourist information points open throughout the year, will be provided during all these days and especially and in a singular way until Easter Monday.”
Likewise, he pointed out that "the reinforcement of the Tourist Info Network this season exceeds that of 2023, to respond to the growth of tourist activity." In fact, he has announced that “many of these Tourist Info offices or information points will remain open until after the summer.”
In this context, Nuria Montes recalled the good figures for tourist activity in recent months in the Valencian Community, stating that “overnight stays in hotel establishments have grown by close to 20% in 2024, chaining consecutive months of notable growth.” .
Likewise, “foreign tourism reaps historic results this year, making us the first Spanish tourist destination where the arrival of international visitors grows the most, with an increase of 29%,” noted Montes.
The head of Turisme explained that "from the Consell we reinforce the Tourist Info Network during these dates, where we expect a certain dynamism of tourist activity with forecasts, which start from 70% of the coastal places occupied, and that will increase with the last minute reservations.”
Likewise, the Minister of Tourism wanted to thank the work and service provided by the Network's tourist informants, since "they are our best letter of introduction, they receive our visitors by advising them and informing them about the wide range of cultural, sports, natural, leisure and tourist activities in general that our destinations offer.”
Montes has highlighted the quality of the service and the warmth of the attention of the Network which, in his opinion, are "decisive in the loyalty processes of our clients, for the enjoyment of their stays and increased levels of satisfaction", he has concluded.
By provinces
These offices and additional information points are located in different municipalities of the three provinces. Specifically, the towns in the province of Valencia where this service is reinforced are Gandia, Canet d'En Berenguer, La Pobla de Farnals and two tourist service points in Alboraya.
In the province of Alicante, the municipalities where this visitor service is accentuated are Altea, Benissa, Callosa d'en Sarrià, Calp (2), Elx (2), Torrevieja and Xàbia.
And for its part, the province of Castellón has new tourist information services in the municipalities of Almenara, Benicàssim (2), Castellón de la Plana (2), Oropesa del Mar, Peñíscola (2) and Torreblanca.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has visited the exhibition “3000 years of Alicante wine culture” that is on display on the Paseo del Puerto de Alicante.
During his visit, the president highlighted the historical value and the importance of recovering the “memory of wine” but also of looking to the future by offering a product “of great uniqueness” as has been produced and recognized in recent years.
The exhibition tells in a different way the history of Alicante wine as well as the heritage and environmental values of this sector through the illustrations of three contemporary Alicante artists: Paula Alenda, Erre Gálvez and Miguel Calatayud.
This is a traveling exhibition that has toured the Valencian Community for three years and ends in Alicante. Since its inauguration in Dénia it has passed through El Campello, Villena, Elda, Aspe, Torrevieja, Calp, l'Alfaz del Pí, Orihuela, Elche, Alcoi, Benidorm and the three provincial capital
The president of the Generalitat visits the Surinver agricultural cooperative on the occasion of its 50th anniversary
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has visited the Surinver agricultural cooperative on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.
The head of the Consell has taken a tour of its facilities to learn first-hand about the work of the cooperative that celebrates half a century as “a model of cooperation that is becoming one of the best ambassadors of Vega Baja and the province of Alicante”.
Likewise, Mazón has highlighted the Community's agriculture, which he has described as the “pantry of Europe” and which is characterised by being “number one in innovation, improvement, sustainability and ecological product.” Likewise, he highlighted that our agriculture requires “respect for the water that we need and deserve.”
The head of the Consell has highlighted the “extraordinary example of cooperativism in the Valencian Community” represented by the more than 200 cooperative members that are part of Surinver as promoters of "quality, health and life" products that we must prioritise "because they are ours and they are extraordinary."
The coast of the Valencian Community is based on an occupancy forecast of close to 70% this Holy Week. This is shown by the results of a telephone survey carried out by Turisme CV to a representative sample of hotels, both coastal and inland, in the Valencian Community for the nights of March 28, 29, 30 and 31.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has indicated that these are “provisional figures”, since, as she has pointed out, “they are expected to increase with last-minute reservations, since occupancy "At our destination during Holy Week it is always very conditioned by the weather forecasts."
Thus, according to the survey, the Valencian Community has confirmed reserves estimated at 69% on the coast, where the highest percentage is recorded on the coast of the province of Castellón, with an estimate of 78.4%.
Forecasts indicate that the city of Valencia has, this Thursday, occupancy estimates higher than 73%, while the estimated occupancy percentage in Benidorm hotels is 70%.
Regarding the coast of the province of Valencia, excluding the city, the estimated occupancy reaches 60%, and the coast of Alicante (excluding Benidorm), starts with forecasts of 60.6%.
Nuria Montes recalled “the good results that we have recorded during these days due to the celebration of the Fallas, both in the city of València and in other municipalities of the Valencian Community such as Gandia or Sagunto”, while pointing out that, “ Reservations for these dates are made at the last minute waiting for confirmation of good weather”, which is why he pointed out that “the results will surely be higher than forecasts”.
Indoor occupancy forecast
The councilor has also reported that, according to these estimates, hotels in the interior of the Valencian Community have an occupancy forecast of 67% for the nights from Holy Thursday to Easter Monday.
Specifically, by province, for the nights of March 28, 29, 30 and 31, an occupancy rate of 77% is estimated in the case of establishments in the interior of the province of Valencia, 69% for hotels in the interior of the province of Castellón, and 44.5% occupancy for those in the province of Alicante.
Finally, the head of Tourism recalled that the Valencian Community has a unique and diverse tourist offer adapted to all audiences and highlighted that “the tourism sector is prepared to receive tourists at the first major event of the summer holidays. tourist calendar”.
In this sense, when the Primary Care doctor treats a patient and requests laboratory tests, this new system makes it possible to detect whether the patient has previously had a rheumatoid test with a positive factor; if so, an analysis is automatically included. of anti-CPP (anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide) antibodies.
In addition, the system detects if this type of test has already been performed in the last twelve months, so it will not be repeated to avoid duplications, since the patient already has a diagnosis.
Thanks to this, it has been possible to reduce nearly 3,000 tests in a period of 22 months, while hidden cases have been detected. Likewise, great profitability has been achieved by reducing waiting times, unnecessary examinations and studies and has allowed patients with this pathology to be treated earlier.
The head of the Clinical Analysis Service, María Salinas, highlighted that “the objective has been to speed up the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and optimize the treatment of patients from Primary Care.”
On the other hand, Mauricio Mínguez, from the Rheumatology area of the Sant Joan d'Alacant Hospital, has indicated that with this protocol “we have managed to detect a good number of hidden cases and apply disease-modifying treatments with which we have managed to stop its progression. improve the prognosis and preserve people's functionality.” Mínguez has also stressed that “it is very important to work on improving the continuity of care between primary and hospital care.”
Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common autoimmune disease in adults. In Spain it has a prevalence of 1% and it is estimated that around 500,000 people suffer from it. Its symptoms are joint pain and inflammation and it can also lead to inflammatory processes outside the joint and affect the blood vessels and organs such as the liver, heart or lungs. It mainly affects women and early detection helps slow its progression and improve the quality of life of patients.
Dissemination of the study
The research, titled 'Double positivity for rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP antibodies: improving referral from primary care to patients suspected of suffering from rheumatoid arthritis', has been developed over a period of four years by the Clinical Analysis Service , in collaboration with the Primary Care health centers of the Alicante-Sant Joan d'Alacant Health Department and the Rheumatology Service of the hospital itself.
In addition to being implemented at the Sant Joan d'Alacant Hospital, this early detection system is now available for use in laboratories around the world as it has been openly disseminated. Thus, for example, the National Library of Medicine of the United States Government already has the study referenced among its publications.
“The mission of our laboratory is to help in daily clinical practice and our greatest satisfaction is to have this and other procedures that we have developed copied to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients in many countries around the world,” concluded Salinas. Thus, the laboratory of the Sant Joan d'Alacant University Hospital is an international leader in decision support in daily clinical practice and has already developed more than one hundred algorithms.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has reiterated the Consell's commitment to the Valencian automotive industry, which he has defined as “an innovative, competitive and sustainable sector” during the visit he made to the Ford manufacturing plant. in Almussafes to learn about the production of the new Kuga, whose plug-in hybrid version is the best-selling in Spain and Europe.
Mazón has congratulated Ford for the manufacture of the new Kuga and has highlighted “the ability of the Almussafes factory to adapt to the implementation of new technologies and production systems as an example of the value of this plant, which is a reference in the manufacture of “more sustainable automobiles designed for the mobility of the present and the future.”
The head of the Consell held a working meeting with Ford officials, led by the president and CEO of Ford Iberia, Jesús Alonso, and the manufacturing director of Ford Almussafes, Daniel Ruiz, among other company representatives.
The president has also met with the president of the Ford Almussafes works council and general secretary of UGT-Ford, Carlos Faubel, and the secretary of the Works Committee, Beatriz Yagüe.
The highest representative of the Valencian executive has toured the Almussafes plant where he has seen the various production areas, as well as the pioneering battery assembly center, operational since September 2020 and where the Ford Kuga batteries are assembled.
Also attending the visit to the Almussafes factory were the Minister of Finance, Economy and Public Administration, Ruth Merino; the Minister of Education, Universities and Employment, José Antonio Rovira; the Minister of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, Salomé Pradas; and the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes.
The Minister of Tourism held a first meeting with the general director of Tourism of Andalusia, Francisco Montes Worboys, at the ITB Fair in Berlin.
Nuria Montes has stressed the need to carry out a modification of the current regulations “that allows us to put a stop to this unfair competition that is so damaging to the regulated tourism sector.”
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has highlighted the implementation of joint work with Andalusia to try to strengthen control of the illegal supply of tourist homes in the Valencian Community. In this way, its intention is to take as a reference the new decree that the Andalusian Government has recently approved and which establishes that town councils may limit the maximum number of tourist homes.
Specifically, Montes has already had a first meeting with the general director of Tourism of the Junta de Andalucía, Francisco Montes Worboys, at the recent edition of the ITB fair in Berlin, where they shared their concern about this problem.
In this sense, he has stressed the need to carry out a modification of the current regulations "that allows us to put a stop to this unfair competition exercised by those who market their homes illegally and which is so detrimental to the regulated tourism sector", therefore that “we must share information, data and strategies with other communities like Andalusia to be able to unify regulations and combat this problem that affects us all.”
For this reason, the councilor plans to attend on Monday, March 18, a conference to be held in Seville on the 'New regulations for housing for tourist use in Andalusia' where, in addition to analyzing and transferring the various provisions that have been modified in regarding housing for tourist use, will have the participation of the Emeritus Magistrate of the Supreme Court, Rafael Valverde, who will explain the European and national jurisprudential framework in this matter.
The second half of February shows the end of the low season with figures above 70% in all the analysed areas of the Valencian Community . For hotel entrepreneurs, the data is a prelude to what will be the arrival of spring and of course Easter.
Valencia city is the great lucky one these days, reaching 85% occupancy , with 4-star hotels leading the way. With these data, the city of Turia says goodbye to February at 78.2%, which serves as a prelude to the good data that is expected to be achieved during the month of March thanks to the Las Fallas festival.
The Costa Blanca also stands out during the second fortnight with 77.5%, followed by Benidorm at 76.2% and the province of Castellón at 76.3%. These last days of the month undoubtedly raise the figures for the month of February, improving, in all cases, between 5.5 and 8 points compared to the same period in 2023.
Although hotel activity began to reactivate for accommodations in February, motivated above all by the celebration of Valentine's Day, it is in the first days of March when a greater change of pace is evident, since 44% of the accommodations that were still extending its closure beyond 2023 decides to open its doors.
The positive trend of recent days consolidates the good occupancy prospects for all destinations that are already beginning to warm up for the start of the tourist season with confirmed reservation volumes for the first half of March above 70%.
Below, we offer you a detailed analysis of hotel occupancy in different parts of the Valencian Community.
The annual hotel occupancy report prepared by BigDataHOSBEC for the following tourist spots in the Valencian Community is now available:
White shore
Province of Valencia
Province of Castellón
You can view the full report at the following link:
Biweekly hotel occupancy evolution report – 2nd fortnight February 2024
The Benidorm destination slightly exceeds the data for the first fortnight with 76.2% occupancy, and raises the average for the month of February to 75.9%, representing 5.7 points more than in the same period of 2023. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
In the last 14 days of this leap month of February, the Spanish market represents 43.7% of the total compared to 56.3% belonging to the international market, which is led by the United Kingdom with 39.1%. Behind the British market and by a long distance, the Dutch market is located with 4.4% and the Belgian market with 4.2% , with the Irish market closing in fourth position with 2.2% . The rest of the issuing markets do not exceed 1% representation in any case.
The month of March begins with very positive values, since the volume of confirmed reservations is 74.9% , 3.7 points above the data from the previous year on these same dates.
The Costa Blanca area (not including Benidorm) records an occupancy rate of 77.5%, finishing off a month of February that recorded an average of 75.4%, far exceeding the 2023 data by 8 percentage points (67 ,4%). (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
Tourists of international origin represent 53.3% of the total , compared to 46.7% nationally, which maintains data similar to those of the previous fortnight. After the Spanish market, the most prominent nationalities are British (13.5%) , Norwegian (7.7%) and Belgian (5.3%), French (5.2%) and Dutch (4.5%) . The next most representative ones are between 3% and 2% German and Polish.
Regarding the forecast for the first days of March, there are already 73.9% of rooms reserved, a figure that will surely increase with last-minute reservations.
The second half of February takes off in the province of Valencia, recording nothing more and nothing less than 82.8% occupancy , which results in an average of 76.7% for the month of February , adding 5.5 percentage points compared to to 2023 (71.2%). (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
Domestic tourism continues to represent more than half of the “pie” with 52.8%, being by far the largest market in the entire province. The international tourist is manifested in a varied range of nationalities among which we find the most prominent being the British, Italian, American, German, Dutch and French, all of them being between 5.5% and 4%.
The bonanza of the province's data is given above all by the data recorded for Valencia city, which stands at 85% during the second fortnight, with 4-star hotels in the lead with a share of 91%.
The occupancy forecast for the first half of March is set at 71.6 % in the province and 72.1% in Valencia, with a glimpse of the boost in these data thanks to the beginning of the Fallas festival.
The hotels in the province of Castellón closed due to the marked seasonality of the province are beginning to join tourist activity accompanied by positive occupancy data of 76.3% during the second half of February. These records also record an improvement compared to those of 2023, since the average for the month (71.5%) increases by 6.1 percentage points compared to the previous year . (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The national tourist remains the same as in the first fifteen days with 65.4%. The remaining 34.6% belongs to international tourism, led by the French market with 7.7%, followed by the Italian market with 3.4% , the German market (3.3%) and the Swedish market (3%).
The next fortnight has a volume of confirmed reservations of 70.5% well above what was recorded the previous year (62.3%).
ast January, the Valencian Community recorded its historical maximum in international tourism, as shown by the surveys published this Monday by the INE regarding Border Tourist Movements (Frontur) and the Tourist Expenditure Survey (Egatur).
Last January, the Valencian Community recorded its historical maximum in international tourism, as shown by the surveys published this Monday by the INE regarding Border Tourist Movements (Frontur) and the Tourist Expenditure Survey (Egatur).
In this way, international tourists who visited the Valencian Community in the first month of 2024 amount to 619,718, with an increase of 29.1% year-on-year; and they spent 757 million euros, which represents an increase of 40.3% compared to January of last year.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has pointed out that “these are the most important increases at the national level, thus following the trend of previous months, which places the Valencian Community as a leader in the growth of foreign tourism".
Montes recalled that "these results corroborate once again the solidity of the Valencian Community as an international tourist destination of reference", also adding that "we are the autonomous community among the main national tourist destinations where foreign tourism grows the most out of season."
The head of Tourism has stated that “these results confirm the good trend of the international tourism sector”; and they advance to 2024, whose first results point to a “certain significant dynamism,” she added.
The growth in the arrival of non-national tourists to Spain stands at 15.3%, the greatest increase is recorded by the Valencian Community with an increase of 29.1%, previously indicated, followed by Catalonia (20.3%), Madrid (17.5%) and Andalusia (17.4%)
In addition, it should be noted that the absolute record in foreign tourism during the month of January in the Valencian Community registered until this Monday, is estimated at 480,302 arrivals registered in 2023, the year in which the data for 2019, prior to the pandemic, was already exceeded.
Results by markets: the rise of German tourism
On the other hand, Nuria Montes has highlighted that with respect to the markets that send tourists to the Valencian Community, “the most important nationality continues to be the United Kingdom, with the arrival of more than 126,830 British in January, 16.3% more than in 2023.”
France follows with 110,609 tourists, 60.5% more than in the same month of the previous year. But the market that has recorded the greatest increase during the month of January in the Valencian Community has been Germany, with the arrival of 58,304 Germans, which represents a notable growth of 66%.
“Without a doubt, one of the best news we could have regarding our attendance this week at the ITB fair in Berlin, one of the largest tourism fairs in the world,” highlighted the counselor, who also announced that Turisme will attend this event with more exhibition space than ever, and with the participation of more than 20 companies, municipalities and tourism brands from the Valencian Community.
Spectacle and excitement come together this Sunday, March 3 at the ' XXIII Villa de Crevillent International Motocross '. As usual, the Alicante Provincial Council collaborates in the organization and dissemination of this popular sporting event that will feature the participation of great figures in this discipline.
The Sports Deputy, Bernabé Cano , presented this morning together with the president of the Club Moto Sport Carreres, Francisco Carreres , all the details of this test, considered one of the most relevant and consolidated on the national calendar . The mayor of Crevillent, Lourdes Aznar , and the president of the Motorcycle Federation of the Valencian Community, José Luis Berenguer , have also participated in the presentation
“ Next Sunday Crevillent is going to become the epicenter of national and international motocross with a test that will also serve to promote the municipality and generate an important economic return ,” said the deputy, who highlighted the importance of that public administrations “ give their support mainly to minority sports .”
The 'XXIII Villa de Crevillent International Motocross' will take place at the El Cossil Circuit , one of the oldest in the Valencian Community, and it will have a technical and safe route of 1,600 meters in length , with numerous ups and downs. and suitable for all levels , from those who have just started in this sport to the most experienced.
In this sense, the director of the test explained that " we have adapted the route, with simpler and more accessible routes for young motorcyclists and others that offer a greater spectacle for seniors ", while highlighting the beauty of the surroundings. in which the competition is held; the Crevillent reservoir.
Registration will remain open until next Thursday and there is already the participation of prominent riders from the national scene, who will compete in the categories of MX-1 , MX-2 , MX-3 , MX-125 , MX-A and MX- 85 .
The test will count towards the Valencian Community motocross championship and, as in previous editions, will pay tribute to the pilot from Elche José Manuel Pérez ' Carni ', who died in 2005 due to an accident while competing in the Dakar Rally.
The mayor has highlighted, for her part, that this competition " places Crevillent on the sports map ", and has highlighted, in this sense, the City Council's commitment to major sporting events " with the aim that in the coming years Let us write important lines in the history of our town .”
