The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has announced that the Generalitat “is going to increase to the maximum the sanctions for dangerous, defective products, lack of information or labeling to guarantee the safety of our citizens and defend the companies of the Valencian Community”.
The head of the Consell has indicated that with this measure "we will fight against piracy, falsifications or imitations that affect sectors such as textiles, footwear, toys or ceramics, among others."
The president, accompanied by the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montes, made these statements during the visit to the facilities of the treatment and recycling plant of the Acteco firm in Ibi where the destruction of products is carried out. defective.
The head of the Consell has explained that "we are going to increase the sanctions as much as the Law allows so that it is not cheap to put the health of our citizens and the safety of our children at risk."
Carlos Mazón has stated that the Generalitat is going to modify Legislative Decree 1/2019, of December 13, approving the consolidated text of the Law of the Statute of consumers and users of the Valencian Community.
Thus, he has assured that the modification of the Law of the Consumer Statute in the Valencian Community will basically refer to the section of sanctions "with special relevance to those who do not collaborate in the withdrawal of products or repeat it" and has thanked those who “they do contribute to avoiding this unfair competition,”
Specifically, with these changes, the maximum amount of minor infractions now set at 3,005.06 euros would be 10,000 euros, and serious infractions established at 15,025.30 euros will be established at 100,000 euros. Furthermore, the maximum amount for very serious infractions, which is now 601,012.10 euros, would become 1,000,000 euros.
Mazón has indicated that this legislative renewal process will be operational on January 1, 2025 so that the new sanctions come into force that "will reach the maximum possible, even with increases of more than 700% of the current amounts that incomprehensibly during these years have not been have modified.”
The highest representative of the Executive has valued the companies of the Valencian Community that "do extraordinary work in consumer protection." Thus, he has appealed to the “purchase of products from the Valencian Community from sectors such as toys, furniture or footwear that are committed to quality, design or innovation to confront unfair competition.” tica.