The service provided by the Generalitat Valenciana Railways (FGV) network to its users in Valencia and Alicante annually prevents 90,633,599 trips by private vehicles through the two capitals and their respective metropolitan areas.
All of these car movements, generally one outbound and one return per day, would have occurred if the current rail public transport offer had not existed, which moved 296,624 passengers on average per day last year, which meant exceeding the 108 million passengers in the last year between Metrovalencia and TRAM d'Alacant.
In addition, each year the emission of 114,681 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is also avoided, a very significant figure that demonstrates, on the day that World Environment Day is celebrated, that rail transport is the most ecological of the existing ones. currently, the most sustainable and the one with the greatest respect for nature.
The advantages of public rail transport are also complemented by the fact that, when traveling by metro, tram or TRAM train, 45 million liters of fuel were no longer consumed, a significant energy saving. This amount of fuel has a cost, at today's prices, of 72 million euros, an economic amount that users have not had to pay when using these means of transport.
Metrovalencia data
Last year, the service provided by Metrovalencia to its users prevented 75 million trips by private vehicles through the capital of Turia and its metropolitan area; Unavoidable movements in the absence of the complete metro and tram network that transported 247,924 passengers on average per day, which exceeded 300,000 on weekdays, which meant reaching 90.4 million passengers in 2023.
Based on this data, it can be calculated that the volume of rail traffic that FGV contributed through the province of Valencia prevented the emission of 86,610 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Once the environmental importance of the FGV network in Valencia and its metropolitan area has been verified, the savings that all drivers obtained by leaving their private vehicle at home and opting for public rail transport can also be calculated.
The liters of fuel that were not purchased when traveling by Metrovalencia were 33.8 million liters, which meant a saving of 54.1 million euros last year at today's prices for diesel and gasoline.
In this sense, it is worth noting that, in addition to those people who do not use a private vehicle to travel to their workplace, study, to make purchases, health visits or for leisure reasons during work days, there are also travelers who make a Combined journey with your car and the metro or tram, thanks to Metrovalencia's free park and ride parks that have more than 1,500 spaces.
Alicante TRAM data
Last year, the service provided by the Alicante TRAM to its users prevented 15.2 million trips by private vehicles through the capital, its metropolitan area and the Las Marinas regions. All of these car movements would have occurred if the current rail transport offer did not exist, which moved 50,048 passengers on average per day, which meant exceeding 18 million passengers last year on the six existing lines.
Based on this data, it can be calculated that the volume of traffic that FGV contributed through the province of Alicante prevented the emission of 28,071 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Once the environmental importance of the TRAM network has been confirmed, the savings that all drivers obtained by leaving their private vehicle at home and opting for this public transport can also be calculated.
The liters of fuel that were not purchased when traveling on the TRAM were 11.5 million liters, which meant a saving of 18.3 million euros at today's prices.