Finally, from the Motorcycle Federation, its president has valued “ this hybrid test that combines spectacle and training ” and has called for the creation of permanent circuits and facilities for the practice of this sporting discipline.
The Council will grant between 6,000 and 10,000 euros in direct aid for basic expenses, and between 1,000 and 1,500 euros per month for housing rent
The Generalitat's aid will be compatible with that of other administrations and will be channeled through the single window of the Valencia City Council
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has announced the first aid package aimed at the people affected by the fire in the residential buildings in the Campanar district of Valencia.
Carlos Mazón has explained that these aids will be approved in the Plenary of the Council which will be held in an extraordinary way in order to activate as soon as possible the necessary measures to alleviate the situation of the families.
The aid, which will be compatible with that granted by any other public administration, will be channeled through the single window of Valencia City Council so that it is distributed "quickly, time can be saved and bureaucracy is avoided".
Specifically, the Council will approve a first package of direct aid of between 6,000 and 10,000 euros, according to the members who make up the family unit, to cover basic expenses such as food, clothing or transport, among others, "of so that the most basic and urgent can be attended to", he pointed out.
The aid decree will also include amounts of between 1,000 and 1,500 euros per month for families who choose to rent a home, and for those who choose to acquire a property, the Generalitat will exempt them from paying the Tax Patrimonial transmissions.
In addition, a package of social assistance is planned, which includes a permanent psychological assistance service, beyond the urgent assistance that is being provided by the Valencia City Council in collaboration with the Red Cross, as well as the preferential relocation of dependent or vulnerable people who need a place in a residence, day center or specialized center, and the preferential re-schooling of minors whose families decide to school their children in another location.
The Generalitat will also offer free public transport for the affected families for at least one year, and has coordinated with several animal shelters to facilitate the temporary access of companion animals that may require attention by making available two veterinary hospitals if necessary.
Finally, the president has reiterated his thanks to the different fire brigades of the different administrations for the extraordinary effort they are carrying out.
The month of February arrives with fresh air leaving very positive figures, especially in the coastal destinations of the province of Alicante where in some cases values of 85% have been reached, as in the case of Calpe or 75% in Benidorm.
Without a doubt , the celebration of the carnival, the final of the Benidorm Fest or the traditional Valentine's Day for which many hotels launch their romantic packages as an attraction, have driven the increase in this data. And it should be noted that all the destinations and areas analyzed have improved their figures not only compared to the last days of January, but also for the same period in 2023.
The high temperatures and the predominance of clear skies typical of the month of April, encourage the pace of confirmed reservations for the second fortnight in all points, already standing above 65%, and in many cases exceeding today's data. occupation noted this fortnight. This positive trend causes hotels located in areas marked by strong seasonality, such as the province of Castellón, to end their closure periods and begin to oil their machines for the return to activity.
Regarding the origin data, it is worth highlighting the importance of the international market, which generally represents 50% , growing in some destinations such as Benidorm to practically 60% or representing 35% in areas such as the province of Castellón. where the domestic market is usually between 75% -80%. The growth and greater weight of foreign nationalities is generalized in the Valencian Community as has been seen in the latest passenger records for the month of January at the airports of Valencia and Alicante – Miguel Hernández, in which international tourists represent more than one 70% and 80% of the total respectively.
Below, we offer you a detailed analysis of hotel occupancy in different parts of the Valencian Community.
The annual hotel occupancy report prepared by BigData HOSBEC is now available for the following tourist spots in the Valencian Community:
Costa Blanca
Province of Valencia
Province of Castellón
You can view the full report at the following link:
Biweekly hotel occupancy evolution report – 1st fortnight February 2024
The Benidorm destination registers 75.5% occupancy from February 1 to 15. The data rises considerably compared to the last days belonging to January (67%), and to the same period in 2023, where the registrations stood at 67.5%. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
Regarding nationalities, the domestic market represents the largest proportion with 43.8% , leaving the remaining 56.2% to international guests. Within the latter, the British tourist is in the lead with 39.6% , followed by the Belgian with 4.6% , the Irish (1.9%) and the Polish (1.3%) . The rest of the issuing markets do not exceed 1% representation in any case.
For the closing of the second month of the year, there is already a reservation forecast of 74.6%, above the occupancy figures for this fortnight and with a view to being exceeded.
The Costa Blanca area (not including Benidorm) records an occupancy rate of 73.4%, far exceeding the 2023 data by 10 percentage points (63.3%) . Very positive data for some destinations such as Calpe that become a tourist attraction in celebrations such as Valentine's Day, helping to boost their figures above 85% in this first fortnight. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
Tourists of international origin represent 53.3% of the total , compared to 46.7% nationally, which maintains data similar to those of the previous fortnight. After the Spanish market, the most prominent nationalities are the British (12.3%) , Belgian (10.3%) and Norwegian (7%) . The next most representative, located between 4.5% and 2%, would be the Dutch, French, Polish and Italian.
Regarding the forecast for the last days of February, there are already 67.9% of rooms reserved, a figure that will surely increase with last-minute reservations.
From February 1 to 15, the province of Valencia recorded an occupancy rate of 69.8% , exceeding not only the data from the previous fortnight, but also the records belonging to the same period in 2023 by 4.4 percentage points (65.4 %) . (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
Domestic tourism represents a market share of 51.5 % , being the largest market in the province. In the remaining 48.5% belonging to the international market , characterized by its heterogeneity of nationalities, Italy is the leader with 5.5% of the total volume. In the following positions are the German market (4.9%), the United Kingdom (4.5%), the United States (3.9%) and the French and Dutch markets, both with 3.7%. Between 3% and 1% are markets such as Chinese, Belgian, Ukrainian or Portuguese.
The occupancy forecast for the second half of February is set at 65.4% , showing the boost in these data thanks to the carnival holiday.
During the first half of February, seasonal closure periods begin to come to an end, registering the return to activity of some of our associates. In this way, from February 1 to 15 the province of Castellón is at 61.3%, with flights similar to those of the first fortnight of the year. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The national tourist remains loyal to the province and on this occasion it stands at 65%. The remaining 35% belongs to international tourism, led by the German market with 6.5%, followed by the French market with 4.5% , the British market (4%) , Italian market (3.4%) and the Dutch market (2 ,5%).
As a peculiarity for the next fortnight, there is already a volume of confirmed reservations of 69.6%, above what has been recorded these days.
This is the first edition of these conferences, which have had a roadshow format with traveling promotion, and whose purpose has been to bring the tourism offer of meetings, congresses and incentives from different Spanish autonomous communities closer to English operators.
In this way, representatives of Turisme Comunitat Valenciana have presented the tourist offer, as well as the most relevant news of the destination, before nearly forty specialised operators from the two British cities.
Both cities are, along with Birmingham and London, two of the main centers where the main operators of this type of tourism in the United Kingdom are established. It is also a type of tourism that, given its characteristics (more or less numerous groups, almost always companies, entities and professional associations, needs for spaces and activities at the destination), is, above all, in the hands of specialized operators.
Likewise, the good air connections of the United Kingdom with the Valencian Community, with more than 20 British cities that have direct routes with Valencian airports, in addition to other factors, such as the offer of facilities and accommodation, the climate, the gastronomic offer and of complementary activities, make the Community a very interesting destination for British operators that offer incentives or organize events, conferences or meetings.
MICE 2024 promotional strategy
Given the potential of this product in the Valencian Community, Turisme will reinforce the promotional strategy aimed at meeting and congress tourism during 2024. The objective is to consolidate and position the destination as a benchmark in this sector, considered a key element for tourism deseasonalization. and diversification of demand.
To this end, among the planned lines of action, the Generalitat will encourage the participation of the Valencian Community in the main events of the sector and in competitions specialized in the MICE product.
In this way, this participation of Turisme CV in the Manchester and Leeds conferences will be complemented this year with the planned participation in the largest MICE event in the United Kingdom, 'The Meeting Show', which will take place in London at the end of June , and which will bring together a good part of the country's MICE professionals.
Likewise, Turisme Comunitat Valenciana will also be present this year at the two largest fairs in this sector in Europe, on the one hand, Imex, which will take place during the month of May in the German city of Frankfurt and, on the other hand, IBTM World, which will be held in November in Barcelona.
Events that will be attended with spaces where the various Convention Bureaux of the Valencian Community, associations and companies in the sector from the three provinces will participate.
Likewise, several familiarization trips for MICE operators are also planned this year to make the Valencian Community's offering known to professionals from different markets, such as Germany, the Netherlands and Southeast Asia, among other actions.
The minister held a meeting with the manager of Imserso, in which the president of the Hotel and Tourism Business Association of the Valencian Community, Hosbec who are based in Benidorm, Fede Fuster, also participated.
Nuria Montes described the meeting as "positive" and explained that the director general of Imserso was "prudent and receptive to listening to all the options and proposals for improvement" for this program, and also "to be able to find within the Government of Spain a location for this program in a department that can better manage its needs".
In this context, the head of Tourism has remarked that "the Imserso program continues to provide a very important task for the elderly in the concept of active old age and sociability", although she has requested a review, already that, according to Montes, "the circumstances that gave rise to this program 40 years ago have now changed a lot, both from the point of view of the major and from the point of view of the tourism and hotel sector".
From Imserso they have conveyed to the councilor that they will continue working on this strategy, although, as explained by Nuria Montes, "the validity of the current execution program and the decision of whether or not any extension will be executed it has not yet been determined, since it depends on many variables", such as the approval of the State's general budgets "because it has a decisive influence on having a budget extension or not".
In addition, Montes has emphasized that the second of the variables "is to assess the consequences that would have, both for users and for the sector, to award an extension to increment 0, which is as planned, while the IPC is well above 3%”.
For the head of Tourism, "this could mean another hole in the difference between the cost of production and the price borne by the Spanish tourism sector that works in the Imserso program", which is why she has reiterated the Council's support for tourism sector of the Valencian Community and has assured that, "from the Generalitat, we will continue to support tourism entrepreneurs".
CaixaBank and the Hotel and Tourism Business Association of the Valencian Community (HOSBEC) have signed the renewal of the collaboration agreement that makes a specific line of financing available to all members and partners. This activation of the credit line aims to promote and energise the hotel sector, camping, tourist apartments and the complementary offer of the Valencian Community. It also includes a wide portfolio of financial services and products under conditions adapted to the specific needs of the tourism sector.
The agreement, which has been signed by the territorial director of CaixaBank in the Valencian Community and the Region of Murcia, Olga García, and the president of HOSBEC, Federico Fuster, provides advantages for members in the management of their accounts, cards, transfers and financing.
The territorial director of CaixaBank in the Valencian Community and the Region of Murcia has conveyed the commitment of the financial entity, through its CaixaBank Hotels & Tourism business line, to the tourism and hotel sector of the Community, highlighting “the contribution of the entity to help improve the competitiveness of this group through the design of financial products and services created especially to meet their needs.”
For his part, the president of HOSBEC has highlighted “the interest that HOSBEC members have in financial products under the conditions established in the collaboration agreement, to the extent that it can help boost the economic activity of the sector that, in Ultimately, it ends up contributing to the promotion of the dynamism of the territory and the Valencian economy.”
During the past year, and as a result of the agreement that both entities had previously signed, different joint initiatives have been carried out, such as a day in which the keys and results of the sector were analyzed, as well as the future perspectives according to the reports . on the tourism sector from CaixaBank Research, the financial institution's research service.
With this new agreement, CaixaBank once again demonstrates that it wants to continue being a key player in the recovery of this fundamental sector for the country, facilitating the granting of credit and supporting its specific needs.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has announced that, after the success of the Benidorm Fest, from the Generalitat "we will once again support the celebration of the festival in 2025".
This is what the head of Tourism has said, after knowing the impact data of the three selection galas to elect the Eurovision representative at the Benidorm Fest that were held last week. In this sense, he assured that "there is no longer any doubt about the Generalitat's commitment to this event, after three editions in which it has been consolidated around a brand of its own".
The impact data shows that 1.97 million viewers followed the broadcast of the Benidorm Fest final on TVE, with a share of 16.6%. In addition, the final of this edition has registered an increase of 90,000 spectators compared to the final of 2023.
Nuria Montes explained that it is a show that "already transcends our borders". In fact, according to the impact data, 25 countries followed the final gala through social networks, where 187,932 mentions were made on Twitter during the gala.
The Minister of Tourism has highlighted that these data, "confirm that the Benidorm Fest is an element of promotion of the city, and of the entire Valencian Community" and has insisted on the fact that this festival has been consolidated in the city of Benidorm "which is why it is the right place for the celebration and this festival is no longer understood in another place".
Likewise, Nuria Montes has highlighted the impact of this musical phenomenon in terms of advertising return and, in this sense, has referred to the advertising impact of this festival, which "is estimated at more than 80 million "Euros".
In this context, he pointed out that the Benidorm Fest "is a product that fits perfectly into our de-seasonalization and music tourism strategy", since it is held in a month considered to be in the low season and "allows us to achieve very positive figures of employment and expenditure and put up, practically, the complete poster".
Finally, Montes recalled "the essential involvement of the Valencian Government in Benidorm Fest 2024" through the collaboration agreement between Turisme Comunitat Valenciana and the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation for the organisation and celebration of Benidorm Fest , with a contribution of 1.5 million euros.
The Valencian Community has registered its historical maximum in international tourism in 2023, as shown by the surveys published this Friday by the INE regarding Tourist Movements on the Border (Frontur) and the Tourist Expenditure Survey (Egatur).
Surveys show that international tourists who visited the Valencian Community in 2023 exceeded 10.4 million (10,491,985), with an increase of 21.8% year-on-year, above the average for Spain, which is 18.7 % and spent 12,575 million euros, which represents an increase of 24.5% compared to 2022.
The Egatur survey shows that in 2023 the average expenditure per tourist amounts to 1,199 euros, increasing by 2.2% year-on-year, and the average daily expenditure in 2023 stands at 124 euros, 5% higher than that recorded in 2022.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has assessed these results as very positive, since these figures corroborate that 2023 has been the best tourist year and confirm that “it has been the year of the true recovery of tourism for the Valencian Community”.
For Councilor Nuria Montes, “not only is the increase in tourists important, what is truly important is the increase in spending, which is still above the growth in tourists.” Furthermore, she explained that “international tourists are the ones who spend the most because they stay much longer than national tourists.”
The head of Tourism recalled that "the trends, as we advanced in the past Fitur, indicate that in 2024 the Valencian Community will be at these figures or even higher, because the sales rate is being very important."
December results
In addition, surveys show that the best number of international tourists in history was recorded in the month of December, with a total of 714,043 arrivals, 39% more than in December 2022.
Regarding spending, in December an expense of 837 million was recorded, 41.2% more, according to the latest data published this Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has shown her satisfaction after the first three days of Fitur, dedicated to professional activity, and has highlighted that the Valencian Community stand “has registered more than 5,000 meetings” , according to first estimates, a figure close to 20% higher than that achieved in the last edition.
Furthermore, Nuria Montes has highlighted that in this edition of Fitur “we have highlighted the prominence of work meetings” and has stressed that “the number of companies that have participated and the extensive agenda of contacts will strengthen our positioning as a destination.” .
The councilor recalled that in this edition of Fitur "we have presented very positive tourism data for 2023, and we have even better prospects for 2024 that make us very optimistic." In this sense, she explained that last year “we reached 28.5 million tourists” in the Valencian Community and the objective is “to reach 30 million” this year.
Likewise, he highlighted that “the work dynamics that have been evident these days in Fitur and the strength demonstrated by the sector contribute to conveying the message that we are a sustainable, innovative, accessible destination that is committed to quality. and excellence.”
Montes has assured that in this edition "all records for the participation of companies and professional activity have been broken", since more than 500 co-exhibitors have participated, of which 261 have been companies and tourism entities.
In this context, he has reiterated the "firm commitment of this Consell to tourism promotion" and has indicated that in 2024 "we plan to reinforce our promotion and marketing strategy with more than 150 promotional actions in 20 source markets" with the new tourism motto. “'Mediterranean Attitude', a concept that differentiates us from our competing destinations, and that also transmits the spirit of hospitality that we also want to convey.”
The BigDataHosbec department has already published its monitor report on hotel activity for the year 2023 as well as the main economic parameters of hotel profitability.
The hotel sector is in luck and this 2023 is a clear reflection of tourism consolidation. The Valencian Community rounds off the year with more than 9.4 million travelers , 0.9% more than in 2019, highlighting from this data the increase in international travelers that is close to 4 million with a growth of 5.4% .
More than 4.6 million tourists staying in hotels go to the province of Alicante , with 48.5% of them being Benidorm as their last destination . The capital of the Costa Blanca, with an average annual capacity of 41,700 seats, has received more than 2.2 million travelers , improving registrations by 4.1% thanks, above all, to the impact of the international market (52% of the total ), which also increases by 10.1%.
The province of Valencia, which accounts for 38.6% of the total number of guests in the Valencian Community who spend the night in hotels (more than 3.6 million), has 57% of travelers of national origin, detecting an increase in these by 8 ,2%. On the other hand, the city of Valencia, with more than 2 million travelers, continues to demonstrate once again its heterogeneity of nationalities , with a greater volume of international guests (53%).
The province of Castellón receives more than 1.1 million in its hotels, its main driver of activity being the domestic traveler, who represents 80%. However, it should be noted that although the volume of international travelers is lower than in the rest of the provinces, this 2023 has increased its scoreboard by more than 17,000 travelers (+8.1%).
The preference for shorter trips is manifested in the reduction of the days of stay, which directly affects the total volume of overnight stays in the Valencian Community, which are reduced by 2.1%, recording more than 29 at the end of the year, 1 million. This trend is accentuated, above all, in destinations and areas with a high vacation component, as is the case of the Costa Blanca, which reduces its overnight stays by 3.4% or Benidorm , where they decrease by 4.8%, finally approaching 10. 8 million.
The opposite occurs in the province of Valencia where the stay is maintained and the increase in travelers also reports an improvement in the volume of overnight stays that adds up to 5% more than in 2019 with more than 8.4 million overnight stays . Valencia city , with an average stay of 2.2 days, is characterized by being a “city break” destination and increases overnight stays by 7.6%, strengthening both the domestic and international markets and finally scoring more than 4.6 overnight stays in 2023.
Employed personnel
The average workforce assigned to the hotel sector improves the 2019 data with a count of 16,746 average workers in the Valencian Community . The tourist areas and destinations with the greatest hotel activity and with the greatest accommodation capacity record the best data on employed personnel. Even so, it should be noted that the search for professionals who want to work in the sector continues to be arduous , and must be counteracted and bet more than ever on a training offer that encourages specialization.
Economic data and hotel profitability
Although the Valencian Community continues to be below the national indicators, it is true that the records for 2023 take a leap and improve pre-pandemic levels by 24% , reaching average rates (ADR) of €95.2 and RevPar of €65. .
Alicante and Valencia city are in the lead with average rates of €114 and €101.4, representing an increase of 32% and 31%, followed in third place by Benidorm with an average of €96 and a growth of 25%.
These data directly influence the income per room (RevPar) in which the city of Valencia takes the lead with €90.8 on average and a growth of 35.6% compared to 2019. In the following positions are Alicante city with €73.4 on average (28.5%) and Benidorm €70.8 (19.7%).
It is important not to forget that these increases are associated with the increase in energy, labour and raw material costs that the tourism sector has faced throughout 2023.
The Ministry of Health has invested more than 1.5 million euros in the installation of ceiling equipment in seven radiology rooms of different hospitals in the Valencian Community, which incorporates vision and artificial intelligence for the personalisation of radiographs to patients.
The main innovation that this technology brings is that it has a camera with artificial intelligence algorithms and a detector for body analysis, which detects the size and volume of the patient. In this way, the area that is illuminated with the X-ray beam on which the test is carried out is defined and the radiation is optimised.
Precisely, the Minister of Health, Marciano Gómez, visited today, together with the manager of the Department of Health Alicante-General Hospital, Francisco Soriano, the first digital radiology room of these characteristics that was launched in Spain, and which is installed at Doctor Balmis Hospital. The councilor explained that the technology it has "allows to calculate the optimal parameters for a given patient and a specific study and, on the basis of this, automatically adjusts and delimits the field of treatment".
All this involves optimizing the process and obtaining the best image quality adapted to each patient, also complying with the optimal radiation dosage standards. "In fact, in general terms, thanks to these types of rooms, radiation doses to patients are reduced by approximately half", said Marciano Gómez. This decrease can be up to 45% in studies of the pediatric abdomen, 15.5% in the pediatric thorax and up to 27% in the pediatric skull.
The councilor added that, in addition, with this system "test rejection rates are reduced, since it incorporates a motion sensor, which prevents the radiodiagnostic technician from activating the system in the event that the patient moga".
Real-time detection
These rooms also have other artificial intelligence tools that, for example, through algorithms are able to detect in real time the anomalies presented by the patient in a chest test, which can contribute to reducing reading times and help in the diagnosis. Another advantage is that, with a single exposure, the software allows different views, such as removing the view of the ribs in a chest X-ray, seeing only the tubes and drains, etc., without the need for further acquisitions and so on. avoid unnecessary radiation to the patient.
The head of Health has remarked that "in short, the aim of these teams is patient care through dose control, so everything is designed to contribute to the ergonomics and productivity of the room, that everything is automatic and specific for each patient and that their radiological examination is specific".
"On the other hand - the councilor continued - in addition to the undoubted benefits that these rooms bring to the patient, they are a great help for radiodiagnostic professionals, who no longer have to calculate all the specific parameters in each examination". "Likewise, since they are robotic with ceiling suspension and all the movements can be done automatically, the technicians don't have to position the patient manually either, with what this entails reducing physical effort and minimizing injuries", he pointed out.
The first hospital to have this cutting-edge technological equipment was General Doctor Balmis in Alicante, whose first room was put into operation at the end of October and where 2,160 tests have already been carried out 1,888 patients. Since the month of January, he has had a second one exactly the same.
The other five identical teams to those of the Alicante hospital have already been installed in two rooms of the General d'Elche, in two others of the Clinic of Valencia and one of the Malva-rosa of Valencia. They are already in operation at the illegal hospital and will soon be operational in the centers of the Valencian capital.
To these ceiling radiology equipment, another 10 similar ones will be added, for which 2 million euros will be invested and they will be installed in the General Hospital of Castelló, Doctor Peset de Valencia, Francesc de Borja de Gandia, the Lluís Alcanyís de Xàtiva, the Marina Baixa de la Vila Joiosa, the General d'Elda and the integrated health center of Villena.
New heliport
During his visit to the Alicante hospital, the councilor also referred to the recent opening to traffic of the permanent heliport for restricted medical use, located on the roof of the hospital's car park.
Marciano Gómez has valued this infrastructure, "since it makes it possible to shorten distances and reduce response time in assistance, since during the last eight years the medical helicopters landed at the Sant Vicent del Raspeig fire station and from there it was the one transferred by ambulance to the Alicante hospital".
The heliport, operational since last week, has a total area of around 2,100 square meters and has involved an investment of 240,000 euros. The infrastructure is made up of the helipad, for the landing and take-off of aircraft, with visual aids for maneuvers, light beacons for night use and means of fire protection.
The work consisted of adapting the project to the current regulations, in terms of operational security of restricted-use aerodromes. The pavement, the electrical installation, the fire extinguishing system, as well as the visual aids, have been adapted.
Once the works have been completed, the necessary steps have been taken to achieve the resolution of opening to traffic. In this sense, the teams that will be directly involved in the use of the heliport have been formed, such as the professionals from the Health Emergency Service of the Valencian Community and the Doctor Balmis Hospital.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, highlighted, during the presentation of the tourist milestones of 2023 and the new challenges of the Costa Blanca Trust, the alliance between the tourism sector and the Generalitat to consolidate the leadership of the Costa Blanca destination.
The head of the Council has considered the "humility and unity" with which he works daily, as well as "the coordination and ability to work" to position himself as a of the main tourist destinations.
Likewise, he referred to the good results obtained by the sector during 2023 and expressed his hope that they will be surpassed in 2024, which will contribute to the abolition of the tourist tax, recently repealed by the Council in order to continue attracting visitors .
During his speech, Mazón referred to the effort to maintain competitiveness as well as the diversity of the tourist offer of the Costa Blanca and the Valencian Community, which has "sustainable and attractive beaches, the most mountainous province of Spain, inland routes, or its gastronomic wealth".
For his part, the president of the Provincial Council of Alicante and president of the Costa Blanca board of trustees, Toni Pérez, has pointed out the objective of consolidating itself as an intelligent tourist destination "betting on digitization, artificial intelligence and natural intelligence". In this sense, he explained that the main axes of action will be accessibility, innovation and technology, digitization and environmental, economic and social sustainability.
It should be noted that the Costa Blanca destination attracts 45.7% of all travelers heading to the Valencian Community, and that in 2023 it has increased by 4.1 percentage points the 2019 employment records.
Nuria Montes highlights the good tourist data
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, presented this Wednesday the 2023 tourism balance and the 2024 forecasts in an event held at the stand of the Valencian Community of Fitur in which the President of the Generalitat also participated , Carlos Mazón.
Nuria Montes has pointed out that "all the indicators are positive" and has remarked that "definitely 2023 has been the best year touristically speaking".
In addition, he explained that, although the variable of tourists is positive, "there are others that are much more important", and in this sense, it has influenced the "positive evolution of profitability, social sustainability and the creation of jobs , as well as sales forecasts".
For Nuria Montes, "the data for 2023 is very good, but what is really interesting is all the perspectives that we have already evaluated for the year 2024, and all of them make us think that we will again be in the best year for tourism in terms of all the variables" .
Montes has reiterated that in the Generalitat "we are not concerned about counting tourists, what we are concerned about is counting the beneficial effect that tourism has on the economy and on the social component of the Valencian Community", and has pointed out that "all this is will be fulfilled during the year 2024".
Along these lines, he explained that the data from the airports of the Valencian Community are "very positive in all markets", and he highlighted that the prospects, especially for hotel sales, are already growing above the best forecasts".
In addition, he emphasised that "the public sector and the private sector are practically aligned in the same discourse", and he recalled that "we no longer have the threat of the tourist tax on the table", so he pointed out that " now what remains is the work to manage the success that comes to us and make the Valencian Community more sustainable in terms of tourism and also more recognised".
Balance data 2023
Nuria Montes has highlighted that the Valencian Community "is in an excellent competitive position so that tourism activity continues to develop at a great pace".
Thus, he explained that, to reinforce these conditions, favored by the great business dynamism, "a tourism policy is being designed based on sustainability, regulatory adaptation and public-private cooperation, which places the Valencian Community at the forefront of but sustainable tourism development".
The head of Tourism has remarked that "tourism contributed in 2022 to the GDP of the Valencian Community with 15.8%, already reaching the pre-pandemic levels of 2019", and has advanced that with the very positive data that the activity has collected in 2023 "everything seems to indicate that the contribution of tourism to the GDP of the Valencian Community for the first time may have exceeded 16% in 2023".
In addition, Montes emphasized that 2023 "has turned out to be a great year for the tourism sector, as confirmed by the main activity indicators". In this line, he has highlighted the increases in the occupancy rates of the tourist accommodation offer, a greater volume of visitors and, especially, the increases in the economic indicators such as that of employees in the activity or the strong rise in the indices of profitability of tourist accommodation (Revpar).
Regarding the results of 2023, Montes highlighted that "we have reached 28.5 million tourists, between national and international" and, in addition, sales in the tourism sector have increased by 16.6% compared to 2019" .
Regarding spending, it should be noted that, in 2023, domestic tourist spending has grown by 5.34% compared to 2022, and spending by international tourists has increased by 23.4% compared to 2022.
Other noteworthy data are the growth of Revpar (revenues per room available), it was 23.7%, and tourist employment rose by 6.24% year-on-year.
Forecasts for 2024
With respect to the forecasts for 2024, the Minister of Tourism has advanced that, according to the estimates of Turisme Comunitat Valenciana "it is expected that the turnover of tourist companies will increase by 10% in 2024".
In addition, an increase in air capacity at Alicante airport is expected, with a growth of 13.1% in the number of seats and 12.6% in the number of flights. Likewise, for Valencia airport, a rise of 6.9% in the number of seats is expected, and of 7.1% in the number of flights.
Nuria Montes explained that "these data show us a change in trends in the different markets and demand segments to which it is necessary to adapt, such as the search for unique and memorable experiences, the interest in gastronomy and local products, or the prioritisation of spending on trips that seek physical and emotional well-being".
Montes has also referred to the increase in air capacity and the emergence of new railway operators, to the increase in sustainability and social responsibility in supply and demand, to the adaptation and mitigation of the impact of climate change, the acceleration of investment in digitisation of the travel cycle, technology and artificial intelligence, or data management and generation of tourist knowledge.
The head of the Council will hold meetings with tourist operators and airlines to strengthen the presence of international tourists throughout the year
It indicates that the Council's commitment to deseasonalization and the national market is reflected in actions such as the 2024 Tourist Voucher or the IMSERSO tourism program
The union of the tourism sector stands out to consolidate our territory as a preferred tourist destination in the main markets
He emphasizes that this edition will break the record of companies and associations participating in the Community stand
He states that one of the strategic objectives for this year is to "place the Valencian Community as the first fully sustainable destination"
He points out that the segmentation of the tourist offer will be strengthened with its own spaces in the areas of cinema, sports or LGBTI+
He assures that the 'Mediterranean Attitude' invites all visitors to the Community to "live first-hand the passion, the effort, the identity, the light and the soul of the Mediterranean"
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, will attend Fitur 2024 with the aim of strengthening the position of the Valencian Community as a first-rate tourist destination, both in the national and international markets. In Fitur, the head of the Council will show the 'Mediterranean Attitude' to increase business opportunities in the tourism sector and increase the arrival of tourists throughout the year.
To do this, the president will maintain an intense agenda of meetings with the main tour operators and mobility companies to "attract more tourists to our Community throughout the year, taking advantage of the wealth, the climate and the attractiveness of our land 365 days".
Carlos Mazón will support the Valencian companies and entities present in Fitur, "true protagonists of this event in a record year in participation", which will count on the collaboration of the Generalitat "to favor their business and make it more attractive the Community to tourists".
In this edition of Fitur, which will take place from January 24 to 28 in Madrid, more than 500 co-exhibitors will participate in the stand of the Valencian Community, 261 of which will be companies and tourist organizations, among which the participation of 158 firms specialized in product, 19 technological or 28 in the festival area. The highest representative of the Valencian executive has insisted that the final objective of this fair is that "our companies close agreements and expand their business to sell our product and our destination".
The Valencian Community will have a 2,050 m² stand that will reflect the 'Mediterranean Attitude', a proposal that invites all visitors to the Community to "live first-hand the passion, the effort, the identity, the light and the 'soul of the Mediterranean', says Mazón.
Strengthen tourist activity
The Valencian delegation, headed by the president, will carry out more than 200 activities during the fair focused on establishing agreements and expanding contacts with the main tourist operators, airlines, travel agents or professionals from various fields, among others.
The head of the Council will have meetings with tour operators such as Jet 2 Holidays or Booking; transport companies such as Ryanair, Vueling, Ouigo, Baleària and Vectalia, or hotel companies such as Magic Costa Blanca-Marina d'Or. Likewise, he will attend the presentations of the destinations of the Valencian Community such as Costa Blanca, Valencia, the European Green Capital or the pre-Olympic sport, among others.
On Thursday the 25th, the day of the Valencian Community, the president will advance the strategic objectives and actions of the Generalitat to support tourist activity, and will tour the stands to get to know first-hand the new tourist brands of the Community and the business prospects of the companies present in Fitur.
Mazón stressed that the Generalitat is working together with all the agents involved to "position the Valencian Community as the first fully sustainable destination" and to launch actions that "favor the deseasonalization of the sector". In this sense, he recalled initiatives such as the 2024 Tourist Voucher or the IMSERSO tourism program to "attract visitors 365 days a year".
In addition, the Generalitat will promote in Fitur the expansion of new activities linked to tourism in highly growing markets, such as sports, culture or LGBTI+, which will have their own space within the framework of the Tourism Fair .
The president of the Provincial Council, Toni Pérez , presented this morning at the ACTIU company located in Castalla the report prepared by the Institute of Economic Studies of the Province of Alicante – INECA , on the 'Current situation of the industrial model in the province'. This document, financed by the provincial institution, focuses on the economic and business health of Alicante and its municipalities , as well as its growth potential with respect to the industrial sector.
During the event, in which the regional Secretary of Industry, Felipe Carrasco , the president of INECA, Ignacio Amirola , as well as officials from the host company , also participated , Toni Pérez highlighted that the study reflects “ the productive wealth of a territory "which constitutes an indispensable asset for the economic success of the Valencian Community and Spain ." “ We have carried out this report that allows us to make a diagnosis of the situation to specify challenges. This is an important starting point, since the assessments collected provide a global vision, at a financial level, that allows us to integrate these results in all areas of society, as well as generate knowledge ," stated the president of the Provincial Council. who, in addition, has pointed out that the document not only analyzes the strong points of the Alicante industry , but also those aspects and sections " in which we can optimise resources to increase results ."
As confirmed by the provincial official, “ we are a province full of a demanding professional sector made up of self-employed workers, entrepreneurs, small, medium and large companies and many jobs depend on our industry, as well as a good part of our Gross Domestic Product ” , which is why it has recognised that coordination between administrations is essential when it comes to “ incentivising and supporting our productive sectors with the purpose of carrying out actions that generate active growth dynamics .”
In his speech, Toni Pérez conveyed to the more than fifty businessmen, mayors and authorities present at the event that recognizing the levers of growth on which the strategies must pivot in coordination is essential to continue on the path of progress.
For this reason, he has emphasized that the province has a different structure from practically all of the rest of Spain. “ Alicante has a different and varied business fabric with key sectors that act as a shuttle .” As she explained in detail, “ each of our regions has a different potential, all of them complementary and highly competitive .”
“ Diversification and potential are key in a very unique territory, where we want the relevance and weight of the industrial sector to improve. We must also bet on small companies that relocate in search of better locations and economies ,” he assured, while advocating immersion in the process of refounding the European industry, “ in that digital green transition where we have to try, through public-private collaboration and private-private collaboration, so that no one is left behind .”
To this end, it has maintained that sustainability is a good model and example from its triple dimension : environmental, economic and social .
Finally, the president has valued the weight of the family business, which is the “ great strength of this province ”, and has maintained that with this real diagnosis “ we can guide policies that take a 180 degree turn, with vision, action and risk, to apply efforts in innovation, digitalisation and sustainability and reach out to the creation of employment and well-being .”
The INECA report is structured into four thematic blocks that address productivity analysis , digitalisation , the impact of the European green industrial plan and a synthesis of results and proposals for strategic actions. As stated in the treaty, the province of Alicante is a leader in different areas of the industrial sector, showing better values than the Spanish average in the manufacturing of computer products , metallurgy , transport materials , graphic arts and reproduction , furniture manufacturing or metal products , among others, while the weight of other manufacturing industries must be reinforced.
This laborious work provides a key x-ray of the sector and its evolution in recent decades , as well as proposals to help improve the main socioeconomic indicators of the province.
Some of the priority incentives and ideas proposed are to reduce unemployment in this sector and increase labor productivity , which is an indicator of the value and wealth of a company; accelerate the creation of new industrial spaces ; promote the development of a machinery renewal plan , in addition to reviewing moratoriums on regulations that increase demands and become a brake for SMEs and specific incentive plans. The ultimate goal is to improve productivity, technological commitment, training , as well as business mergers of specific clusters to increase business size.
For his part, the president of INECA has detailed that this “ complete study poses a series of challenges not only for the administrations, but for businessmen, who must be supported with public actions to achieve those positions that we propose .” As stated, the Alicante Provincial Council agreed to collaborate in the execution of this study because, “ for this institution, as well as for the Generalitat chaired by Carlos Mazón, the province of Alicante is either an industry or it is not and that is the reason for be that motivated the report .”
Furthermore, he has recognised that in said proposal one of the requests was to be critical , as well as to contribute ideas and constructive aspects to involve the administrations in the roadmap designed in order to recover positions . “ INECA remains faithful to its founding objectives of analysing the province with rigor and with data. Our common purpose is to energize the Alicante economy and accelerate the transformation process through competitiveness, combination and variety of activities and services that act as a driving force ,” Amirola stated.
The director of Corporate Responsibility of ACTIU, Carmen Berbegal , explained that this company was created by her father more than 50 years ago and has assured that “ we have always been an industry, because the industry is opportunity, health, work, development, career. People also want to live in inland areas and we have to structure cities and towns, something that is achieved with industry .”
The objective is to reinforce road safety, incident response and maintenance of the provincial road network.
The Roads Area of the Alicante Provincial Council has launched the special winter device with the aim of reinforcing, for the next three months, road safety, incident response and maintenance of the provincial road network. Five foremen , thirty assistants , ten trucks and vans , three salt spreaders and three snow plows make up this service that is especially relevant these days with the announcement of the arrival of rain and the drop in temperatures.
In addition to its own resources, the provincial institution has for this device the collaboration of three external companies with permanent availability to intervene immediately in the event of possible emergencies that may arise.
The deputy responsible for the area, Arturo Poquet , explained that the purpose of this winter plan is “ to provide a quick and effective response to the inclement weather typical of this time .” " The service - he added - has specific machinery and equipment to provide coverage throughout the territory and, although fortunately we have not yet had to resort to it, it is perfectly prepared ."
The special operation of the Alicante Provincial Council also includes 60,000 kilos of salt that are stored in the different warehouses that the institution has distributed throughout the territory, while at the same time it has the collaboration of the Provincial Firefighters Consortium , whose members They are also prepared and prepared to deal with any incident .
The Minister of Health, Marciano Gómez, expressed during his appearance after the Plenary of the Council his gratitude to the Valencian citizens "for the solidarity and commitment they have shown by tripling the rate of vaccination in a single day".
Specifically, as explained by the councilor "during the first day of open doors and vaccination without an appointment, 2.85 times more doses were administered than last January 5". In fact, during yesterday's day, 22,693 doses were declared, compared to 7,982 doses last January 5.
On the other hand, of the total doses declared on the first day of unscheduled vaccination, 13,251 were flu vaccines and 9,442 were doses against COVID-19.
In this sense, Marciano Gómez has reiterated the importance of vaccination "to minimise contagions and remit the epidemic wave of respiratory virus infections", and has highlighted "the commitment that is being demonstrated by Valencian society and its col· collaboration to stop both the flu and the COVID-19".
Doses administered in each province in just one day
By province, 8,165 doses were administered yesterday in health centres in Alicante, of which 3,309 were vaccines against COVID-19 and 4,856 were doses against the flu.
On the other hand, during the same day, a total of 2,972 vaccines, 1,730 for influenza and 1,242 for COVID-19, were administered in the centers of Castelló.
Also, in Valencia during the first day of open doors, the care centres declared a total of 11,556 vaccinations, of which 6,665 were against the flu and 4,891 against the COVID-19.
Incidence of respiratory viruses
As explained by the minister, the incidence rate of acute respiratory infection in the Valencian Community was 1,318.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, in this first week of January. "Period in which the incidence is usually lower, according to Public Health technicians, so they expect it to increase next week", he clarified.
In this sense, Marciano Gómez has emphasized that "every decision that is being taken in the Valencian Community to minimize infections due to respiratory viruses is endorsed and verified by Public Health technicians and Preventive Medicine professionals".
As for the incidence of hospitalised patients, it has gone from 37.3 cases to 42.9 cases this week, so "from Health, planning work is being carried out regarding the influx of patients to health centres ". In addition, "at the moment the hospital situation is very similar to that of last year, there is greater tension in the hospitals, but no collapse", concluded.
Finally, the councilor insisted on the importance of vaccination and stressed that "no Valencian who wants to be vaccinated will be left without a vaccine".
After collecting the data from the last fortnight of December, the Bigdata HOSBEC departments take stock of the hotel tourism activity of the different tourist points and areas analyzed during the year 2023.
The province of Valencia closes the year with 81%, highlighting the city of Valencia with the best annual average occupancy data of the areas and destinations analyzed (81.3%) , which increases the 2019 records by almost 3 percentage points. The balance between international and national is balanced at the provincial level, but in the case of the Valencia destination the volume of international tourists rises to 64.2% with markets such as the Dutch and the British leading the way.
Benidorm , with an average available hotel floor of 120 accommodations and more than 41,000 beds throughout the year, is not far from the data of Valencia and reaches 80.4% average occupancy during 2023 . However, it does not experience an increase compared to 2019, since it remains at 3.8 percentage points, a distance that has increased in part due to the delay of the IMSERSO program.
The tourist area of the Costa Blanca wins the race in 2019, surpassing it by 4.1 percentage points and finally achieving an annual occupancy rate of 72.9% . Furthermore, it is worth highlighting the commitment to the continuity of the tourist activity of its accommodation plant, which surpasses a record year like 2019 in practically every month.
The province of Castellón remains strong with 70.3% occupancy and continues to be a magnet for the domestic market , which represents 80% of the total volume of tourists. Despite its high level of seasonality, which is concentrated in the first quarter of the year and the months of November and December, the province holds up with more than 17,900 available places grouped into an annual average of 177 operating establishments.
Mayte García, General Secretary of HOSBEC, makes her first assessment of the end of the year: “2023 has ended giving the strength that the sector needs to face a new year with very good forecasts. The goal of 2023 was to recover pre-pandemic data, and these results show that it has been achieved. Contributing a consolidation to those data that were already a record, a more qualified hotel plant in the Valencian Community, and the image of a less seasonal destination and with greater international projection.
Below, we offer you a detailed analysis of hotel occupancy in different parts of the Valencian Community.
Benidorm closes the last fortnight of the year with 70% occupancy , thus ending 2023 with an average annual occupancy of 80.4% . A figure that closes the gap with respect to 2019, remaining at 3.8 percentage points. (See the monthly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The first quarter of the year is the one with the greatest distance in relation to the 2019 records with data that range between 63%-75% occupancy. Increasing the pace of growth since the month of April with the arrival of Holy Week. From then on, the total number of rooms reserved at the destination does not drop below 80% until the month of November, reaching the highest peak during the month of August (92.2%).
The weight of tourists of international origin who stay in hotels is greater than that of nationals during 2023 (57.8%), increasing their share by 2.9 percentage points. Regarding the total volume of international travelers, the United Kingdom continues to support Benidorm, maintaining the same representation as in 2019 (41.5%) and accounting for 78.9% of the quota of international travelers received by the destination's hotels. They are followed at a long distance by Belgium (3.2%) , the Netherlands (2.9%), Portugal (2.7%) and Ireland (2%) .
After the years of instability caused by the pandemic, the hotel plant remains stable during 2023, exceeding in most months the capacity offered in 2019. In this way, the capital of the Costa Blanca closes the year with an average provisional annual of 120 establishments and more than 41,000 places available .
The first half of January 2024 already has 62% confirmed reservations , with the possibility of increasing thanks to the last Christmas holidays.
The last fifteen days of 2023, the Costa Blanca (not including Benidorm) reached 57.2% average occupancy, closing the year with 72.9% . Exceptional data that increases by 4.1 percentage points the 2019 records in which 68.8% annual occupancy was recorded (see the monthly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The lowest monthly occupancy rates are recorded in January and December, but it is worth noting that each month exceeds the 2019 data, reaching the highest level in August at 91% . The balance between national and international tourists is balanced, with the latter gaining ground and increasing by 3.5 points, reaching 48.4%. The British tourist is the predominant one with 12.8% of the total, followed by the Belgian with 5.5% and the Norwegian with 4.7%.
The provisional annual average of establishments open during 2023 is 260, representing more than 27,000 hotel beds. The onset of the low season means that the available supply decreases in the first quarter of the year, as many establishments choose to offer vacation time off to their employees.
Regarding the forecast expected for January 1 to 15, 2024, on this occasion it is expected to reach 55.1 % with optimism of exceeding it in the coming days.
Hotels in the province of Valencia reached 58.7% occupancy in the last fortnight of the year. Thus, they put the finishing touch on 2023 with an average annual occupancy of 81%. A more than positive fact with which it grows by 2.8 percentage points in relation to 2019 (see the monthly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The celebration of the Fallas in the month of March is the starting signal for monthly occupancy that does not drop below 81% until the month of November. In the case of the city of València, which improves the values of the province (81.3%), every month exceeds the records of 2019, its star month, unlike the rest of the areas and destinations analyzed, being September with 90.1%.
The provisional average of available hotel facilities in 2023 in the province stands at 390 establishments that make more than 37,300 places available to guests to spend the night. From May to September there are more than 39,000 places available, which begin to decrease in November for destinations like Gandía, conditioned by seasonality.
Regarding the origin of tourists who have spent the night in hotels in the province of Valencia, in 2023 it is worth noting that the national market grows 3.6 percentage points compared to 2019 . The international market reaches a share of 49.5%, showing a distribution of weights between nationalities that is more distributed than in the rest of the areas. The Netherlands (5.7%) and the United Kingdom (5.5%) lead the table along with Italy with 5.3% , followed by Germany (4.8%), the USA (4.6%) and France (4.4%).
The occupancy forecast for the days between January 1 and 15 is 48% , although this estimate is expected to be exceeded thanks to last-minute reservations.
The province of Castellón ends the year with a month of December at 46%, which finally results in 70.3% annual occupancy. (see the weekly evolution of hotel occupancy in the bar graph of the report).
The tourist of Spanish origin continues to be loyal to the province, representing, nothing more and nothing less, 80% of the total annual quota. Regarding the international market, the most popular guest is the French with 5.7% representation, followed by the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy.
Regarding the availability of hotel beds, the province of Castellón is the most affected by seasonality, which is reflected in the variation in its monthly accommodation capacity. According to provisional data from the INE, the province has had a provisional annual average of more than 17,900 places, distributed among 177 establishments.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has called on citizens to get vaccinated against the flu and COVID-19 in the face of the rise in respiratory viruses registered in the Valencian Community in recent weeks.
The president made these statements during the visit to the camp of the Magi of the Orient in Alcoi, which was also attended by the president of the Provincial Council of Alicante, Toni Pérez, and the mayor of Alcoi, Antonio Francés.
In the course of the act, Mazón urged to strengthen the protection of the population against respiratory viruses, given that during the last week of the year infections have tripled compared to the previous week. For this reason, he encouraged people to go to the health centers to get vaccinated and reminded them that from today, Monday, January 8, vaccines will be administered without the need for a prior appointment.
Likewise, the head of the Council has recommended that families vaccinate the child population "to protect it and, at the same time, avoid a greater number of contagions", especially before the next resumption of classes.
On the other hand, he explained that from this Friday the use of masks will be mandatory in all health and socio-health facilities as a preventive measure, in addition to having authorized the managers of the different health departments to take additional measures if necessary.
Additionally, he pointed out that the Ministry of Health has strengthened home care and is rescheduling minor surg.
The Generalitat has presented the tourism offer of the Valencian Community in 48 tourist fairs and competitions during 2023
Tourism has managed to successfully cover the consolidated and emerging key markets in the Valencian Community
Turisme Comunitat Valenciana has presented the tourism offer of the Valencian Community in 48 fairs and competitions, both national and international, during 2023.Specifically, during 2023 Tourism has promoted the tourism offer of the Valencian Community in 25 national fairs, among which FITUR or the Mostra de Turisme stand out, and in 23 international fairs in a total of 10 markets, among them the London's World Travel Market or Berlin's ITB.
Participation in tourist fairs responds to the objective of being present in those tourist forums that concentrate higher rates of recruitment and that provide an ideal framework for the marketing of tourist destinations and companies.
In this way, the strategy for participation in Valencian Community Tourism fairs during 2023 has among its objectives to strengthen and enhance the participation of companies and associations from the entire Community to contribute to the commercialization and promotion of their products. Thus, more than 1,100 companies and associations have participated this year in the Turisme CV spaces in the different tourist fairs and competitions.
Another of the objectives of the assistance to the tourist contests is to encourage participation in the main meetings of the sector and in the contests specialized in various products such as MICE, active tourism, golf, nautical or gastroenological.
Other promotional activities
In addition to participating in tourism fairs and competitions, Tourism has promoted the Valencian Community through other actions. Thus, through the Annual Action Plan with Turespaña, some 130 promotional actions have been carried out in more than 20 markets.
Among the actions carried out, it stands out the organization and management of familiarization trips and press to introduce the destination to tourist operators and media, travel websites, bloggers, or influencers of various markets.
Promotion actions have also been carried out aimed at professionals in the tourism sector of the Valencian Community and different markets. Among these actions stand out the 35th OPC SPAIN Congress in Benidorm, the presentation in New York in March, the Advantage consortium Congress held in Benidorm, the promotional action in Edinburgh and London in October, or the II edition of Europe Connect, among other actions .
Consolidated products and development of new experiences
Valencian Community Tourism has succeeded in 2023 in covering the consolidated and emerging key markets in the Valencian Community, such as conference, incentive and event (MICE) tourism, golf tourism and holiday tourism.
In the case of MICE tourism promotion, the Generalitat has been present at the most important fairs in this sector such as IMEX, IBTM, or Meeting Show. In addition, other consensual actions have been promoted with the Convention Bureaux and sector associations such as familiarization trips for MICE operators in the Valencian Community.
As far as golf is concerned, during 2023 Turisme Comunitat Valenciana has promoted this product in the main fairs of the sector and in the main international tournaments such as the Glofmesse Zurich fair, participation in the Iagto European Convention, in the Scandinavian Mixed Fair in Sweden, in IGTM held in Lisbon, or in the Torneo Soudal Open in Antwerp, among other participations.
With respect to the development of new tourist products and experiences, Turisme Comunitat Valenciana has participated, through its Creaturisme strategy, in different competitions to promote the tourist products included in the program.
Among the actions that have been carried out to promote the tourist products of the Creaturisme strategy, the participation in Fiets & Wandelbeurs, aimed at the general and professional public in Utrecht (Netherlands); attendance at the Bologna Cycling Fair; or that of Mallorca 312, intended for the final public, amateur cyclists; or the Eurobike fair held in Frankfurt. In addition to the organization of meetings with the media in Bilbao and Madrid; or the workshop in Barcelona.
In addition, through the Gastrotourism Network L'Exquisit Mediterrani, the Generalitat has participated during 2023 in the main competitions to promote the gastronomy of the Valencian Community.
For the first time, it is positioned as the first destination in Spain in offices distinguished with the quality Q, ahead of Andalucia
The Tourist Info Network of the Valencian Community closes the year with 241 tourist service offices and more than 1.5 million visitors
The Tourist Info Network of the Valencian Community, managed by the Generalitat through Turisme CV and whose objective is to provide assistance and tourist guidance to visitors, has positioned itself in 2023 as the first network with the most certified offices with the tourist quality Q.
In this way, the Valencian Community leads the national ranking and Andalusia advances for the first time. The tourist quality Q is a badge that guarantees excellence among tourist technicians and informants, among other aspects.
The Tourist Info Network of the Valencian Community also has offices awarded with the 'S' for Tourism Sustainability, with the integral quality system of Destins Sicted, as well as with different UNE standards relating to quality and environmental management , in addition to accessibility.
The Network closes the year with 241 open offices
On the other hand, it should be noted that the Tourist Info Network of the Valencian Community has closed the year 2023 with a total of 241 open information offices.
By province, the province of Alicante stands out with a total of 85 offices, which represents 35.27% of the total of the Valencian Community, followed by the province of Valencia with 80 offices and 33.20% of the Tourist Info offices; for its part, Castelló has 76 offices, which represents 31.53% of the total.
In addition, from January 2023 until mid-December, the Tourist Info Network of the Valencian Community has served a total of 1,564,761 people in person, and exceeds the data for 2022 by 3.84 percentage points.
By nationality, a total of 1,099,690 visits to the Tourist Info Network were by tourists from Spanish territory and 465,071 were by international visitors, which represents a notable increase of 18.41% compared to the previous year.
It should also be noted that the annual growth of the Network's offices has been constant since its creation in 1990, and has gone from 197 offices opened in 2015 to the current 241 Tourist Info. In addition, the Network currently covers 100% of the county territory, with a presence in the 34 counties of the three provinces.
Tourist Info network
According to Law 15/2018, of June 7, on tourism, leisure and hospitality of the Valencian Community in its art. 42 defines the Tourist Info Network, as "an instrument for the development of the tourist policy of the public administrations of the Valencian Community and aims to provide a comprehensive set of tourist information services throughout the year".
In addition, the Tourist Info Network contributes to spreading knowledge of our resources and products, facilitating assistance and tourist guidance, promoting hospitality and helping to optimize the management of the tourist experience.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has indicated that Tourism plans to strengthen the promotion of the Valencian Community destination through the gastronomic product throughout this year, so "2024 will open new horizons for the gastronomy of the our Community".
The aim is to increase the promotion of our gastronomic products and bring their quality and competitiveness, together with the professionalism of our cooks, to international markets where it can become a great attraction for future tourists.
Specifically, the Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism has planned to carry out various gastronomic promotion actions in Dubai and Tokyo during the first quarter of 2024, and to coincide with the assistance of IVACE international.
Thus, the objective of Turisme Comunitat Valenciana is to join the participation of Valencian companies in the agri-food sector in the Guldfood Dubai fairs, which will take place between 19 and 22 February, and in Foodex in Tokyo, from 4 to March 8 "It will be the first time that our products travel so far to be promoted. It is a clear commitment by this Council for the entry of our gastronomy into the international market" stressed the head of the Council.
These promotional actions will have the participation of prestigious chefs from the Valencian Community who will have the opportunity to cook for tour operators and travel agents from these countries, with the intention of highlighting the diversity and quality of the gastronomic product, among other attractions of our destination.
For Carlos Mazón, gastronomy is part of "our hallmarks" and, together with the excellence of our products and the professionalism and roots of our sector, "gives tourism in the Community an unparalleled character throughout the world".
The president also wanted to highlight the high esteem that tourists have for the gastronomy of the Community and that, on this occasion, "it will serve as a gateway to increase the number of tourists from more distant countries". At the moment, 25% of the tourists who come to the Valencian Community are motivated by the gastronomic product and their average expenditure exceeds by 30% that of other tourist segments.
The Exquisite Mediterranean
Turisme Comunitat Valenciana already has its own gastronomy strategy which, with the L'Exquisit Mediterrani brand, carries out actions to promote this product in various areas of action.
This network, which seeks to connect the different gastronomic initiatives in our territory to create synergies and improve our positioning, has more than twenty affiliated public entities and nearly 450 restaurants. All comply with parameters of excellence, authenticity, innovation and sustainability, which reinforces the positioning of the Valencian Community destination in the gastronomic field.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries has approved the concession and has processed the payment of 2,230,500 euros corresponding to the aid to the shipowners of the maritime fishing vessels of the Valencian Community, in order to compensate for the increase in the price of diesel, as a result of the war in Ukraine.
In total, 346 applications have been approved out of a total of 396 presented by owners of fishing vessels based in the Valencian Community. By province: in Alicante 176 applications have been approved for an amount of 1,436,048 euros, in Castellón 113 applications have been approved for a total amount of 564,659 euros and in Valencia 54 have been approved, for an amount of 229,791 euros.
These aids were announced last August and have subsidized the extra cost of diesel during the months of July to December 2022, depending on the days of activity of each ship, the gross tons or the capacity of the ship, and a estimate of consumption by art and fisherman. All the boats have been able to access these aids, regardless of the modality, which is why, in addition to the circle and drag, the smaller arts have also entered.
Trawlers built in wood
The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, José Luis Aguirre, insists on another measure proposed to stabilize the situation in the sector, affected by the reduction of fishing days, consisting in the selective scrapping of trawlers built of wood .
These are more than thirty boats from the Valencian Community for which there are no longer shore carpenters to repair them. In addition, there is a lot of reluctance on the part of insurers.
Aguirre recalls that the Mediterranean today is a sea out of balance and Brussels has "tightened the pegs" to an unsustainable point (120 days/year of fishing effort). So the stock market of almost 4,000 days means a faster recovery and a higher distribution of days to go fishing.
Benidorm stands out as a destination this Christmas, with 90% occupancy on New Year's Eve
Christmas season is here, in a month framed within the low tourist season, giving oxygen to the occupancy data on the most important days such as Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. In addition, this 2023 the holidays have coincided on Sunday and Monday, which has allowed weekend getaways to be extended by one more day during these dates.
On the other hand, the desire to travel and celebrate the last night of the year away from home drives the occupation of the last days of the calendar. Ten days away from putting the finishing touch on 2023, the New Year's Eve weekend already has a volume of confirmed reservations typical of the summer season in destinations such as Benidorm, which already stand at 90% and which are expected to increase during the next week.
The hotels on the Costa Blanca are also dressing up these days with 81.9% occupancy, already registering 87.3% for the same New Year's Eve night and with some of the hotels practically full in destinations such as Calpe and L'Alfàs del Pi.
The hotel industry in the province of Valencia shows a similar trend to the Costa Blanca, recording a volume of reservations for the weekend of 79%, with New Year's Eve at 87.8%. The city of Valencia improves the data of the province by being a tourist attraction, already finding 81.1% of its rooms occupied for the weekend, and this data rising to 86.3% on December 31.
The province of Castellón, despite being the territory with the greatest seasonality, also experiences a significant increase in demand and hotel occupancy for New Year's Eve, reaching around 60% occupancy for the weekend, rising to 63.5%. on the last night of the year.
These data are expected to rise by more than 5 points in some of the areas and destinations during these last 10 days, since New Year's Eve becomes the great attraction of the Christmas period , driven by the sale of dinners, parties and party favors that organized by the hotel establishments themselves.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has urged Aena, on behalf of the Valencian Government, to "launch, as a matter of urgency, the Alicante-Elche Airport Master Plan".
This is what Nuria Montes said during the event celebrating the 20th anniversary of the presence of the Jet2holidays company at the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport, where she attended together with representatives of the tour operator.
The Minister of Tourism has taken advantage of the visit of Jet2 representatives to hold a meeting with the tour operator to, among other things, outline the joint promotion strategy aimed at the British market for next year 2024, and has recalled that " the British market is the most important international market in terms of the number of tourists traveling to the Valencian Community".
Coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the arrival of Jet2 in the province of Alicante, Montes wanted to emphasize that "these years have been tremendously productive", since, according to the head of Tourism, "from a residual tour operator that started the its first steps 20 years ago, it is now the UK's number 1 tour operator to Spain, and it is a core and essential market in its business model”.
In addition, he insisted that Jet2's commitment to the Alicante-Elche airport "was decisive from the start, due to the fact that it installed one of its first aircraft bases in this airport and has important expansion plans for the coming years".
Thus, he pointed out that, as he was informed by the tour operator, "its fleet will grow, it will double the number of aircraft it currently has in operation until 2030", and he noted that this growth will take place "increasingly a whole strategy regarding the sustainability of their planes, so that they can use biofuels and, in addition, reduce the use of kerosene by more than 25%".
In this sense, Nuria Montes has emphasized that "this sustainability strategy extends to all its suppliers, among which are the hotel sector and the transport sector".
For his part, the CEO of and Jet2holidays, Steve Heapy, pointed out that, "being close to the end of the year, we thought it was a very good time to celebrate our 20th anniversary here in Alicante ". In addition, he emphasized that "'s offer will continue to grow in both winter and summer".
In addition, Heapy recalled that "Jet2holidays is already the most important British tour operator in the region", and added that "all this is only possible thanks to the close collaboration of hoteliers, airport, tourism offices and Government", for which he reiterated that "our commitment is to continue working intensively to continue growing together".
Jet2 at Alicante airport
Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport is one of the most prominent destinations among the operations carried out by Jet2, the most relevant English tour operator in the United Kingdom. In fact, since operations began in 2003, it has flown to Alicante more than any other destination in Europe.
In these 20 years, 11 million passengers have been transported to Alicante-Elche airport, both on arrival and departure, with the tour operator Jet2holidays.
The Jet2 company has announced that this winter the offer of seats will be the largest in history, with around 185,000 arrivals, an increase of 14% compared to last winter, a figure that will increase even more next season winter (2024/25), up to 200,000 places.
Regarding the summer season, the company points to the fact that the offer will also grow by 9% compared to the recently ended summer, with a total of 465,000 seats in arrival and a peak of 84 weekly flights, at the same time that note that 11 direct routes are offered to the UK, with the new route to Liverpool.
It should be noted that Jet2holidays is the largest British tour operator operating on the Costa Blanca and works directly with almost 80 hotels and over 40 villas. After 20 years of collaboration, the tour operator is just as committed to the province of Alicante.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, urges citizens to buy products from the Valencian Community in local shops "for a more Valencian Christmas spirit", and he referred not only to agri-food products, but also to wine-growing, industrial and technological.
Carlos Mazón made these statements during the presentation of the campaign to promote Valencian tourist products and experiences 'A more Valencian Christmas', in which he was accompanied by the first vice-president and Minister of Culture and Sport, Vicente Barrera, and the second vice-president and Minister of Social Services, Equality and Housing, Susana Camarero.
During the event, the president praised Valencian products and recalled that this year "we were able to toast with Cava de Requena" after having obtained the recognition to be able to use this denomination. "We were able to taste Ayora's honey; the artichokes of Almoradí or Benicarló”, and “we are very lucky to have the best nougat in the world and the best prawns, both those from Guardamar and those from Vinaròs, as well as the toys from Ibi and the poached grapes from Vinalopó” .
In his speech, the head of the Council praised the work of local companies for the crucial role they play in our economy as job generators, who "raise the shutter every day".
Finally, Mazón has shown its gratitude to the designations of origin and protected geographical indications that participate in this campaign, whose work is fundamental to highlight the diversity and quality of the products of the Valencian Community.
Programming of festive events
The Generalitat has planned for this Christmas open days, visits to Bethlehem, royal mail, illuminated gardens, music and activities in Valencia, Castelló de la Plana, Alicante and Elche.
In addition, this year the Generalitat invites you to do the Christmas Route, a route through the city of Valencia to visit nativity scenes, craft markets, exhibitions and Christmas lighting, which starts at the Town Hall Square, passing through the square of the Queen and the Virgin, until arriving at the Palau de la Generalitat and the Provincial Council of Valencia.
In Valencia, the Palau de la Generalitat and the nativity scene there will be open to the public from December 15 to January 5; the royal mail, from December 26 to January 5, and on December 22 the students of the Professional Conservatory of Music of Valencia will perform.
The enchanted garden of the Palau de la Generalitat is another attraction this Christmas, an illuminated garden where you can take photos inside a light tunnel or in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, until January 5.
Plaça de la Verge will also be a meeting point during these festivities, with a Christmas fair, musical performances and children's workshops, to which, on December 21, is added a video projection on the facade of the Old Tower of the Generalitat
As for Castelló de la Plana, the Casa dels Caragols can be visited together with its nativity scene and the royal mailbox, from December 26 to January 5. In addition, on the 26th there will be storytellers with marionettes in Plaza Huerto Sogueros and on the 29th, children's workshops in Plaza del Reial. In Plaça de les Aules, on December 30, citizens will be able to enjoy a concert by the FSMCV and on January 3, a storyteller with marionettes.
Likewise, the Generalitat will open the doors of the House of Witches in Alicante, so that citizens can visit it between December 26 and January 5, where, in addition, they can enjoy the nativity scene and the royal mailbox. As for the Azorín Public Library, it will also offer activities such as the story laboratory, on the 26th; a traditional games workshop on the 29th; storytellers on January 3, and, in the Plaza del Port d'Alacant, on December 23, the FSMCV will offer a concert.
Finally, Plaça de Baix in Elche will also host a concert by the FSMCV on December 30.
Christmas campaign
The 'A more Valencian Christmas' campaign has been developed by the After agency and will be broadcast from tomorrow on radio, television, press and online, as well as metros and buses.
The idea of the campaign is based on the fact that this year, Valencians, in addition to asking for gifts, leave recommendations to Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar for when they visit the Valencian Community. For this reason, the Generalitat proposes that you enjoy some of the traditions, customs and most authentic places of these dates, such as the Christmas pot, the castle of Peñíscola, the giant nativity scene in Xàtiva, the nougat of Xixona or the cavalcade of Alcoi, which is the oldest in Spain.
More information about the campaign on the website Click Here
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has indicated that the Valencian Community is strengthening its alliance with the Community of Madrid to reactivate its leadership in mobility, renewable energy and as a strategic logistics node for the Spanish economy.
He stated this during the II Community of Madrid-Comunitat Valenciana Business Summit, organised by the Conexus Foundation, in which he participated together with the president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and in which representatives of companies and civil society, with the aim of strengthening collaboration between the two autonomous communities.
Carlos Mazón has advocated for the launch of a "great projection and future platform" of these autonomous communities "with a growth mindset and a liberal environment", which will work from "coordination and loyal competition" to improve the prosperity of Spain as a whole, and he recalled that these two regions represent 26% of the Spanish population and nearly 30% of the national GDP.
Expansion of the port of Valencia
During his speech, the president demanded the northern expansion of the port of Valencia, an infrastructure he described as a "country strategy", and which he assured was "sustainable and necessary" also for the Iberian Peninsula and for europe.
In this sense, he thanked the support for the expansion of the main Spanish port offered by civil and business society in both Madrid and Valencia, and expressed his confidence that this expansion will be approved as soon as possible.
Promotion of electric mobility and renewable energies
During the event, the head of the Council announced three initiatives to promote electric mobility and renewable energies, among which is the launch of a network of energy recharging infrastructures in the connection between Madrid and the Valencian Community, with the aim of placing a charging point for electric vehicles every 60 kilometers.
Likewise, he has advanced that a figure will be created to harmonize regulations and streamline regional and municipal processes to promote joint actions, and an administrative simplification plan aimed at promoting renewable energy projects will be implemented.
For the promotion of these joint projects, Mazón has advanced that working groups will be set up between the two autonomous communities that will hold several meetings during 2024.
Mediterranean Corridor and water resources
Carlos Mazón has also claimed the Mediterranean Corridor which he has referred to as a "competitiveness platform" that will contribute to the fact that "there are more competitive regions in Spain" and "add to the common project".
In the same way, he has urged to solve the lack of water resources, especially in the province of Alicante, as he has assured that "it is a problem of the State and not of the farmers or the consumers of a specific area ". On this issue, Mazón pointed out that water "is the guarantee that the vegetable garden of Europe, the Spain brand, will continue to have a future".
On the other hand, the head of the Council has also claimed the improvement of the financing of the Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia, considered as the second art gallery in Spain, and has advocated to offer "stability, certainty, and a favorable administrative environment" as that of Madrid and "now finally like that of the Valencian Community" to be able to continue promoting business projects and receive new economic investments.
Budgets are not changed
The president has also referred to the Generalitat's budgets, "serious and rigorous" accounts that also contemplate the reduction of public sector spending and an estimate of real investments. In this sense, he has denounced that the budgets were made without the forecasts and with a total "lack of responsibility" of the government of Spain.
For this reason, he has been adamant not to modify the budgets of the Generalitat and has stressed that "we did our work within the deadline and in the corresponding form", and therefore "we will not change our budgets".
Amnesty Law
Regarding the processing of the amnesty law that is being debated this Tuesday in the Congress of Deputies, the president pointed out that "we cannot close our eyes" and added that the repercussion of this law will be a divided Spain in which "Privilege reigns, there are first-class and second-class Spaniards, first-class and second-class neighborhoods, first-class and second-class health services, and first-class entrepreneurs and second-class entrepreneurs".
For this reason, he pointed out that the Attorney General's Office is studying the draft of the Amnesty Law in order to exercise the appropriate legal actions before the Constitutional Court that allow the Constitution to be defended.
The Cybersecurity Center of the Community publishes a series of tips on these devices that take up Christmas shopping
The campaign focuses on connected toys ( smart toys ), home automation, IoT devices and body technology ( wearables )
The Ministry of Finance, Economy and Public Administration, through the ICT Security Center of the Valencian Community (CSIRT-CV), has launched an awareness campaign with a series of cyber security recommendations on connected devices or IoT (Internet of things, by their acronyms in English) in front of the Christmas campaign.
The Minister of Finance, Economy and Public Administration, Ruth Merino, has emphasised that the aim of these recommendations "is to raise awareness and raise awareness about the safe use of these devices", the sale of which increases during the campaign of Christmas
Under the slogan 'Connected devices yes, but without risks', the CSIRT-CV campaign will focus on the importance of taking appropriate security measures, as well as knowing the technical characteristics and privacy offered by these devices, since all the that is connected to the network is susceptible to a cyber attack.
The head of the Treasury has detailed that the campaign will focus on offering cyber security recommendations on four specific topics: connected toys or smart toys , the protection of IoT devices against cyber attacks, smart homes and body technology, related with the so-called wearables .
According to the experts of CSIRT-CV, at Christmas it is increasingly common to give gifts of interactive toys, smart watches, drones, technological gadgets and all kinds of smart devices for the home, such as robotic vacuum cleaners, virtual assistants, systems connected security systems with alarms and cameras, smart thermostats, etc.
The use of these devices carries risks if basic security rules are not followed, because they are connected to the network and can become an entryway for cybercriminals. "In the hyper-connected society in which we live, it doesn't matter how many bolts or alarms we put on our door, if our house can then be accessed through the refrigerator, because it is configured incorrectly", remember the CSIRT-CV experts .
What data they collect and how they transmit it to the Internet
The general director of Information and Communications Technologies, José Manuel García Duarte, explained that "the emergence of new technologies has boosted the offer of toys connected to the Internet because, by enhancing interactive play and learning, they are very attractive However, they can pose a security risk because they are easier to hack, attacking wifi and bluetooth connections ”.
According to García Duarte, "it is difficult for many parents to think about this when their sons and daughters play with robots, dolls, stuffed animals or drones but, precisely for this reason, the recommendations of CSIRT-CV are very practical and useful and focus on reinforcing security after purchase for the peace of mind of parents and the safety of minors”.
The general director of ICT has emphasized that, when giving gifts, "special care must be taken in the subsequent configuration that these devices require and in the supervision of the use made by minors, in the case of toys and wearables " (smart watches, activity bracelets, headphones, augmented reality glasses, etc.).
Finally, García Duarte emphasized that "you need to know what data the toy or device collects and how it transmits it to the Internet, as well as reading the privacy policy of the device and the application it uses. In addition, it is very important that the configuration is safe and establish guidelines to enjoy them without risk".
The ICT Security Center of the Valencian Community is a center attached to the General Directorate of Information and Communications Technologies (DGTIC), which actively promotes training and awareness campaigns against the risk posed by cyberattacks and which are directed both to citizens and to companies and administrations.
CSIRT-CV publishes its campaigns on the web portal specialised in cyber security awareness ( ) and on its social network profiles.
The President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has demanded this Tuesday from the Central Government a second runway for the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport which will allow it to cope with the increase in foreign tourists visiting the Valencian Community and which are expected to exceed the "record" figure of 10 million at the end of the year.
The president has taken advantage of the presentation of the Valencian Strategy for tourism sustainability of the Generalitat Valenciana to request all the support for the tourism sector of the Valencian Community and has rejected putting "sticks in the wheel".
In this sense, Carlos Mazón has urged the central government to launch the Alicante-Elche airport master plan and to enable a second runway "that boosts the Costa Blanca as a tourist destination" and allows absorbing the increase in passengers and flights
On this subject, the president was "happy and hopeful" that by the end of the year more than 10 million foreign tourists will be expected to have visited the Valencian Community, a figure higher than that recorded before the pandemic , specifically in 2019, and which until now was the best record.
Carlos Mazón has given as an example of the tourism projection of the Valencian Community that the British company EasyJet will soon establish a base at Alicante-Elche airport from where it will launch a total of 9 new air connections with the Kingdom United, France, Switzerland and the Czech Republic.
Likewise, the president emphasized that the Council is taking the necessary measures to encourage the arrival of tourists in the Valencian Community, such as the abolition of the tourist tax "which should never have been approved and which we have succeeded in not entering into force".
First sustainable tourism autonomy
The Valencian Strategy for tourism sustainability of the Generalitat Valenciana has an endowment of 170 million distributed in 61 tourism sustainability plans in the destination. During the presentation of this initiative, Carlos Mazón explained that tourism sustainability constitutes a "destination strategy" that involves the entire Valencian Community and that is essential both to attract tourists and to keep them in the future.
On this subject, he has advanced that the Valencian Community has already started the procedures to obtain the AENOR certificate as a "sustainable tourist destination", which will make it "the first autonomous community in Spain" to obtain this qualification .
"We will conspire to once again be the most advanced, the first", said the president of the Generalitat, who has expressed his desire that the Valencian Community continues to "be a benchmark" with everyone's efforts.
Pioneer sector
During his speech, Carlos Mazón also referred to the tourism sector of the Valencian Community as "mature, extraordinarily professional, advanced and pioneering". Starting from this base, he pointed out that this sector has the obligation to go further, "to optimize, improve, innovate and offer the best" and that to do so they will have the Generalitat on their side.
The head of the Council stressed that it is essential to make a commitment to "sustainability", since not only the tourist operators or agencies demand this value, but also the tourists themselves.
Thus, Carlos Mazón has pointed out that "hospitality, competitiveness and sustainability" must always be the reference indicators for the tourism sector of the Valencian Community.
During his speech, the president also warned of the dangers posed by "tourismophobia" and pointed out that disqualifying mass tourism is "demagoguery" and that tourism must receive support in all its aspects: rural, beach , gastronomic, sports, events, etc.
During the course of the event, Carlos Mazón and the president of the Provincial Council of Alicante, Antonio Pérez, signed the document that includes the Valencian Strategy for tourism sustainability of the Generalitat Valenciana. The event was also attended by the first vice-president and Minister of Culture and Sport, Vicente Barrera; the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes; and the delegate of the Council in Alicante, Agustina Esteve; among others.
Decalogue of sustainable tourism
The Valencian Strategy for tourism sustainability of the Generalitat Valenciana signed this Tuesday includes ten commitments focused on promoting a tourism model based on environmental, socio-economic and territorial sustainability, promoting a green and sustainable transition, mitigating climate change and promoting the digital transition .
It also includes promoting tourism competitiveness, facilitating the development of the tourism product, improving energy efficiency, encouraging investment in the maintenance and rehabilitation of historical heritage for tourist use, defending hospitality and advocating for training and knowledge.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, highlighted the capacity for innovation and the international projection of the Alicante toy sector, which "is present all over the world" and which constitutes one of the "best ambassadors" of the Valencian Community.
Carlos Mazón made these statements during his visit to the Technological Institute of Children's Products and Leisure (AIJU), where the 33rd edition of the AIJU Guide 2023-2024 was presented and the new space of game 'Toylab Experience'. The president was accompanied by the minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes and the mayor of IBI, Sergio Carrasco.
During his speech, the head of the Council praised the toy sector for its maturity and professionalism, in addition to highlighting the high number of jobs it generates in the Alcoià region. In the same way, he pointed out that it is a sector that contributes to the education of children in values such as sustainability, equality, respect and the practice of sport.
Mazón has shown the support of the Council to continue promoting this sector of economic activity fundamental to the Valencian Community, and in this sense he has referred to the measures put in place to reduce the administrative bureaucracy and to relieve the pressure fiscal, "both of the industries and of the consumer".
Likewise, he has committed to continuing to work "arm in arm" with the mayors of the region to offer industrial land and infrastructures that contribute to the economic development of the area.
AIJU Guide
In this edition, the AIJU Guide puts the focus on play as a fundamental aspect for children's well-being, considered by families as a much more positive activity than the time boys and girls spend watching television, playing with mobile phones/ tablet or with video games.
In the course of his visit, Carlos Mazón attended the inauguration of AIJU's 'Toylab Experience', a play space for children born with the aim of conveying to society the importance of play in childhood, through information based on scientific methodologies.
Toy Lab Awards
Finally, the president of the Generalitat has presented the Toy Lab Awards, prizes awarded for the first time by the Guia Lab , after the votes of more than 600 Spanish families.
The Play for Change/Accessibility Award has been awarded to the company Miniland; the Cefa Sustainability Award; the Healthy Life/Physical Exercise Award at Chicco and the Strem Award: Science, Technology, Engineering&Maths at Ludilo.
The Official Journal of the Generalitat Valenciana ( DOGV ) has published this Friday the definitive schedule for the opening of commercial establishments on Sundays and public holidays for 2024 throughout the territorial scope of the Valencian Community, as set out by regional law.
These are 11 days approved unanimously last September by the Valencian Trade Observatory, a consultative and advisory body in the field of commercial activity, attached to the Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism.
Specifically, the Sundays and holidays on which it can be opened in 2024 are the following:
- January 7 Sunday Winter sales
- March 29. Friday. Good Friday
- March 31. Sunday Easter Sunday
- June 24. Monday. Saint John
- July 7. Sunday Summer sales
- October 12. Saturday. National Day of Spain
- December 1. Sunday Christmas campaign
- December 6. Friday. Constitution Day
- December 15. Sunday Christmas campaign
- December 22. Sunday Christmas campaign
- December 29. Sunday Christmas campaign
The resolution published by the DOGV also specifies that commercial establishments will freely set the schedule corresponding to each commercially enabled Sunday or holiday. In addition, they must adequately inform the public about their decision, as well as about the hours during which they will be open.
More information: DOGV.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has denounced the "unjustifiable delay" of the Mediterranean Corridor "which shows the contempt" of the central government for the Valencian Community, especially with regard to this infrastructure "key for competitiveness and social cohesion ” and “for the future that Spain deserves”.
This is what the head of the Council stated during the attendance at the 7th Business Act for the Mediterranean Corridor and second half-yearly review of 2023 held at the Palau Municipal de Congressos of IFEMA and organized by the Valencian Business Association (AVE).
During the intervention, the president explained that the Valencian Community "needs an outlet for its goods" that allows it to maintain "capacity and quality" and that a new delay in the Mediterranean Corridor is "incomprehensible".
Thus, he has warned that the Valencian Community "is not content to be left behind" and needs this infrastructure to form a "railway and social axis" that improves competitiveness and also contributes to the growth of the Spanish gross domestic product (GDP).
"More than 5 million Valencians are clamoring to be at the top speed in all aspects", said Mazón, who listed the matters that the central government has "pending" with the Valencian Community such as the expansion of the port of Valencia , water, aid to ceramics, the reform of the regional financing system or the improvement of investments in the State's general budgets.
The event was also attended by the first vice-president and Minister of Culture and Sport, Vicente Barrera; the Minister of Finance, Economy and Public Administration, Ruth Merino; the Minister of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, Salomé Pradas, and the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes.
The second vice-president and councilor for Social Services, Equality and Housing, Susana Camarero, has presented this year's campaign of the Generalitat for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which, under the slogan 'A tu no et it hurts?' seeks to "involve the whole of society in the fight against this cycle and influence the importance of the victim's environment reporting".
During the presentation event, which was attended by the Regional Secretary of Equality and Diversity, Asunción Quinzá, and the Commissioner for the Fight against Violence against Women, Felipe del Baño, the second vice-president explained that the 25N campaign aims, in a "direct and harsh" way, that society "does not look the other way in this fight" and, above all, to encourage victims, relatives and friends to "report and bring their situation of violence to the attention of professionals ”, because reporting “saves lives”.
This government, he insisted, believes that the fight against gender violence "is a matter of the State in which unity must prevail, in which it is necessary that society and also the political parties have as their sole objective the "to help the victims and their daughters and sons to get out of the spiral of violence, because it is possible to do it".
'Doesn't it hurt?'
In her speech, Susana Camarero highlighted the key aspects on which Equality will focus most to fight this violence: prevention, awareness and education, and to do so, she assured, "we will carry out campaigns that are visible, notorious and, above all, useful", like this year's.
'Doesn't it hurt you?', as he pointed out, is aimed at the whole population, in general, and the youngest, in particular, with the idea of conveying that sexist violence "must hurt us all and all".
Thus, the campaign uses four messages with data and figures related to this violence: "That 80% of the murders of women occur without prior reporting; that less than 2% of the complaints are from relatives and relatives of abused women; that during 2023 more than 52 women have been murdered, 5 of which in the Valencian Community, and that many women continue to feel that they have some responsibility for the abuse they receive, 'Doesn't it hurt you?'".
It should be noted that this year, for the first time, the campaign posters have been prepared, in addition to being done in Valencian and Spanish, in English. As indicated by the second vice-president, it has been detected that many victims are foreigners and it has been taken into account that there are large areas in the Valencian Community, such as the Marines and Baix Segura, or in the universities, where there are residents and foreign students, therefore, it is "fundamental" to make known the available resources and raise awareness among the youngest.
New awards
On the other hand, the head of the Department of Equality has announced, as a novelty and within the policies of awareness and prevention, the first edition of awards "in recognition of people and entities that have stood out in their career in the fight against violence against women".
Together with the Conselleria, representatives of the deputations of Valencia, Castellón and Alicante, as well as the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, representative entities of local power and institutions closer to the citizenry have deliberated to decide which people and institutions could be deserving of recognition.
The award winners, who will be announced next week, will be given the work 'The infinite embrace', made especially for this occasion by the Valencian artist Vicente Marzal, a young Valencian painter and sculptor who, despite its youth, it already has a recognised prestige and has paved the way by normalising a disability and breaking down barriers.
The Council approved this Friday the decree-law repealing Law 7/2022, of December 16, of the Generalitat, on fiscal measures to promote sustainable tourism, which created the Valencian tax on tourist stays, or tax tourism, prior to its entry into force. This was announced at the press conference following the meeting of the Valencian Government by the councilor and spokeswoman for the Generalitat, Ruth Merino.
"This measure - Merino declared - was on the road map from the beginning: not implementing the tourist tax, which would have come into force on December 19. With this decree-law, which will be validated in the Courts soon, the entry into force of the tax is suppressed, as was the request of the sector, and from the Government of the Generalitat we were very clear that this was how it had to be".
In this sense, the approved legal text aims to avoid the harm of its entry into operation, avoid possible unwanted legal effects and prevent the outstanding economic and social impact caused by the geopolitical situation.
On the other hand, according to the spokeswoman, the Council has approved an increase of more than 7 million, to exceed 50 million euros, "due to the good reception they have had" of the aid included in the item intended to promote the hiring of people with functional diversity and disabilities in special employment centers and ordinary companies.
More specifically, with the additional 7,471,400 euros approved, the total amount of these subsidies goes from the initial 42,540,000 euros to 50,011,400 euros, "intended to finance the indirect costs corresponding to the auditor's report to justify the salary aid", detailed Merino.
Report on Costs Law
Likewise, Ruth Merino has pointed out that the Council has been informed by the Ministry of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory of the initiation of the procedure for the preparation of the draft law of the Generalitat on the protection and management of the Valencian coast .
In this sense, the Minister of Environment, Salomé Pradas, who appeared together with the spokeswoman, explained that the Statute of Autonomy of the Valencian Community establishes in article 49.9 the exclusive competence of the Generalitat for the planning of the territory and the coast, town planning and housing. Likewise, he pointed out that the Generalitat is also responsible for the development and implementation of European Union legislation in the Valencian Community, in those matters that fall within its competence.
Other matters
In the health field, the regional executive has authorized the signing of a collaboration agreement between the Ministry of Health and the foundation of the Valencian Community for the strategic promotion, development and urban innovation Las Naves, with the aim of promoting the design and implementation of innovative health promotion projects.
Thus, a pilot project will be developed, in three schools in three municipalities of the Valencian Community, focused on the prevention of childhood overweight and obesity through the Esc@lasalut app, the objective of which is to facilitate the development of 'healthy habits in schools, in students between 8 and 12 years old and in their families.
On the other hand, the Council has authorized three agreements between the Second Vice Presidency and the Ministry of Social Services, Equality and Housing and the University of Valencia-General Studies (UV), the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) and the Miguel Hernández University Elx (UMH) to promote research in social services in the Valencian Community. Thus, the Generalitat will finance these research projects with a total amount of 150,000 euros, 50,000 for each of the three universities.
The purpose of these contributions is to support the work of university research through the laboratories of the University of Valencia-Estudi General, the Miguel Hernández University of Elche and the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where they are developed, analyzed and the diagnosis and intervention models of primary care Social Services are evaluated, as well as the organizational models that accompany them.
The Minister of Finance, Economy and Public Administration, Ruth Merino, has assured that the Budgets of the Generalitat for 2024 are characterized by being "social, realistic and rigorous", since they reinforce fundamental services with an increase in social items not including the fictitious item. This, as Merino has pointed out, allows the accounts to be managed more rigorously and efficiently, since real income and expenditure figures are projected in all sections.
The Minister of Finance has presented the Generalitat's 2024 budget project after it was approved in the extraordinary plenary session of the Council and after it was submitted to the Courts. The Plenary of the Council has also approved the Law accompanying these budgets.
The budgets for 2024 amount to 29,732 million euros, which represents an increase of 4.5% compared to the initial budget for the 2023 financial year, the last drawn up by the previous Council. Real expenditure (non-financial budget) amounts to 22,670 million, 2.3% more.
The Ministry of Health has the most important budget in history, 8,504 million euros, which represents an increase of 2.13%. With this increase, real spending on Health equals 37% of the non-financial budget for 2024.
The Ministry of Education, for its part, has a budget for 2024 of 6,871 million euros, after growing by 1.2%, while the budget of the Second Vice-Presidency and Ministry of Social Services, Equality and Housing it rises to 2,811 million euros, 0.9% more.
In total, the consolidated resources allocated to social policy (Health, Education and Social Welfare) increase by 2.15% to exceed 18,342 million euros, 396 million more than in 2023.
After thanking the work of all the staff of the Ministry of Finance involved in the preparation of the accounts, Ruth Merino emphasized that we are facing budgets that, in addition to strengthening social spending, make the management to optimise the percentage of investment execution. "It's no use budgeting huge amounts and staying at 10% of the execution. This is not management and it generates frustration", insisted the Minister of Finance.
No data from the current Government
It is also necessary to take into account the conditions that have marked the preparation of this year's accounts, since the current Government of Spain has not facilitated either the forecast of deliveries on account for 2024 or the liquidation of the 2022 financial year .
Without the advance of the resources of the regional financing system, the Council has estimated an income of 12,798 million euros for accounts payable in 2024, plus 2,719 million euros for the settlement of the 2022 financial year, which will be paid next year.
These estimates are based on the latest AIReF report on the projects and the fundamental lines of the budgets for 2024, and if they were confirmed, they would represent an increase of 15.18% with respect to the total revenue of the regional financing system (SFA) subject to the 2023 settlement, which was 13,552 million euros. However, the Minister of Finance has recalled that next year's income is conditioned for one more year, because the reform of the SFA is still pending.
54% drop in European funds
We must add the strong fall that will occur next year in European funds, which will go from 1,164 million euros in 2023 to 530 million in 2024. The fall is 633 million euros in just one year, 54% less, adding the resources of the Operational Program 2014-20 and 2021-27, the React EU Fund and the MRR.
In terms of expenses, the 2024 Budget of the Generalitat is marked by the increase of 1,341 million in the debt chapter, which goes from 6,607 million in the initial budget of 2023 to a total of 7,948 million between debt maturities and interests.
Cost of debt soars 112%
Debt interest spending, in fact, soars by 112% in the Generalitat's 2024 Budget and reaches 870 million euros. Debt interest is the element that contributes the most to the increase in Chapter III (financial expenses), which goes from 464 million to 963 million in 2024.
In contrast, the accounts prioritize the efficient use of resources and reflect the impact of the first savings measures resulting from the elimination of unproductive spending and the reduction of political spending. This explains, for example, the adjustment of 7.74% in the total budget of the instrumental public sector of the Generalitat for 2024, which amounts to 3,851 million euros.
Another example of the "efficient" management that the Council wants to carry out with these budgets is the launch of the new NEFIS economic and financial management system, which, as detailed by Ruth Merino, represents an advance in the field of digitization in the 'Public administration that results in an improvement in management.
Given the organic classification of the expenditure budget, the Ministry that grows the most in relative terms after Health is that of Justice and the Interior, whose budget increases by 2.9% and exceeds 760,778 euros.
Conversely, with respect to the initial budget for 2023, the only ministries with a total budget that is reduced are Finance and Economy (-14.8%); Environment, Water Infrastructures and Territory (-33.9%); Innovation, Industry, Tourism and Commerce (-15.6%), and the Second Vice-Presidency and Ministry of Culture and Sport (-5.1%).
More than 1,176 million euros in remaining MRR
The spending budget of these ministries for 2024 is particularly conditioned by the marked decrease of 54% in the resources from the MRR mentioned above.
The Minister of Finance explained that when analyzing the investments in the Generalitat's Budget for 2024, it should be taken into account that during the financial year not only the credits initially included in the 2024 Budget will be managed, but also the remaining credits of the MRR funds that are shown in the liquidation of the 2023 budget. That is, everything that has not reached the phase of recognized obligation on December 31, 2023.
As of September 30 of this year, these remaining balances amounted to a total of 1,176 million euros in areas such as Infrastructure, whose balances on that date were 144 million euros, or Innovation, with 59 million euros . The 206 million euros from the Ministry of Finance linked to the DGTIC are also relevant.
As detailed by Ruth Merino, the previous Council's low execution of MRR funds has in practice resulted in an increase in the investment potential of some ministries than reflected in the initial budget. When the liquidation of the 2023 financial year takes place, predictably in February of next year, those outstanding amounts will be incorporated into the 2024 budget and will thus increase its real investment capacity.
Regarding the economic classification of expenditure, the 22% increase in transfers, aid and direct subsidies from the Generalitat stands out, up to a record figure of 6,534 million. Chapter I, for its part, reaches 8,817 million euros, 7% more due to the reinforcement of essential public services.
89.3% of these 8,817 million euros in personnel costs are distributed between Education and Health, compared to the 88.7% that figure represented in the 2023 budget. Capital operations, which include direct investments and indirect, exceed 2,548 million euros.
Reinforcement of fundamental services, which account for 83% of the budget
Real social spending has increased by 2.15% compared to previous accounts. Of the total non-financial budget for 2024, 83% of resources are allocated to strengthening public services. By area, the relative real expenditure on Health equals 37% of the total, the highest in the history of the Valencian Community; that of Education represents 29% and that of Social Welfare, 17% of the total.
In the health sector, the Council confirms its commitment to Primary Care, which, in addition to having a new general directorate, is provided with 730 million euros, which represents a third of the total resources in this area Likewise, expenditure to promote more policies related to mental health is increased by 20 million euros and 1.5 million euros have been budgeted in new aid aimed at companies in the third sector.
As for Education, there has been a 10% increase in funds allocated to educational inclusion and an 11% increase in resources aimed at teacher training. Ruth Merino has also pointed out that the budget item relating to educational concerts has increased by 4.9% to reach 715 million euros and that the promotion of Valencian and the commitment to multilingualism at school remains with 19 .5 million euros. These data, as he emphasized, "confirm that there is no retreat on the part of the Council in the promotion of the Valencian, but in the impositions".
The Social Services area is also getting bigger with an increase of 25 million for the year 2024. Specifically, it goes from 2,789 million euros to 2,811. The Valencian income of inclusion is not only maintained, but also increases by 0.6% and reaches 288 million euros. The increase also occurs in the item for Primary Care and Dependency, which grows by 13.6%, and in the offer of socio-health centers, where 1,200 new places are expected.
Finally, Ruth Merino highlighted the substantial increase (+38 %) in funds allocated to equality policies and support for women victims of violence, which went from 26 to 36 million euros.
Tax relief through the Measures Act
Finally, with regard to the preliminary draft of the Law of measures, also approved in the extraordinary plenary of the Council, Ruth Merino has emphasized that it contains tax relief measures for families, especially those with low incomes.
These are, in particular, the six new deductions of a social type for expenses on the purchase of glasses or contact lenses, dental treatments or sports practice.
Deductions are also planned for expenses associated with mental health, chronic or rare diseases and acquired brain damage, or Alzheimer's, which will mean savings already in the 2023 income statement, which will be made next spring.
These deductions in the Personal Income Tax, Ruth Merino recalled, are added to the 99% bonuses in the Inheritance and Donations Tax already approved by the Council with effect from last May 28, which will benefit more than 20,000 taxpayers in the Valencian Community every year.
The president of the Generalitat has inaugurated the Museum Interpretation Centre of the City of Benissa, whose space, located in the historic Contracting market, houses the history of the municipality inside. They can be found there from the cave paintings of the shelter of Pinos, through the Iberian, Roman and Moorish periods, to the arrival of one of the most important landmarks for the locality, the arrival of water, which meant a change in the economic model, from agriculture to tourism.
Mazón has declared the need to take care of the social, historical and promotional resources of this kind of initiative, and to invest in them, because they remind us of "the responsibility of our ancestors to get here". The head of the Council also wanted to insist on the fact that "this museum is proof that the multiculturalism of Marina Alta has always existed. From the Neolithic to the present day".
The Benissa Contracting market, located in the oldest part of the town, is a construction dating from the 16th century with interventions from later centuries. It is the oldest monument in the municipality and has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest since 1982.
He assures that every time the province of Alicante makes a claim it is offering an "extraordinary return" to the gross domestic product
He defends that the fight for water resources should be national "to prevent the desert from entering Europe through Alicante and Murcia"
He calls for the rail connection to Alicante airport and says that "there is not much left to start talking about a second runway", which will promote new economic opportunities in Spain
He points out that the new economic and social measures are particularly aimed at the most vulnerable and the young, and supports the elimination of the tourist tax and the deseasonalization of tourism
The president of the Generalitat has participated in the III Spanish Economic Forum in Alicante
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has claimed investments from the General State Budgets for the province of Alicante, where he has assured that "they are much more profitable and obtain more return".
He stated this during the opening ceremony of the III Spanish Economic Forum of Alicante, organized by El Español, Universia and De Alicante, in which he highlighted the contribution of the province of Alicante to the "growth and opening ” of the Valencian Community, “necessary to be able to compete.”
During his speech, the president recalled that Alicante is the province that receives the least amount from the State, which has been placed at number 52 out of a total of 52 during the last two years, and has shown his fear that it will again be the last, for the third consecutive year, if the General State Budgets are extended.
Mazón, who thanked El Español for its contribution to putting Alicante "on the national map", in echoing his claims, referred to the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport and the AVE Madrid - Alicante as an example of successful investments. In particular, he assured that the international airport achieved 15 million passengers just five years after it was launched, which is two thirds of its total capacity, which was planned to be achieved in 2050.
That is why he has demanded a rail connection for this airport, since he has pointed out that "it is the only international airport in Europe that does not yet have this connection", and in the same way he has advanced that "there is not much left to to start talking about a second track" for this infrastructure, with the aim of promoting new economic opportunities in Spain.
Mazón has insisted that every time the province of Alicante makes a claim "it is offering an extraordinary return to the gross domestic product", and has valued the contribution to economic growth from tourism.
He also recalled that in the first year in which the AVE Alicante-Madrid was launched, it became the "most profitable, busiest and most passengered line in Spain".
National water defense and economic measures
On the other hand, the president has claimed the necessary water for the province of Alicante, "to be able to continue being the pantry of Europe", and at the same time he has pointed out that the fight for water resources should be national level "to prevent the desert from entering Europe through Alicante and Murcia".
The head of the Council referred to the economic and social measures put in place during the first 98 days of his government, and in particular he highlighted the abolition of the Inheritance and Donations Tax for companies and families; the approval of the first important package of social deductions in the personal income tax, from which the most vulnerable people will benefit, and in particular the incomes that reach 32,000 euros a year; housing tax will be reduced for those who need it most and, above all, for all young people in the Valencian Community.
Likewise, he has referred to the tourism sector as a "fundamental" factor for the economy of Alicante and the Valencian Community, of which he has assured that it is "breaking records", as evidenced by the strong growth of international tourism this year . In this sense, he highlighted two new measures to enhance this, such as the elimination of the tourist tax and the commitment to tourism throughout the year, and he regretted that the Government's intervention in Imserso prices are harming the deseasonalization of tourism.
Freedom and promotion of the Valencian
During the event, Mazón also made a defense of freedom in language, in education and the promotion of the culture of effort and competitiveness, and he assured that his government will work to promote the Valencian and not by his imposition, as was done until now, because "the worst way to help the Valencian is to impose on him", he stated.
In the course of the event, the chancellor of the University of Alicante, Amparo Navarro, also spoke; the executive president and director of El Español, Pedro J. Ramírez, and the mayor of Alicante, Luis Barcala. The Minister of Education, José Antonio Rovira, and the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, also attended.
He points out that after eight years of inactivity "there is finally a government in the Generalitat that is taking this claim seriously"
He has recognised the alliance of the Business Union of the Province of Alicante in the defense of water, State investments or large infrastructures for the province of Alicante
The President of the Generalitat participated in the presentation of the Awards of the Business Union of the Province of Alicante (UEPAL)
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has considered it essential to hold a meeting with the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda in order to "unblock and obtain the necessary authorizations" to launch the project of the intermodal station Alicante.
He stated this during the presentation of the Awards of the Business Union of the Province of Alicante (UEPAL), in which he described the intermodal station as a priority issue for the Council and fundamental for the future of the province of Alicante, and has emphasized that, after eight years of inactivity, "there is finally a government in the Generalitat that is taking this claim seriously".
On the other hand, he recalled that, about to complete his first hundred days at the head of the Valencian Government, the Council has already approved the project to eliminate the Inheritance and Donations Tax and the preliminary project to reduce taxes to access a home, in addition to having initiated a tax reform that includes a package of social deductions in the personal income tax for the lowest incomes. In the same way, the head of the Valencian executive has emphasized that he has started the process to eliminate the tourist tax and has proposed the creation of an autonomous water board to make "the problem of water a regional matter and not only Alicante".
In statements to the media, Carlos Mazón has also assured that he has finished with the "most expensive government in history" and has reduced the number of advisers in half, with which a saving of 20 million has been achieved euros "only in politicians' salaries".
During his speech, the president highlighted the work of UEPAL in the defense of the great challenges of the province of Alicante, such as "water that deserves and does not arrive"; the investments of the General State Budgets "that our land deserves"; the lowering of taxes "to generate wealth, cohesion and social welfare, which has not arrived for years"; the elimination of bureaucracy, or the large infrastructures necessary for the province of Alicante.
Mazón has emphasized the importance of responding to the needs of the productive sectors through the implementation of balanced public policies, which cover, with a pluralistic view, the entire territory of the Valencian Community.
Likewise, the head of the Council has recognised the work of the awardees in this fifth edition as generators of employment and well-being, and has highlighted their commitment to the territory and the interests of the province of Alicante.
UEPAL is the entity that represents the interests of all entrepreneurs and companies in Alicante and the awards it grants are a recognition of the work of those people and entities that have worked, and are working, for the associative and business world of the province of Alicante.
In this edition, which was also attended by the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes, UEPAL recognized the work of Eladio Aniorte by awarding him the award in the category of career and associationism; the honorary award went to Juan José Sellés; the prize for promoting the provincial economy went to Provia; in the training category, the work of the Driving School Association of Alicante was recognized, and the award for the structure of the province went to the Elche and Comarca Business Association (Aesec).
Finally, the prize for the promotion of the incorporation and active participation of women in business governing bodies went to the Union of Professional Colleges of the province of Alicante.
urisme Comunitat Valenciana grants in 2023 a total of 317,572.54 euros through the call for aid intended for the fight against intrusion in tourist accommodation in the Comunitat Valenciana, according to a resolution published last Thursday in the Official Journal of the Generalitat Valenciana , in number 9707.
Turisme Comunitat Valenciana grants in 2023 a total of 317,572.54 euros through the call for aid intended for the fight against intrusion in tourist accommodation in the Comunitat Valenciana, according to a resolution published this Thursday in the Official Journal of the Generalitat Valenciana , in number 9707.
Specifically, there are six beneficiary associations and entities in the Valencian Community that receive this aid, which ranges between 20,000 and 100,000 euros and allows them to subsidise a maximum of 90% of the expenditure on advertising campaigns in the media and other supports of dissemination that promote responsible tourism.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has recalled that these grants are intended to encourage measures and actions that "avoid fraud in the Community's tourist accommodation offer".
Montes thanked the work and commitment of the projects that have been developed throughout this year, to boost responsible tourism, and advocated to "continue to fight against illegal tourist accommodations, which are a threat to the our destination", he added.
For the head of Tourism, "this type of accommodation is a problem that has grown alarmingly in recent years and has a negative impact on society, the economy and the quality of life of citizens".
In this sense, Nuria Montes has stressed that "to avoid their proliferation, in addition to this call for aid and support to the tourism sector, we will update the regularised housing register taking into account the cadastral reference". Likewise, he emphasised "using new models of artificial intelligence, with bots that are checking 24 hours a day what is being traded illegally in order to subsequently implement it". In the same way, Montes recalled that "Tourism will be particularly rigorous in the sanctioning regime", pointing out that "any irregularity detected in tourist accommodation will be sanctioned, and will be closed and removed from the tourist equation".
Beneficiary entities
Some of the favorable projects of the call for aid against intrusion in the tourist accommodation of the Valencian Community, previously mentioned, are, among others, 'Superhosts' of the Provincial Business Association of Hospitality and Tourism of Castelló; We Respect-Be Legal, from the Association of Housing for Tourist Use in Valencia (Viutur), and the campaign against intrusion by the Provincial Association of Hotels in Alicante.
It should be noted that all these actions take place throughout this year 2023, and range from advertising campaigns in online and offline media, as well as advertising in other media, such as television ads, media written, radio and Internet. Also, these grants also allow subsidizing the edition of brochures, leaflets, triptychs, posters, fences, banners and other large formats that promote responsible tourism. In addition to forums, seminars and meetings, linked to the campaigns of this program.
The Valencian Community has starred in Hispanic Heritage Day (National Holiday of Spain) in the United Kingdom. The Generalitat Valenciana, together with the Alicante Chamber of Commerce, through the Council of Chambers, have collaborated with the Spanish Embassy in London to offer the tasting cocktail that was served today in the British capital on the occasion of Hispanic Heritage Day .
The reception at the Embassy brought together 600 guests, including professionals and the media. The three Michelin Star chef Quique Dacosta has prepared paella and seafood rice through showcooking. Attendees have also been able to taste Valencian wines and oils, horchata and fartons and typical desserts from our land made with Xixona nougat and Valencian citrus fruits.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism Nuria Montes has attended this official reception of the Embassy together with the Valencian delegation traveling to the United Kingdom.
Montes is leading a trade mission to this country this week to visit London and Edinburgh. The councilor highlighted that "the British market is fundamental for our destination and the actions carried out during these days in London are a preview of the intense activity and presence that the Valencian Community will have at the World Travel Market fair in a few weeks."
The Tourism Minister has announced that tomorrow a special promotion will take place in Edinburgh to publicise the destination through an action that will bring the beach closer to citizens.
The head of Turisme travels with the regional secretary of Industry, Felipe Carrasco; the Councilor for Tourism of the Valencia City Council, Paula Llobet; representatives of the Council of Chambers of the Valencian Community, accompanied by a wide representation of businessmen and tourism entities of the Valencian Community, such as APHA, Hosbec and Visit Benidorm, among others.
British market
The United Kingdom is the main source market for foreign tourism for the Valencian Community, and during this year, it has accumulated an increase of 16.5% compared to the previous year, with the notable arrival of more than 1.43 million English people from January to July 2023, according to the latest published Frontur data. Furthermore, the British have spent a total of 1.45 million euros on our destination during the first seven months of the year.
Montes, aware of the recent loss of seats by some airlines regarding the Edinburgh-Alicante connection, advocates "relaunching this route again", since, in his opinion, "there is a lot of stagnant demand, which can be very important during this winter,” he added.
For this reason, the head of Turisme will travel to Great Britain this week, specifically from October 11 to 13, together with the regional Secretary of Industry, Felipe Carrasco; the Councilor for Tourism of the Valencia City Council, Paula Llobet; representatives of the Council of Chambers of the Valencian Community, accompanied by a wide representation of businessmen and tourism entities of the Valencian Community, such as APHA, Hosbec and Visit Benidorm, among others.
Nuria Montes wanted to highlight that the department she directs has prepared “an intense agenda of events and business meetings with innovation agents, and with tour operators and travel agents in London and Edinburgh.” Furthermore, she has announced that “the Valencian Community is going to be the protagonist of Hispanic Heritage Day in the United Kingdom, coinciding with the October 12 Festival.”
Likewise, the Minister has indicated that “we will finish this promotional mission in Scotland, with a specific action in Edinburgh”; where a meeting of the Valencian delegation with the main tour operators in the area is planned, and a street marketing promotional action that will recreate a beach in one of the largest tourist centers in the city.
The United Kingdom is the main source market for foreign tourism for the Valencian Community, and during this year, it has accumulated an increase of 16.5% compared to the previous year, with the notable arrival of more than 1.43 million English people from January to July 2023, according to the latest published Frontur data. Furthermore, the British have spent a total of 1.45 million euros on our destination during the first seven months of the year.
Presentation of the destination in London
The objective of this institutional trip is to attract more visitors from the United Kingdom to the Valencian Community, for this Turisme has organized, together with the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante and Turespaña, a destination presentation of the Valencian Community that will gather on Thursday, October 12 , at the Spanish Embassy in London, to nearly 600 British professionals and media.
In this way, the Valencian Community will star in the celebration of the Hispanic Heritage Festival in the British capital, where the best of Valencian gastronomy will be promoted by the three Michelin Star chef, Quique Dacosta, who will prepare paella and seafood rice through of a showcooking.
During this event, special emphasis will be placed on the promotion of L'Exquisit Mediterrani with the participation of professors from the Network of Tourism Centers of the Valencian Community (CdT). Thus, Valencian wines will be served, horchata with fartons, oil tastings will be carried out and typical desserts from our land will be made made with Xixona nougat and Valencian citrus fruits.
On Friday, October 13, the group of this trade mission headed by the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, will travel to Edinburgh.
Meetings with British companies and tour operators
Throughout the three days of this business tourism mission, Nuria Montes has planned meetings with the most important tour operators in the United Kingdom, such as ABTA (Association of British Tour Operators), as well as meetings with directors of companies such as Innovate UK or the Green Hydrogen Alliance. , among other.
In addition, the head of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Consell will visit designer furniture companies from the Valencian Community that have a permanent showroom in the city of London such as Actiu, Andreu Worlds, or Porcelanosa in the Clerkenwell area.
The Minister's agenda also includes a meeting with the director of the organizing company of 'The Fifty Best', as well as with the president of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in London, Eduardo Barrachina, and the Minister of Economy and Commerce of the Embassy of Spain in London, Álvaro Nadal.
The Official Journal of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV) has today published a resolution of the General Directorate of Industry by which the call for aid, for the year 2023, to promote strategic industrial projects in the Valencian Community is resolved . These aids are part of the sixth implementation phase of the Strategic Plan for the Valencian Industry.
This call is aimed at supporting the realisation of large business projects, both investment and industrial research and experimental development. These projects must be executed within the scope of the Valencian Community. In addition, they must follow objectives that qualify as strategic, such as promoting the decarbonisation of industry or providing a decisive boost to an emerging sector.
In total, 5 of the 10 projects presented in this call for 2023 have been selected as strategic. Those selected will receive public support of 4,131,863.81 euros for the three financial years, which highlights the firm commitment of the Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism for the development of a high added value, decarbonized, resilient and diversified industry in the Valencian Community.
Selected projects
The first of the selected projects is that of a company from Elche, Greene W2H2 SL. Its objective is to obtain green hydrogen from the various fractions of biomass waste (mainly pruning residues, forest and/or agricultural biomass) and to demonstrate its use in the ceramic sector.
The proposal of Técnicas Reunidas Internacional SA has also been selected to receive support. This company will develop in the Valencian Community its pilot project to generate new alkaline electrolyzers also aimed at producing green hydrogen in situ in the ceramic cluster. This project will focus on the tile and ceramic frit manufacturing industries, increasing the energy self-sufficiency of these facilities through the use of renewable hydrogen as fuel.
The aid will also be used to finance the project presented by the National Association of Manufacturers of Chips, Glazes and Ceramic Colors (ANFFECC). This is a pilot project aimed at the decarbonisation of the ceramic frit sector. This initiative focuses on the experimental development, within a production plant, of a new system of ovens and burners for fries that work, at least partially, with green hydrogen, all this with the aim of the subsequent transfer of 'these innovative knowledge throughout the ceramic sector.
At the same time, two projects aimed at developing a new emerging industrial sector in the Valencian Community, that of the recovery of electric vehicle batteries, have been considered strategic.
On the one hand, the Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism will subsidize the project of an Alicante company, Tera Batteries Recycling SL. Its purpose is to implement a pilot plant for unlocking and characterising electric vehicle batteries at the end of their useful life, to facilitate their recycling and recovery.
On the other hand, with this same objective, the Ministry will support the project of the Valencian company Batteryfly Smart Energy SL, which will develop a new industrial business unit that provides the possibility of recycling and reusing automotive and mobility batteries towards a second life, such as through its use in power generators or charging stations.
All the companies and beneficiary entities have until the end of 2025 to execute the respective projects and justify to the Ministry the costs incurred and the results obtained, so that the Valencian Administration will make the payments in each year according to the degree of development they have.
In the Valencia region of Spain, October 9th is a day that has a special significance. It’s a day that celebrates the capital of the autonomous community of Valencia — which is the 3rd largest metropolitan area in Spain. Approximately 2.5 million people live in the city and the Port of Valencia is the 5th busiest container port in all of Europe, and the busiest container port on the Mediterranean Sea.
This holiday, known as Día de la Comunidad Valenciana in Spanish or Day of the Valencian Community in English, commemorates the anniversary of King James I of Aragon’s capture of the city from Moorish forces during the 13th century.
The History Of The Day of the Valencian Community
Valencia was originally founded by the Romans, but by the 8th century it had fallen to the Moors and it would remain under Moorish control until the 13th century. This is when King James I of Aragon laid siege to Valencia in 1238. The city would remain under siege for approximately 5-months before the Moors surrendered on September 28th.
On October 9th, 1238, King James took control of the city. Approximately 50,000 Moors were then forced to leave and the King granted the city new charters of law. He also instituted changes that would redefine the character of not only the city but the region as well. These would form the current foundations for many of the traditions enjoyed in the region today.
In 1976, the Board of Sindical and Political Forces of the Land of Valencia considered this date a national holiday, but it wouldn’t actually become a holiday until 1982. This is the year when it was made an official public holiday.
Observing Day Of The Valencian Community
The most prominent event that occurs on this day is the civic procession that begins in the city and has been held since the Middle Ages. There are also smaller events all across the city, and many people use the day off to visit museums and other cultural institutions.
The President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, highlighted the strength and spirit of overcoming women who fight cancer during the meeting he had with Ontinyentina Anna Blanco, a cancer survivor and the only Valencian participant in the ninth edition of the 'Reto Pelayo Vida'.
In the course of the event, the president handed over to Blanco de la Senyera to accompany him in the challenge he will face "after having fought and overcome a cancer that has made him stronger". Likewise, Mazón has assured that the flag of the Valencian Community will bring "all the strength of more than 5 million Valencians".
Likewise, he thanked him for the message of hope he conveys to society by undertaking a challenge, which involves an extreme physical and mental challenge, after having overcome cancer.
The 'Reto Pelayo Vida' is the largest international sports project to raise awareness about the prevention of women's cancer and aims to raise awareness among institutions about the importance of research, early detection and sport as tools in the fight against the disease.
In this edition, five women cancer survivors will travel from October 23 to November 7, to Chilean Patagonia, the third largest frozen expanse in the world, to travel a circuit of 70 kilometers that will end when they reach the top of the hill Gorra Blanca, 2,920 meters high.
Last September, the Valencian Community registered an average hotel occupancy of close to 85% on the coast, which is 3.8 percentage points higher than the data recorded in September 2022, according to data from the Summer Occupancy Survey carried out by Turisme Comunitat Valenciana to a representative sample of hotel establishments in the three provinces.
The data from this Survey show an occupancy rate of over 75% in hotels in the interior of the Valencian Community, which represents a notable year-on-year growth of 18.9%. In addition, the campsites on the coast of the Valencian Community recorded an occupancy of 65% in September, both in bungalows and pitches, while the tourist apartments managed by companies were occupied by nearly 60% for the entire Valencian Community.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has positively valued these excellent results for September, recalling that "it is a strategic month for our destination, which also helps us mark a trend towards deseasonalization."
In this sense, he stated that “initiatives such as the launch of the second period of the 2023 Travel Bonus, which started in September and will be valid until December, together with the good temperatures that have led to last-minute reservations, have allowed extend summer occupancy”; and thus register considerably high percentages in “all destinations and accommodation types,” added Nuria Montes.
Professional Travel Bonus Table 2024
Along these lines, the head of Turisme has ensured the continuity of the Travel Bonus in 2024, a program, which in her opinion “is very attractive and useful for Valencian citizens, who have the opportunity to enjoy and get to know our destination with great advantages.” .
In fact, this Tuesday the Regional Minister chaired the first professional and business Roundtable of the 2024 Travel Bonus, “through which we will jointly design next year's program that will contemplate new developments, agreed upon with the entire sector of the Valencian Community. ”, he pointed out.
And furthermore, as reported by Montes, the new edition will address two objectives, “maximizing the economic and social effects of the program, with an eye toward the progressive increase in deseasonalization and employment”; as well as “increase, in a substantial way, the number of users who can be accredited and benefit from this initiative,” he added.
September hotel occupancy by area
According to the data from the aforementioned Survey, on the Castellón coast, the occupancy rate by beds stood at 70% last September, while the hotels on the Alicante coast, not including those in Benidorm, registered a occupancy greater than 88%.
In addition, hotels in the city of Valencia recorded the highest occupancy with 90%, 2.8% more than in September 2022; and Benidorm exceeded 89%, which is 4 points more year-on-year.
Regarding occupancy in interior hotels, the data show that in the interior of Castellón the estimated occupancy rate by beds for the month of September was 65%. In the interior of Valencia the estimated occupancy exceeds 85%, while for the interior of Alicante the estimated occupancy reaches close to 74%.
onsolidated and demonstrated". In the same way, he pointed out that this is a key action for the economy of the Valencian Community, but also for Spain and Europe, since "even the European GDP is in danger if its fourth port collapses".
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has claimed the "necessary" expansion of the port of Valencia to guarantee the economic and social future of the Valencian Community and of Spain.
This is what Carlos Mazón said during the presentation of the economic supplement 'Activos' of the Premsa Ibérica Group, in which he participated together with its CEO, Aitor Moll.
The head of the Council has assured that the expansion of the north dike of the port is "necessary, inevitable, inexcusable, consolidated and demonstrated". In the same way, he pointed out that this is a key action for the economy of the Valencian Community, but also for Spain and Europe, since "even the European GDP is in danger if its fourth port collapses".
In this sense, he pointed out Prensa Ibérica as a "powerful ally" for the future of the Valencian and Spanish economy, and urged unity of action in the defense of the Community's strategic interests.
During the event, Mazón emphasized that both the new Council and the Prensa Ibérica Group share the conception of reality from the "capillarity", since they work "from bottom to top, from the scope local, regional, from the street, and finally from the provincial, regional and national level". "An example of this - he added - is the municipalist, provincialist and autonomous vocation" that characterizes the Valencian Government.
The president has assured that the Valencian Community is going through a "crucial" moment for the ceramic, agri-food, automotive sector and, especially, for the port of Valencia, and has insisted on his vocation to "keep firm our great references, which they have to pull the capillarity, of the little ones and the media".
As for the new economic supplement, the head of the Council described it as a "great adventure" and the Prensa Ibérica Group's commitment to the economic and business fabric of the Valencian Community, for which he thanked its CEO for the initiative.
The presentation ceremony was also attended by the Minister of Finance, Economy and Public Administration, Ruth Merino; the Minister of Education, Universities and Employment, José Antonio Rovira; the Minister of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, Salomé Pradas, and the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has offered the support of the Council so that the gastronomic offer of the Valencian Community continues to be a benchmark in terms of quality, innovation and generation of economic activity.
The head of the Council attended the opening of the Alacant Gastronòmica culinary contest, an international reference in the sector, which takes place until next Monday at the Alacantina Fair Institution and where more than a hundred Michelin stars and Repsol alone are cited.
Carlos Mazón has emphasized that it is an "honour" to visit as president a competition that he promoted and supported, from his previous responsibilities at the head of the Provincial Council of Alicante, and has defined Alicante Gastronomica as "the best embassy" and the "best presentation letter" of the prestige of the gastronomy of the Valencian Community.
Alacant Gastronòmica has managed to consolidate itself as a "world showcase" of the "good work" of hospitality, catering and the tourism sector in general, pointed out the president, who has committed to "continue breathing air into a sector that a lot has gone wrong, which has shown the ability to get back on its feet from quality, from innovation, from resilience and from the spirit of offering the world things, which are many and good , which we are able to do here".
Mazón indicated that, thanks to the collaboration between the Chamber of Commerce, the Provincial Council and all the organizers, the culinary event has managed to consolidate itself as a "springboard", a "world showcase" of gastronomy, which has made it possible , at the same time, "break a spear - he said - for our restaurants, our producers, our winemakers, our wineries and our product".
"This means gross domestic product, this means help to the hospitality industry and the tourism sector in general and this means income, economic activity and, therefore, more and better possibilities for social cohesion", said the top official of the Valencian Government. 2023 edition
With the slogan 'Mediterranean soul', the 2023 edition of this event welcomes more than 250 exhibitors in 36,000 square meters of space, two tasting and pairing rooms, 180 presentations and workshops, and 15 professional competitions.
The Generalitat, through Turisme Comunitat Valenciana, participates in this edition with its own stand of 255 square meters in which, under the umbrella brand 'L'Exquisit Mediterrani-Comunitat Valenciana', it accommodates companies, professionals and destinations for to the joint promotion of the tourist and gastronomic offer of the Valencian Community.
Carlos Mazón has made a tour of different exhibitors and, among other activities, he has visited the El Millor de la Gastronomia space, with chef Susi Díaz, and witnessed a cooking show at the Assaboreix Costa Blanca stand.
The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has offered the support of the Council so that the gastronomic offer of the Valencian Community continues to be a benchmark in terms of quality, innovation and generation of economic activity.
The head of the Council attended the opening of the Alacant Gastronòmica culinary contest, an international reference in the sector, which takes place until next Monday at the Alacantina Fair Institution and where more than a hundred Michelin stars and Repsol alone are cited.
Carlos Mazón has emphasized that it is an "honour" to visit as president a competition that he promoted and supported, from his previous responsibilities at the head of the Provincial Council of Alicante, and has defined Alicante Gastronomica as "the best embassy" and the "best presentation letter" of the prestige of the gastronomy of the Valencian Community.
Alacant Gastronòmica has managed to consolidate itself as a "world showcase" of the "good work" of hospitality, catering and the tourism sector in general, pointed out the president, who has committed to "continue breathing air into a sector that a lot has gone wrong, which has shown the ability to get back on its feet from quality, from innovation, from resilience and from the spirit of offering the world things, which are many and good , which we are able to do here".
Mazón indicated that, thanks to the collaboration between the Chamber of Commerce, the Provincial Council and all the organizers, the culinary event has managed to consolidate itself as a "springboard", a "world showcase" of gastronomy, which has made it possible , at the same time, "break a spear - he said - for our restaurants, our producers, our winemakers, our wineries and our product".
"This means gross domestic product, this means help to the hospitality industry and the tourism sector in general and this means income, economic activity and, therefore, more and better possibilities for social cohesion", said the top official of the Valencian Government. 2023 edition
With the slogan 'Mediterranean soul', the 2023 edition of this event welcomes more than 250 exhibitors in 36,000 square meters of space, two tasting and pairing rooms, 180 presentations and workshops, and 15 professional competitions.
The Generalitat, through Turisme Comunitat Valenciana, participates in this edition with its own stand of 255 square meters in which, under the umbrella brand 'L'Exquisit Mediterrani-Comunitat Valenciana', it accommodates companies, professionals and destinations for to the joint promotion of the tourist and gastronomic offer of the Valencian Community.
Carlos Mazón has made a tour of different exhibitors and, among other activities, he has visited the El Millor de la Gastronomia space, with chef Susi Díaz, and witnessed a cooking show at the Assaboreix Costa Blanca stand.
The Generalitat, through Turisme, is launching a new digital campaign to promote the Valencian Community this autumn under the motto 'The destination of your getaway', and thus take advantage of the opportunities offered by the upcoming festive long weekends to encourage the arrival of visitors.
The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, has indicated that “the objective is to boost regional and national tourism in the low season, but with ideal temperatures to get to know the Valencian Community”; a destination that, according to Montes, “is capable of attracting differentiated audiences in search of varied experiences, becoming the place where everything happens, in a setting for active enjoyment.”
The head of Turisme stressed that "through this campaign, we are going to deploy all our reach potential in digital media to show the wide range of plans, activities and landscapes for the long weekends and holidays of October, November and December." “Our purpose is to reach, or even surpass, the national visits of last fall,” added Montes.
It should be noted that in the last quarter of 2022, the Valencian Community received more than 2.8 million national tourists, mostly from the Community itself (1.5 million), followed by Madrid (318,000), Catalonia (236,000) and Murcia (169,000).
This promotion on digital media has a strategy focused on both the municipalities of Castellón, València and Alicante, as well as on the variety of experiences and plans included in the agenda of its web portal. Furthermore, this agenda will be worked on with special emphasis on these periods.
A campaign with the focus on the structuring of the territory
To implement this strategy, a series of resources will be established at a visual level throughout the digital ecosystem that will respect the structure of the territory, with the presence of the three provinces and the inland and coastal areas.
Taking this balance, three contents will be prepared for the portal that provide inspiration and many plans and activities for each of the three bridges, which will be shared in the 'Here and now' section through the corresponding banners. Meanwhile, in the video blog 'Mediterranean in Action' , new content will be proposed with varied proposals such as visits to museums, typical gastronomy, routes and natural sites.
On social networks , itineraries, destinations, experiences, typical recipes... All of this with the necessary frequency to achieve a wide reach and accompanied by the hashtag #ElDestinoDeTuEscapada. A reminder will also be included to download the Kiosco Comunitat Valenciana app , in order to help plan these getaways.
Likewise, newsletters will be prepared , one per bridge, for the national and regional markets, in addition to various actions on travel social networks and digital advertising. With all of this, the aim is to encourage mobility between provinces and visits from other regions of the country by really varied traveler profiles.
he exhibition 'The Science of Pixar' can be visited at the Science Museum from October 6. 'The science of Pixar' is an exhibition designed to offer visitors a unique look at what happens behind the screen and to discover the process used in the creation of Pixar films.
Visitors will begin their immersion with a video that recounts the process Pixar uses to turn an idea into a film, and then they can approach the exhibit and visit, in the order of their choice, the eight sections that they recount Pixar's production process. The interactive exhibit showcases the computer science, math and science concepts used by the artists and computer scientists who help bring Pixar's award-winning films to the big screen.
The exhibition 'The Science of Pixar' can be visited at the Science Museum from October 6. 'The science of Pixar' is an exhibition designed to offer visitors a unique look at what happens behind the screen and to discover the process used in the creation of Pixar films.
Visitors will begin their immersion with a video that recounts the process Pixar uses to turn an idea into a film, and then they can approach the exhibit and visit, in the order of their choice, the eight sections that they recount Pixar's production process. The interactive exhibit showcases the computer science, math and science concepts used by the artists and computer scientists who help bring Pixar's award-winning films to the big screen.
The exhibition, created by the Boston Museum of Science in collaboration with Pixar Animation Studios, is divided into eight areas, corresponding to the steps in the process used by Pixar to turn an idea into a film: modeling, rigging, surfaces, stages and cameras, animation, simulation, lighting and rendering.
Audiences will be able to learn, through videos and interviews with the workers, real examples of the technical challenges behind some of their favorite Pixar films, from 'Toy Story' to 'Coco' for 'WALL·E', 'Monstres, SA' or 'Finding Nemo', among many others.
Visitors of all ages will participate and learn about the filmmaking process through activities inspired by some of Pixar's most acclaimed films, from the first computer-animated feature film 'Toy Story', which premiered more than two decades ago, until 'Luca', released in the summer of 2021.
The exhibition, which can be seen until March 2024 in the City of Arts and Sciences, brings together dozens of elements designed so that visitors can physically and virtually experience the techniques used by this cinematographic studio in its day in day. Thus, they will be able to discover first-hand how the lighting of a scene or the point of view of the camera can influence our emotions.
'The science of Pixar' has been developed by the Boston Museum of Science in collaboration with Pixar Animation Studios. © Disney/Pixar. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, and the Minister of Finance, Economy and Public Administration, Ruth Merino, have presented the new fiscal measures that will be provided for in the Fiscal Measures Law, which accompanies the Budgets of the Generalitat for 2024 , and which will represent an estimated saving of more than 199 million euros for Valencians.
As Carlos Mazón highlighted in a press conference, this is a package of fiscal measures with which the Council "adapts taxation to the needs of the citizens" and from which a maximum of 2 million Valencians will be able to benefit. This fulfills the commitment made by the Council in matters of social cohesion, support for families and public health.
With this reform, which is proposed with retroactive effect in the case of the measures in the personal income tax so that the savings occur already in the 2023 income declaration, Valencians will save more than 199 million euros, 180 millions of which correspond to deductions in the personal income tax. The measure applies to declarations with an individual liquidable base of a maximum of 32,000 euros, and a joint maximum of 48,000 euros.
Social deductions in the personal income tax
The head of the Council has announced six new deductions of a social nature related to health and sports practice "aimed at the people who need it most", with the aim of "alleviating low incomes and reactivating the economy". Measures that will result in an estimated total savings of 180,205,525 euros for the citizens of the Valencian Community who can benefit from them.
Included in the package of measures are deductions of up to 150 euros, for 30% of the amounts paid for expenses related to oral health, and deductions of up to 100 euros for 30% of expenses for the purchase of prescription glasses , contact lenses and cleaning solutions.
Likewise, deductions of up to 150 euros are collected for 30% of the expenses generated by members of the family unit who need help to suffer from any pathology similar to mental health problems. It also includes a deduction of a maximum of 100 euros for expenses associated with chronic diseases of high complexity or those known as rare, as well as a diagnosis of acquired brain damage or Alzheimer's. The limit of this deduction rises to 150 euros if the family unit is large or single-parent.
In addition, deductions of 150 euros are included for a maximum of 30% of the expenses associated with sports practice.
Super-reduced rates for the acquisition of homes
A second block of tax reductions is related to the purchase of regular housing by vulnerable groups, such as young people under 35, large and single-parent families, people with disabilities, women subject to gender-based violence or families with low resources that access sheltered housing.
This measure consists of reducing to 6% the rate of burdensome property transfers of the Property Transfer Tax (ITP) and Documented Legal Acts (AJD) for the purchase of a regular home by young people under 35 years of age and also by to buyers of protected homes under the general regime, in both cases with a home value of 180,000 euros at most.
For the acquisition of special regime protected housing or if the buyers are large families and single-parent families, or people with disabilities and women subject to gender violence who acquire a home, the super-reduced rate becomes 3%. Also in these cases the limit of the value of the house is fixed at 180,000 euros.
Savings of almost 20 million in housing
These rate reductions foreseen in the taxes levied on the transfer of a home will mean a saving of almost 20 million euros for young people under 35 years of age and the other vulnerable groups benefited by this Council measure.
With regard to the deductions in the personal income tax of the expenses related to oral, visual or mental health, the measure is focused on the part of the population that currently does not have access to them for economic reasons, since they are benefits with a low coverage within the portfolio of common services of the National Health System.
This, according to the Council's opinion, made it "essential" to enable several formulas, including the tax, "so that health is an effective right within the reach of all citizens".
Finally, the president of the Generalitat emphasized that "this is the change that the citizens of the Valencian Community deserve, to which I committed myself and with which I will continue to advance".
The President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has received a representation from the Spanish Women's Football Team, to which he has thanked for having become a "reference" for all the girls to whom the likes this sport and in "upheaval" because institutional support for women's sport is intensified.
The president has underlined the importance of the girls having in these athletes a "mirror in which to look". "That image, those values and that determination that they have seen, will help them in the future to make a decision themselves", he indicated.
Carlos Mazón made these statements during the reception he offered to a representation of players from the Spanish Women's Football Team, composed of Ivana Andrés, Enith Salón and Alba Redondo, who brought the World Cup to the Palau de la Generalitat Women's Football 2023. The event was also attended by the first vice-president and Minister of Culture and Sport, Vicente Barrera.
Ivana Andrés, captain of the National Team, is from Aielo de Malferit and plays for Real Madrid. For her part, Enith Salón is the goalkeeper of the National Team, plays for Valencia CF and is originally from Moncada. Finally, Alba Redondo, forward in the National Team, also plays in Levante UD and is from Albacete.
To all of them, as well as to the rest of the team, Carlos Mazón congratulated them on the recent victory in the World Cup held in Sydney and expressed his "pride and gratitude".
"We will enjoy the Cup, but we will also take it as a lesson to the public administrations because they continue to promote sport even more, with more facilities, more media and more support for the youth", said the president.
Sports values
During his speech, Carlos Mazón also highlighted the values that sport represents, which helps to "have awareness, to know how to lose and win and to compete cleanly".
In addition, he highlighted the determination of "great women" who have made women's sport, in general, and football, in particular, "break ceilings and borders".
Carlos Mazón has also praised the obstinacy of Vice President Vicente Barrera who "has not stopped until he gets this trophy displayed in Valencia", and he has stressed that "it has been the Valencian Community, first in the City Council and then in the Generalitat, one of the first places to host the trophy".
Carlos Mazón highlighted the fact that the captain of the National Team, Ivana Andrés, was born in Aielo de Malferit and that she won the Cup in the exact same year as the singer Nino Bravo's 50th birthday.
The President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has received a representation from the Spanish Women's Football Team, to which he has thanked for having become a "reference" for all the girls to whom the likes this sport and in "upheaval" because institutional support for women's sport is intensified.
The president has underlined the importance of the girls having in these athletes a "mirror in which to look". "That image, those values and that determination that they have seen, will help them in the future to make a decision themselves", he indicated.
Carlos Mazón made these statements during the reception he offered to a representation of players from the Spanish Women's Football Team, composed of Ivana Andrés, Enith Salón and Alba Redondo, who brought the World Cup to the Palau de la Generalitat Women's Football 2023. The event was also attended by the first vice-president and Minister of Culture and Sport, Vicente Barrera.
Ivana Andrés, captain of the National Team, is from Aielo de Malferit and plays for Real Madrid. For her part, Enith Salón is the goalkeeper of the National Team, plays for Valencia CF and is originally from Moncada. Finally, Alba Redondo, forward in the National Team, also plays in Levante UD and is from Albacete.
To all of them, as well as to the rest of the team, Carlos Mazón congratulated them on the recent victory in the World Cup held in Sydney and expressed his "pride and gratitude".
"We will enjoy the Cup, but we will also take it as a lesson to the public administrations because they continue to promote sport even more, with more facilities, more media and more support for the youth", said the president.
Sports values
During his speech, Carlos Mazón also highlighted the values that sport represents, which helps to "have awareness, to know how to lose and win and to compete cleanly".
In addition, he highlighted the determination of "great women" who have made women's sport, in general, and football, in particular, "break ceilings and borders".